Coup De Grace is a very fun perk

I got bored and decided to use a build with Coup De Grace and it was more fun than I expected it to be.
I spawned on Haddonfield as Clown and my first thought was "Oh great, this match is probably going to go bad". As expected, I got gen rushed to oblivion but the survivors weren't expecting me to have Coup De Grace. So when I super lunged at any of them they would panic. There was this one Kate who kept sitting at pallets waiting for me to go to the other side, so I threw one of my bottles at her (I had Tattoo's Middle Finger and Ether 15 Vol%) and super lunged around the pallet and she fell for it every time.
I only got one kill that match, but I had fun nonetheless.
The fact that you had fun even if you only got one kill, is the most important thing to my mind. Some of the matches that have been most fun have resulted in few kills but some fun chases.
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buff this killer perk please. I love coup de grace but it takes a token when u want to perform a normal lunge. why can't there be an option to select coup de grace or doing a regular lunge? why is it connected all the same? Too punishing tbh
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It's a pity that such a fun perk has such a terrible trigger condition. It's like if dead hard could only activate each time after one of your teammates die.
Waste of potencially amazing perk.
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Coup De Grace is a very fun perk. I've been running it on Legion, and it works incredibly well for them. Also yes, the Survivors never really expect you to have it.
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It's especially fun now. You get more tokens then you should
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Thats most of the fun perks in this game. They suck but they're fun. Forcing you to either have fun or win. There's no middle ground. Game is full of these ridiculous limit perks that really should not have limits or should have their limits changed.
PWYF, Furtive Chase, Surge, Dead Mans Switch, Eruption, Grim Embrace
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See, this is one of the reasons why I main Legion. Their power gives you lots of information and slowdown, so you don't have to bring the most powerful info and regression perks in the game like most Killers do. Sure you can run BBQ + Pop or Ruin Undying Tinkerer on them... but you don't have to. Instead you can run hybrid perks like Eruption or Oppression to give you the little bit of extra regression and info you need and then you have a free perk slot for something fun.
In fact, my current Legion build is Coup, Eruption, Brutal, and Agitation.
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Combined with the antidote coup de grace clown can be insane
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I really wish they buff this perk for killer to be passive perk with no token count. it would be dream come true.
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I would make coup de grace so that you get tokens when you hook people and when gens are complete and you press the Action button to consume a token to super lunge
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Mine would just be like unrelenting:
"As you go in for the kill."
Increases basic lunge attack distance by 60%.
simple one sentence.
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I like this perk too. Usually because so many high MMR survivors have the pallet loops down to a science. They can rely on X number of laps before HAVING to drop. They know how close you can be when they vault window. Using a perk to throw them off by 60% usually scores a hit or more. (The first time or two they blame latency, then maybe figure it out.)
I just feel like its a perk that helps with pressure and hits, and right now I'm leaning towards tunneling through DS's and hoping to score a draw in end game.
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This is the one thing responded to about Coup, over the other discussions and comments on the punishing trigger conditions.