

Killer emotes

Member Posts: 6

Hey guys since poor killers always gets tea-bagged or spam flashlight click how about adding a killer emote where after the killer hooked the survivor you can press a key in where the killer will do a victory celebration like bubba after doing his mori.

People might say that it will just increase the toxicity level of the game but since we already have survivors tea-bagging and flashlight clicking why not add it? Personally if I got hooked by a ghost face and he brought out a phone and does the wazzup thing, I'll probably die out laughing 🤣

Reference: https://youtu.be/A3oL7v7PLac?t=46

What do you guys think, also ca you share what kind of celebration emote you want from the other killers?

Killer emotes 57 votes

Sure, looks fun.
36 votes
Nah, now we have to deal with toxic killers.
12 votes
Neutral -__-
9 votes

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  • Member Posts: 177

    Killer emotes yes, but not so much the victory dance. This would just intensify toxicity. But it is unfair survivors can teabag while killers cant... maybe give killers the bird emote but I think victory dance would be too much

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    I'll be find with it as long as survivors get Crispin Glovers dance form Friday the 13th the final chapter😀

  • Member Posts: 1,246
    Sure, looks fun.

    something better to put in the rift than charms

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited November 2021
    Nah, now we have to deal with toxic killers.

    Devs said they would never put "Fortnite esque dance emotes" in Dead by Daylight.

    Probably for the best. That sounds wildly out of character for Dead by Daylight, and as much as people on the forums love to joke about that stuff (IE Shirtless Myers) that would probably never fly due to the license holders.

    I mean- in order to do something like that, I'd assume you'd have to get every single license holder to agree to that? Since it would be a killer wide input that affects all killers that they would all be able to do. I don't see that happening anytime soon, or really anytime at all.

    You also have to think about what that means for Dead By Daylight's brand and image, regardless of what the community thinks, the Dead By Daylight Brand takes it's horror aesthetic very seriously (proof of this can be found in nearly every single trailer or DBD production for commercial / advertised use on Youtube and other media platforms), and that's appealing for new players looking for a horror-themed game / horror-themed party game. It's also appealing to potential future partners with Dead by Daylight, who see a horror game filled to the brim with recognizable slashing icons who have been faithfully recreated alongside a multitude of well written, interesting, and unique original characters. I can scarcely imagine what the license holders for The Xenomorph, Candyman, Pennywise, The Predator, The Thing, etc. would think if they saw killers could "victory dance" on top of a corpse that they just murdered via memento mori. I hardly imagine the license holders for Myers, Freddy, Pinhead, Leatherface, etc. would have appreciated that either.

    (Although yes, I acknowledge that Resident Evil & Stranger Things happen to be in Fortnite which is emote city x10, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they represent the interests of every license holder that has made partnerships with DBD and I think that's a reasonable inference to make.)

    Hilarious for the internet, great for memes if people want to make their own SFM or that kind of thing, probably not good for the game's public image.

    Plus, I think the limited amount of expression killers have access to is funny in its own right. Simple things like the slow turn around or a head nod wouldn't be nearly as funny in the past if we already had super elaborate emotes from the very beginning. Killers have made the best with what they've got and I think that's fine.

  • Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2021

    I would never ever want to have fornite style dance in dbd (killer or survivor) it will lose it's essence of being a horror game, that why I said that the emote should be only after a survivor got hooked so it won't be spammed and it should be within the "killer's personality" so license won't be a problem. I don't want to see a nemesis dancing, this is the kind of emote I want to see (https://youtu.be/TBHjhB-kCow?t=116) The Iconic S.T.A.R.S Growl of nemesis.

    And I agree with the other comment that we could at least put this on compendiums and reward them after completing all quests or after prestige III of the killer.

    Post edited by apple_de_yap on
  • Sure, looks fun.

    I am all for emotes in general, but I agree with apple_de_yap on not wanting dances but more just in character celebratory emotes. Would also be in favor of emotes to kick at face camping killers when I'm on hook (even if it doesn't actually do anything), or to kick at fellow survivors who try to unhook me right in front of a killer that wasn't trying to camp.

  • Member Posts: 177

    Survivors unhooking in front of killers are the worst... I agree we need a no don't do that emote or a get away from me emote or a stop lollygagging and get busy emote for survivors...

    Likewise killers need emotes for when survivors are being annoyingly unreasonable with a 4 flashlight swf team

    Maybe give everyone a throw tomatos emote for when others are generally being douchtastic sports and a throw roses emote when others are being fantastic sports. Plus you gotta have the cliche universal giving the bird.... but instead of animated gesture, players would throw a little bird at others that makes the duck quack censorship for bad words sound when it hits. This should be hilarious enough to take opponent toxicity out of the equation most of the time, and likely motivate some very funny bird wars. 🐦

  • Member Posts: 6

    Plausible but we are going to lose the horror game essence, where the characters are fighting for their lives.

  • Member Posts: 3,611
    Nah, now we have to deal with toxic killers.

    It seems kind of silly to me.

  • Member Posts: 304
    Sure, looks fun.

    It would make for interesting things, specially considering that they could add things particularly close to each killer. Ghostface as an example could have one where he pulls his phone and makes a call, heck, imagine that one would randomly call one survivor, that would be seriously fun to se happen, on the other hand imagine a very low chance one and its the wasaaaaa from scary movie, that would be hilarious. Other killers could have really creepy things or plain out super cool, i tink this would make for a nice fun adition to the game...but no dances of any kind, that would be to much

  • Member Posts: 1,568
    Sure, looks fun.

    Killer emotes is good idea. It should be something like roar so you could use it while chase. Killer's role is too busy to make a victory dance.

  • Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2021
    Sure, looks fun.

    Please...with the music as well

  • Member Posts: 340
    Neutral -__-

    True, they'd never add something that muddles their brand as a horror game.

    lmao I get what you are saying though, posting trickster is just cheating.

  • Member Posts: 911
    Sure, looks fun.

    Even just giving killers a point and a wave like survivors have would be fun. So I could wave at survivors when I see them and point at them from across a pallet after they point at me lol

  • Member Posts: 1,960
    Nah, now we have to deal with toxic killers.

    no, survivor emote exist for survivor to commutate with each other, killer has no one to communicate with.

  • Member Posts: 122
    Sure, looks fun.

    You say all of that but then Feng Ming gets another set of pjs. The game barely takes itself seriously anymore, why not.

  • Member Posts: 122
    Sure, looks fun.

    It sorta fades away about when Michael Myers can't handle a block of wood and a window.

  • Member Posts: 1,774
    Sure, looks fun.

    Hey we would love to communicate with you guys

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited December 2021
    Nah, now we have to deal with toxic killers.

    I never understand why people cite trickster as a compelling reason DBD is neglecting its horror thematic, thematically speaking, trickster is just as interesting (and just as much horror) as any other character on the roster. The whole idea is basically a cautionary tale about our own celebrities, the people we glorify, adore, and put on a pedestal, and how that misplaced trust by a wide audience can easily be abused or taken advantage of. The dangers of idolizing people with fame that can result in turning a blind eye to all the warning signs of reckless, malicious, or even violent behavior, just because they're lionized by wide circles. (Think of how horrified and disgusted people were by the news that came out about Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and any number of other famed figures of focus in the media. For all their loathsome activities, imagine if they were unhinged killers instead.)

    Trickster's lore and character design all circle around this idea- he's essentially a peacock that lures you in with flashy tricks, bright colors, a presumably beautiful singing voice, and performative theater, combined with a charismatic and energetic (but ultimately artificial) personality, who "thrived under the attention of others" to an obsessive degree. The Trickster is a classic psychopath who manipulates those around him, and uniquely disguises his murderous activities under the guise of a vigorous and lavish lifestyle.

    And to that end it also puts the point home that not all "evil" (for lack of a better word) is necessarily grotesque, twisted, mutilated, or monstrous. It can also manifest itself in forms that are attractive, glamorous, and otherwise desirable, and that is the whole point of trickster and nearly every cosmetic he has fulfills that exact purpose, including the Fire Moon Performer outfit you used for an example. Trickster exists on the killer roster to move in essentially the exact opposite direction of the rest of the cast, and thereby also diversifying said cast and the types of stories that we get to hear and talk about- as far as the character goes (removed from any questions or debate about gameplay) he is a welcome addition to (the universe of) Dead by Daylight.

    Just as well, I really don't think this detracts from DBD's core horror elements either. People wear pajamas in the evening / when they are about to go to sleep- or in other words, at a time of day when they feel comfortable and safe in their own homes in their own beds. By dressing survivors in their own pajamas and placing them in circumstances like DBD does, you corrupt and violate those pleasant ideas of a restful sleep in the security of your own home. It's also not very far removed from the setups of many scenes across slasher films in general- home invasion is a frightening thing and it's featured in much of horror where a character is caught off guard because of those previously established concepts of relaxing and being at ease in your house and especially at night.

    I could very easily visualize a scene in movies like Halloween or Scream where X side character wakes up after hearing a bump in the night, and in traditional slasher fashion goes to investigate the strange noise- getting up from bed in their pajamas and wandering unsuspectingly through the dark, only to find themselves suddenly screaming when the blade slips between their ribs.

    I mean this is classic slasher stuff- where is the conflict or contrast with the horror in Dead by Daylight? There is no difference between the aforementioned hypothetical scene, and getting robbed away from your own home in the dead of night- to be plucked from your own time and place in the universe, and placed in an unfamiliar environment where killers of all kinds hunt you down.

    EDIT: And as far as both of these ideas go, I think there's a very distinct difference between killers and survivors wearing what might be considered (but isn't really) unorthodox clothes- and survivors / killers doing the Carlton behind the safety of a pallet or camping in front of a hook. There are a few leaps in degree to get from one to the other, the latter being very much an extreme.

    Although most people on this particular thread clarified that those aren't the kinds of emotes they were looking for anyway so it is what it is.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20
    Nah, now we have to deal with toxic killers.

    Killers are toxic enough so no

  • Member Posts: 340
    Neutral -__-

    The point is at the time Trickster was added he was wildly out of character for Dead by Daylight but is a welcome addition to (the universe of) Dead by Daylight.

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    Sure, looks fun.

    Crispin Glover reminds me that a Willard style killer might be kind of creepy…

  • Member Posts: 66
    Neutral -__-

    I would like it with chill players but I feel like a lot of the times it would used by sweats and face campers

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    Neutral -__-

    It all depends on what the emotes are.

    Will the devs give bubba a dancing emote? Hell no.

    Will the devs give a small and quick waving emote to ghostface? Absolutely.

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