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is tunneling a sign of a no skill player?

just got called a no skill killer cuz i tunneled.

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  • Member Posts: 453

    No, it's the one of the most effective things to do as a killer but feels bad for the survivor it's happening to so they will say stuff like that.

  • Member Posts: 940
    edited December 2021


    I'm just kidding. I don't care anymore.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    No. There are a lot of reasons for tunnelling and it's sometimes the only thing you can do in some situations.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Why are you listening to anything survivors say? There objective is completely antithesis to yours.

    Accomplish your objective, the entity demands it.

  • Member Posts: 619

    Not necessarily. I think it’s a negative thing to do. Consider how you would feel. I don’t do it myself and I hate it when it’s done to me.

  • Member Posts: 491

    the main thing is survivors are so hypocritical, they call you bad for ######### that's toxic and just what bad players do and then get pissed at u running NOED. Oh but its fine to flashlight click and spam dead hard. thats what pisses me off. along with how op they are

  • Member Posts: 491


    Tunneling is meta, you have to do it to win at high mmr

    I dont even tunnel half the time and can still get 2k's i just want the 4k

    and yes i cry on the forums cuz survivors are busted. bodyblocking is annoying asf, and so many other thigns aswell

  • Member Posts: 288

    something survivor mains will never admit, it is needed if u want to win.

  • Member Posts: 491

    they won't admit they need dead hard, they won't admit they need CoH (Depressurizer 2000) they wont admit their side is busted. Cuz they like it easy

  • Member Posts: 288

    its 100 percent easier. thats why killers are taking gen regress perks off and just using NWO and NOED etc and camping more.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    No. If you get a chance to tunnel someone out, your chances of winning improve. Sometimes they all can loop better than you, so do it if you can.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited December 2021

    It can be both sometimes. Killers that suck at injuring/downing survivors are likely to camp/tunnel. I've seen this a lot. Also some good players will do this because they have a better chance at winning when it's a 3v1.

  • Member Posts: 952


  • Member Posts: 1,046
    edited December 2021

    There are 3 reasons for this behavior. You tunnel because you are toxic, you are genrushed with 1 hook or you are not enough skilled. Or maybe you just hate that survivor and only that one. Not all tunnelers are toxic, but some of them are doing this on purpose to make you mad. It's a fact.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    If a surv really really annoys me, the i might try to kill him, no matter what - then it´s personal.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Not necessarily. It’s, in my opinion, a scummy thing to do in the name of efficiency, but it doesn’t signify “bad” players. It’s just that bad players do it as well, if for entirely different reasons.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    It's a sign of a Killer playing well, using whatever at hand to win, no matter how the Survivors feel

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    I mean people who say that are ones that hold m1 on a gen the entire game or loop around the most braindead broken ######### the whole game and go down at every other loop.

  • Member Posts: 571

    funnily enough i ran a tunnelling spirit for 5 gens who had the username "toxic" and oh boy, the saltmine was something to behold. oh to make a tunneller cry, its beautiful :')

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Tunneling is the smartest thing you can do as killer if you want to apply permanent pressure on the survivors.

    Its so easy to reset killer pressure as survivor its not funny. Gen tapping and super fast healing are just too simple.

    Unless you are continually applying pressure to a new survivor while another is hooked or slugged or have an endgame build where you can snowball like NOED/bloodwarden, its basically a done deal that you will lose.

    Your optimal game set up is one on hook/slugged, 1 in chase, 2 others. You want only half the team to focus on gens at all times. This is not impossible but tricky to do. You get this set up as perminent pressure if one survivor is dead, making tunneling someone out early one of the best things you can do victory wise.

    Why were old ebony moris so strong? Because they let you remove someone very early.

    In the current META you are likely going to lose 2-3 gens in the first chase, so if you burn one player out then its a slug fest and you'll make it very hard for the survivors to get that last gen done.

    This is the killer equivalent of survivors splitting up on gens to smash them out quickly.

    Anyone who says you are trash for doing this is probably too stupid to understand how the game works and you should pitty them for how dumb they are, not get upest about it.

    If your goal is to win then frankly if a survivor presents you with the option to eliminate them... you should take it. Because they aren't going to pause doing gens out of the goodness of their hearts so why should you pause the killing?

    Before people chime in how it isn't fair/fun to get eliminated early... well you signed up to play an elimination game, you can't get pissy when you get eliminated, you should expect it.

    Its the old boardgame adage if you rage about dice rolls then maybe you shouldn't play games with dice.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    How will it prevent you from improving?

    The skill you use to tunnel someone out are the same skills you use to catch any other survivor. You can then apply pressure as normal as you would any other game.

    If your goal is to 4k then this will be the most efficient way to start and you can get good mid to late game pressure that survivors can't reset.

    The improvement is you will learn how to tunnel someone out even quicker and get that permanent pressure earlier and earlier. The same way people have learned to split up at the start to smash out 2-3 gens very fast in the early game.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    I agree, same with dead hard prevents you from improving looping.

  • Member Posts: 220

    just 1 little thing, about the "there are more skillful things that you can do besides tunneling", funny thing is, nowadays, tunneling is non unironically one of the best moves a killer can do, and we have tot hanks the devs because they are forcing the killers to use this kind of gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    The only thing that differs between tunneling out early and not, is applying effective pressure across 4 players vs 3. The skill set needed to do that is the same.

    Its about efficiency, the best way to apply permanent pressure to the survivors is to remove one early. The better you are at doing that the easier the game is overall. So if you want to get get really good at 4k'ing high level survivors then getting really good at burning one out quickly works really well.

    Its possbile to win as survivor without splitting up on gens too but it makes no sense because the easiest way to win is to split up on gens and that's why people do it. Its like saying if you split up on gens you'll never have enough interaction with the killer and you'll never improve its largely BS.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    It depends:

    A) Tunneling to get one / the weakest link out of the game is playing efficient, getting that done fast is playing skillful.

    B) Tunneling one player without giving up, never dropping the chase and throwing the game for that, that's unskillful play.

    Most of time survivors will complain about A, so in general: No, tunneling is not a sign of no-skill. If the ones being tunneled are good enough in looping, the tunneler will lose to much time and likely lose the game. And a smart tunneler (A) will not waste that time. So if anything, being beaten by a B-Type Tunneler is a sign of the survivors having low-skill.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Tunneling mid to late game is definitely strategic... Early game tho... Not so much

  • Member Posts: 491

    i did A for the weakest link ,then for the remaining 3 i did B, still got the 4k

  • Member Posts: 400

    Blatantly false. Tunneling is one of, if not the, most effective methods for killer pressure.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Its a smart play. If a killer knows that survivor used ds before or on their death hook its smart to take them out. When survivors are body blocking that team mate even better it shows that they're scared of losing them.

  • Member Posts: 1,046
    edited December 2021

    Read my comment. When and where did I said it's not effective? I said the reasons of tunneling and I'm right. It's either because they are toxic, weak, they have to put pressure or just hate that survivor for specific reasons. It's the easiest way to kill. Easy doesn't mean skill. No matter what you say.

  • Member Posts: 710

    It became the meta so whatever

  • Member Posts: 39

    no , it's the most time effective thing you can do.

    Which is why killers tend to cut their numbers quickly with focusing on the weakest link

  • Member Posts: 994

    Playing survivor base kit is no skill. Their main objective requires non =) Behavior is smart. If it actually required skill, many new players would just abandon it right away and play a decent game =) But profit is the most important thing!

  • Member Posts: 400

    You did not once say anything about needing pressure. You said its literally always toxic. It's not. You're just entitled to believe the killer should purposely stop his/hers best method to win the game simply so you can have fun.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    No, complaints about tunneling are a sign of a sore loser in chat. Tunneling is basically a ridiculous complaint because someone is mad you downed them twice in a row or killed them before everybody else or kept chasing them after you injured them. There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of those things, it’s just sour grapes.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Dunno. It takes same skill as survivor holding W in chase.

    Yet the most skillful killers and survivors tunnel and hold W when its needed because its simply the most effective tactics available, aka META

  • Member Posts: 281
    edited December 2021

    if it's ok to genrush then it's ok to hookrush

  • Member Posts: 1,046
    edited December 2021

    Lmao. This conversation is over. I'm not talking with liars. You wish I was entitled. I'm not a 30 years old kid like others moaning about a videogame. Bye.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Did you tunnel or did you proxy-tunnel. I would consider you a no-skill killer if you proxy-tunneled survivors right off hook. However, if you weren't sitting within chase range of a hooked survivor so you can down them again and happened to go to a gen and saw a survivor you hooked before, then I wouldn't call you a no-skill killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    As others have said, if you straight up face camp then that's a sign of no skill, but getting a survivor down that's already injured makes things a whole lot easier for the Killer, and with the state the game is in Killers need every advantage they can get. Lately a plethora of killers have received nerfs, plus survivors have so many advantages at their disposal that Killers just can't compete with (SWF being chief among them).

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Granted, it can be very frustrating being tunnelled, but I don't think it's right that someone who tunnels is someone who has no skill. There are a few reasons to tunnel, and sure maybe one is that it's a bad killer, but it's way too basic to say all people who tunnel are bad.

    The one thing that can be said is that in most cases there's a percentage of anxiety involved. It could be that they have noted a stronger survivor and need them out, realised they're losing gens fast, needing pressure, or even some anger. But there is something to take from it.

  • Member Posts: 144

    Yes. Tunneling and camping shows you have no skill or the courage to chase another survivor. It is a desperate attempt to secure a kill and turn the game into your favor. You wanna be a skilled killer? Go find another survivor to chase

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