im getting tunneled every game.

Yeah. It sucks. I don't do it when I play killer because I know how it feels. I wish I could tell you how to fix it but I can't. Just try to get better at avoiding or learn to accept it.
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I told you, fun is for the weak. Sweat till you are desperately in need of hydration then sweat again.
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The killer is just going to go after the weakest link on the survivor team. Just hide and let somebody else draw killer aggro.
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Maybe people heard you were going to quit so thought they would help you?
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I can't tell if your trolling.
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Either all are weak link or no weak link. None in between.
If you hide for 10sec, its enough for another guy going down.
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It sucks doesn’t it ? sigh
Killers do be mad. 😟
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Try using that tunneling to get some experience on looping. Killers like to chase the easiest target of them all so all you have to do is not become that target. Making them give up is the greatest deterrent, It's also why I don't use DS anymore very overrated in high mmr. Use Windows of opportunity to help you.
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All you can do is run DS, Dead Hard, and hope your teammates have BT. If it really is every game, you're either making yourself an easy target, you're unlucky, or maybe you're not really getting tunneled. If you're at high level and your teammates actually do gens and body block for you, you could even run Renewal or Adrenaline.
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It sometimes does...
but they are usually just trying to make game last longer and have a chance to win.
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Hey, at least you don't need any skill or common sense to do your main objective. Additional, you get broken perks and the ability to bm the killer after every pallet.
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Go with DS and that new jonas perk to create more distance and bring a medkit to heal yourself up.
Killers do tend to go for the weakest link and this has nothing to do with being salty or not wanting to put effort in catching anyone.
It's just that they are on a time schedule with the first gen often being completed before they see / find anyone
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Are you sure you tunneled? Maybe you just chased?
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I'm not sure why you're complaining about this. Chases are the most fun part of the game. The game is the most fun when you're always in chase! Sitting on generators holding M1 is boring
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Guy got banned?
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Used to run Spine Chill and tried my best to avoid first person to be chased.
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I know what you mean all these survivors keep Tunneling gens to get out fast idk what to do!
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We can only hope
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I can only speak for myself as killer but I chase after who I have access to. “Tunneling” in my case is just the result of a survivor happening to be the most convenient target at the time. (And no, I don’t just stand around the hook waiting for people to come to me, I go looking for them.) Most of the time that means I end up downing and killing the survivor who is weakest at hiding and chases first.
So if you find yourself frequently being the first one killed, it might not be that the killer is going after you per se, but rather that you’re getting into positions where they see you first before the others. My advice is play a bit safer, run away a bit sooner when the killer is headed your way, and practice looping to delay the inevitable when you get chased. Because you don’t have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun the other guy the bear is after.