I feel like noone is playing the Artist.

Such a shame, as survivor, we should be facing The Artist 90 procent of our matches so close after release . But i feel like she's really unpopular. Such a shame!
Why are you not playing the artist?
Boring kit
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I faced like 3 or 4 of them yesterday in a 2 hour survivor play session.
As for her being unpopular, she's yet another 115% anti-loop no mobility killer. Since Slinger, every killer except Blight and Twins have had this power design, so of course people are getting a bit bored of it.
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#########, what do you mean ? A lot of people play her, I’ve been getting her quite a lot in my matches. 🤔
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I see her like 3 out of 5 matches... not that unpopular in my opinion. and its fine because I dont wanna grow tired of her this fast..
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She was fun at start, when survivors didn't know what to do, but now?
You have like a second window to get second hit and using multiple crows is useless, if they just repel asap...
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Pre charge your power during the recovery period and you have enough time to drop and fire mutiple crows for a hit.
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That nerf to twins and now boons are annoying. I actually liked playing Twins a lot. They need some QoL and skins imo.
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First hit needs to be from single crow and I think you have time to use 2 crows for second hit, you can use more with addons.
Problem is that she is really map dependant. Her power drops a lot in value on multi-layer maps, or just maps with verticality in terrain like Swamp, because you can't cower that many gens. It's also annoying play her on maps where it's easy to break line of sight, that makes it quite hard to get second hit, so you often just waste your time.
I mean, go for it if you enjoy playing her, but she is not really for me. Damn, I miss Deathslinger...
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I don't see her a lot in High MMR since her power just becomes an information ability. Lots of newbies are using her though when I play with a friend.
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I've played her alot on the killer side but I've only played against her once. I think like everyone said she a basic 115 anti loop killer. Sure she's got some neat tricks and looks cool but the gameplay boils down to run from loop and both side just hold w.
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I haven't exactly played survivor a lot recently, but I have never played against her. Not once. I've never known a new killer to be so rarely picked - especially surprising as she doesn't seem to be weak. Probably.
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You just gotta get good at predicting shots with her. It's very fun imo.
The verticality of maps can mess you up sometimes. But the birds can go up or down stairs or walls(if there's a window vault), the birds travel along the flight path and if you put the birds in the right spot they go up or down things.
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Usually happens with weak killers.
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I think they can go up/down only in that injure distance, so that can't be used on gens in distance, which is kinda half of her power.
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I bought her, played for a while to understand her build and playstyle, did not like it that much. She is fine I guess, but something about summoning her crows feels slow and unsatisfyingly boring to do. I say, it has been a long while since BHVR managed to create a killer that was fun to play for me. Plus I hate it that they just refuse to make killers that look scary for a game that is about horror and iconic horror characters.
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Last killer I really enjoyed playing were Twins, but nerf and boons kinda ruined that for me.
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I played againts her in total probably like 16+ times since she came out which is a lot.
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They are playing the Artist, I guess they are just standing in line to join everyone of my lobbies... and I'm not happy with that :'(
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That's not alot.
You usually see new killers constantly and killer queues are usually awful.
But no ones been playing her even when killer queues are extremely fast.
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I've seen her a bunch so far.
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I'm not surprised. I felt like she was gonna be like Nurse, strong but difficult to learn so people would lose interest
Idk if she's difficult to learn, she just looks difficult. I haven't played her yet
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She's not as fun as I thought she would be. I thought her having infinite range on crows would make it fun to go for cross map hits and it can happen but it just isn't rewarding. Her power in loops is good but it doesn't matter cause Hold W is a thing. I'm better off playing killers like Oni who actually rewards a lot for playing well.
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I noticed this on launch day I q up expecting like 10 minute qs or so and never went over 4 minutes which is crazy for a new killer launch.
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From reading the forums last few weeks, it seems that 90% of the killer roster is in a awful spot, so why get stomped on a new killer, who will need decent perk synergy to be competitive.
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When i played some matches yesterday i got all artist, and ngl, i feel like someone was probably playing them
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I think some people wised up and decided not to spend money on her knowing BHVR will gut her a month after release. I know I'm never spending cash on a killer again after what they did to Deathslinger
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There are 26 killers... You will see even the most popular quite rarely.
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I enjoyed her while I was playing her, but the crappy Bloodweb system is a misery and I have to play other killers to earn Bloodpoints to unlock the perks I want on The Artist. So, for now, I'm not playing as her. By the time I do, survivors will probably be much better at countering her and I'll get tired of it after a few matches and go right back to my usual roster.
I hate the [BAD WORD]ing Bloodweb. RNG sucks.
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I feel like the Artist is a really good killer and maybe one of the best at the moment. Freddy was one of the best too...
Also, the Nemesis was also really hard to counter at the beginning, but now I'm not scared of him anymore.
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Honestly very confusing killer to use just my opinion
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The problem is i'm terrible at her. Just straight garbo.
I wish i could blame it on the character but it is painfully obvious it's me who's ancestor shamingly bad at her.
Every match i feel like i owe the survivors an apology for how preposterously poor my performance is
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Just study every loop tile and how to place your crows to counter. Thats a start. Get the shotgun addons, and practice to only launch 1 crow at a time so you can still launch a second crow when cooldown is up and survivors still have a swarm to take off. I see alot of artists that shoot all the crows, which is not the way to play her.
Also, if you can m1, just m1 dont make it yourself to hard to use your crows
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I play against her more than four times in a row. Believe me it's not fun at all.
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Don't wanna hear what survivors find not fun when boons, overcoom and dh exist.
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Booring to play as or against
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I love playing as and against her. Shrug
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I haven't played any other killer since Tuesday.
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This. We've had so many anti-loop killers recently, and it's just kinda getting boring at this point. Not to mention the best thing you can do when playing against her is just hold W. So much fun.
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could be a region think, but ive ran into well over a dozen of them since release. which is more than the twins i've faced in the last year. i feel like the majority of the noed killers wouldnt want to use her, her power requires a decent amount of game knowledge and understanding survivor pathing to make good use of where to place the dire crows and how to predict the secondary hit. why bother playing her when you could play more straight forward killers.
after pinhead and his subpar chase and boring af passive slowdown that wrecks rank 20s, and nemehsis on launch before they started buffing him. i'd say she's probably one of the stronger and consitent killers to have come out over the last year and I've been having a lot of fun with her she doesn't feel clunky at all despite how much she slows down.
Post edited by mistar_z on1 -
How is holding W at the right time so much less fun than repeatedly going around in a circle against someone like ghostface until dropping a pallet more fun? Also if you hold W against the Artist at the wrong time you just give her a free hit. You have to actually put some thought into what you're doing against her.
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I'm working on her prestige so she's going to sitting on the bench until I have farmed enough bloodpoints.
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I find trying to mind game the killer (at certain loops) super fun. It's more fun for killer as well because I can sometimes mind-game them resulting in an injure/down. It's way more unfun (for both sides) when survivors run in a straight-line holding W and pre drop every pallet.
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Thats just the strat you do vs any killer lol.
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You can still mindgame her just in different ways like faking that you are going to run past her idle bird so she shoots it then she's on cooldown, I play her a lot and just punish the survivors who hold forward because they think I'm gonna set up a crow when I don't need to.
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My point was that I prefer to actually loop, but certain killers make that very hard to do... so I have to just hold W. Very boring.
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Maybe it's just my MMR being weird or something, but in my experience, the Artist is actually super popular. I face her nearly every other game.
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She's a high skill cap killer, but without practice she gives pretty poor results.
That translates into many killer players being a bit lazy and just playing things that are consistently strong with less effort.
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Survivors have strong perks indeed. How exactly does that invalidate their point?
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Because it's laughable to go "this killer is unfun!", while survivors have way more insanely unfun meta perks right now.
And if you really want to go into it then netiher of us have a point because fun is a subjective thing.
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She's gets some what boring after awhile. Look I play with almost all my killers and the most fun I have is with blight.
In my opinion she's slow and her crows hardly do any damage. True she can track and do damage at great distance if the survivor isn't pay attention