How far can you hear the stupid boons?

Pretty pissed off cost me the game since I can't find where the Survivors kept healing on Shrek's swamp and I probably did close to 50 M1s in that game.
Yes, I belive it is 10 meters.
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I think you can hear them from about 10-12 meters? Or a little more than the width of the shack, or about half their radius.
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jesus christ
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Yea.....but the area it affects is much larger......1 Boon placed inside the main building of Mt Ormand will cover roughly 95% of it.
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Yeah that's annoying about it. Boon is 24m iirc and I can only hear it from 10m? Can be really annoying in certain maps.
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I think Boon auras should be 15m and you can start hearing it at 15m.....
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"stupid boons" lol Those boons are much louder than hex totems. Stop crying
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Pretty fair
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That's only *if* the audio occlusion isn't bugging out and making a tree or rock or wall block the sound entirely.
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That still applies to Boon sounds? Thought it would be like hex where you can just around and hear it.
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Average survivor player
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Seems like most sounds in the game use the same directional audio logic. It's not different for boons or hexes.
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1/16 of a team's perks can be much stronger than 1/4 of the others team's and is also infinitely renewable
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10m sounds about right.
Or: if you can hear it, there's 50/50 odds you don't need to hear it.
Now, if only the game had some concept of vertical audio...
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You say that as an insult. Sorry I have friends that I play with