Blight, Is He Overpowered? Easy to use?

Just a question to everyone about their thoughts on blight.
He's easy to learn, hard to master, and necessary in the current meta. He's one of the few solely M1 killers that can function well when played to his potential.
You're going to hear a lot of whining about his add-ons and advanced techs, just remember, that's people whining that a players spent their hard earned BP and took an inordinate amount of time to develop niche skills for a single killer.
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If anyone says Blight is easy to use and is OP, I’ll laugh my ass off hard. This is why we can’t have variety.
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It’s not that he’s overpowered, it’s that the majority of killers are under powered. Killers are supposed to be strong and intimidating, you’re not supposed to be able to loop them for 5 gens
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Strong killer, oppressive for his high skill ceiling and has some real nasty techs. Not OP and far from easy to play.
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Good Killer, hard to learn, NOT OP, buff other Killers.
THAT is what should be done.
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Definitely not OP, but I think some of his add ons could be dialed back. Alchemist's Ring is busted in the hands of a good Blight. His speed add ons have the same issue that Spirit's speed add ons had. You have no idea what speed his rush is going to be
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in spite of his gargantuan learning curve and skill ceiling, he is easy to pick up and play.
Not that you'll do well, but you'll at least understand why you're doing so poorly with him, and your improvement will be steady. You might even get a few good matches in where you get a couple kills while you learn.
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Nothing about Blight is easy.
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I don't know if your toolbox has a brand new part as well, So what's the difference?
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I personally think he's one of if not the most balanced killers in dbd up there with Oni, PH huntress, Artist and of course demo puppy. There are other decently balanced killers but overall he is the strongest out of all of them.
However i do think that Oni and artist could possibly be better than him due to consistency. Sliding off things is by far his biggest weakness. Only issue i have with blight is alchemist ring. That addon has won me more games than i can count. I think it could do with a tweak. Maybe make it recover rushes 20% faster after hitting a survivor and allowing it also to reveal where other survivors are if you down them with the rush?
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definitely not easy, i think with certain perk and add on combos he can def be overpowered though. alch ring and ruin + undying+ tinkerer can be agonizing to deal with and doesn't even take skill, just takes advantage of the mobility.
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Exactly. This is what killers should be. People are so used to killers like trapper that when there is a killer that actually has upper hand power in most chases they freak out. Blight is beautiful.
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A killer power and a toolbox isn't the game gameplay mechanic. I'm never in a situation where I need to juke a toolbox on killer. It's a consistency thing. Nurse has a long charge time on distance. Billy has a long charge time on speed. Blight just gets speed.
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He isn't easy to use but once you start exploiting then he gets op.
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Said busted addon is a permanent fixture in most Blight's builds along with either Rat or Crow, and the rare time you don't see a Blight with Ring, running BOTH Rat + Crow.
edit: Actually, this made me curious so I went back through my match records to check the builds of the Blights I was facing. The Ring wasn't overly common, but Crow was actually in almost every match if the killer was running addons, and usually paired with Rat.
Post edited by Science_Guy on0 -
I think that Blight is the most balanced powerful Killer in the game. He has excellent mobility, but that mobility doesn't enable him to ignore windows and pallets (unlike Nurse). He takes learning to be good with him as well, but even the best Blight players can't just cheese in chases. I honestly have oodles of fun playing against him and I just started playing him and am having oodles of fun playing him as well!
The only thing that needs to get toned down is his Alchemist Ring addon. There needs to be some kind of downside to it, since it is a very powerful addon for him to use and pushes him toward being more unfairly oppressive in chases. His successive rush speed addons can be a little bonkers as well.
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Blight is incredibly difficult to use. He's easier than Nurse, if only because he still moves faster than the survivors and just just play powerless if you need to.
Anybody who tells you he's easy to use, learn, or master is a liar or has never actually touched him.
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No he isn't easy, he takes a lot of practice to learn to be able to read survivors movements and also to learn the map which would help with his power and once you develop muscle memory with him, he becomes fun to play.
I'm a blight main and I been enjoying him once he came out and it took me month to master him. True I play on console and blight is harder on console. Look blight is a fun killer and if the devs are going to nerf him and making him unfun, I'm leaving dbd. I draw the line at blight nerfs
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He's got a low skill floor, but an INCREDIBLY high skill cap that very few have mastered. He's got all the techs: flicks, hugging, yada yada. He's got the highest skill cap in the game, and his sky-high rewarding skill cap is what makes him S tier. He is the epitome of what a killer should be balanced around.
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I enjoy playing him probably my favorite killer recently. His power is just so fun to use and I like the skill ceiling on the killer, really rewards you if you took the time to learn him. He is also fun to verse against if you played blight you would have a clear idea on what he can and can't do except 180 flicks but honestly props to them that ######### is hard to learn and is amazing to see. It's even rarer than God nurses.
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He's easier to pick up and play than Nurse, but is harder to master than her, and definitely not op
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Doesn't matter if it is hard to learn, it should not be possible. At least with hug tech you can see what they are doing and react to it.
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Using balanced landing, not running in straight line and still getting hit by us stupid hit boxes. I hate this boring killer. Even if I escape or die it's always unfun to play against him.
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One of the most fun killers to play as and against, not op in hell.
Only thing I can see annoying is ruin tinkerer sheep build blights but those are more rare lately and current blights trying out different builds
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Is genuine 180 flicks possible now anyway? All I know is that you do it by hug techs now.
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Red forest. One of the loops that has a log with a rock at the end of it. If you hug tech you will run into the rock and bounce right? I watched a blight just face the end of the loop like they were going to bounce off a tree or something and they just did a full 180 lunge from one side of the loop to the other.
Same killer later in the day paying blight. We got the corn map and he was rushing towards me. I saw it and ran at him but with a decent gap between us. I watched him with my cam just whip around and hit me in a big U shape in the middle of the corn field.
Perhaps it is related to the lag hit thing they are trying to fix?
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In capable hands, he's almost comparable to nurse levels of unbeatable. (for solos or mid-tier SWFS) Otherwise though, no hes not OP at all. He takes a lot of skill and mechanical knowledge to play effectively. OP implies you could just pick him up and stomp with him first game, which you really can't.
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He takes more skill to play than survivor, that much I can say with confidence.
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He takes a lot of skill and doesn't need nerfing.
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I can't imagine the first scenario so I wouldn't know, sorry.
But the open area one seems to be indeed lag flicks since that is not possible. Can't believe there's actually montages of that dumb cheat.
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What saves his strengths is how hard he can be to play and master, similar to nurse. He likely is OP, at the highest skill- but I see zero wrong in being rewarded for such skill.
The problem most killers have is they don't let you get to that level of skill, most are far too simple for that.
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He is firmly the 2nd best Killer in the game. A couple of his add-ons could use a nerf imo.
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definitely not easy to use as compared to bubba/wraith. but alchemist ring imo is a problem, as well as the other addons that let you see auras after slamming and another one that lets you break pallet just by slamming into it.
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No and no. Anything else?
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Overpowered? No
Easy to use? No
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Hardest killer to master, even Nurse isn’t that high since she mainly relies on muscle muscle memory and prediction. Blight is all of that + map knowledge + you learning a ######### ton of techs to use his power everywhere (not exploits, techs.) + collisions ######### you up. That said a mid blight can win if he’s just straight up carried by his build. Tinkerer Ruin Pop Corrupt is the most meta thing you can go against when facing him. He can be map dependant if you’re not the best with him, but you can still manage to do some cool things on Rotten Fields or Léry’s and 4K if you apply enough pressure, even with my build.
As for the addons, you’ll never see a bad Blight use the Alchemist’s Ring, as you only get value out of if you’re actually good at getting hits with his power pretty much everywhere. I’d say Ring is a great way to learn blight since it’s just you getting rewarded for using his power correctly, that said it should maybe be nerfed, for example add at least 0.50s of token recovery time (per token, so +2,5s if you use all tokens) if you miss your hit or get forced into cooldown, that way it’d still be a high reward addon, but at the cost of having a ton of skill to hit. Right now tho blight with ring is basically Nurse with recharge addons or recharge/fatigue.
His addons are really good, speed can be pretty hard to go against because of his map mobility, but it adds counter play to him since he’s gonna have to react even faster to whatever the survivor is doing. Compound 21 is great on a lot of maps and totally counters looping if you use it effectively, Tag is really good but you might be throwing your whole game if you miss and have to go into cooldown. Compound 33 is pretty darn good and can be a game changer if you use it right with other addons. His other addons are okay, fun and diverse, and even the lower rarity ones are pretty good. I always use the cranker thorn along with foxglove, it’s like a budget ring, or a fair version of it !
I usually find Infectious and BBQ to be necessary on blight, as it makes me slug more and apply needed pressure. Other than that I use Shadowborn (help me I’m addicted) and Corrupt (it actually helps me find survivors easily.
And yeah I’m biased as hell but I literally have been one tricking blight since his POV change, so I do know some things about him.
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Yeah you got lagflicked dude
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Blight isn't OP, he's one of the most balanced killers in the game. He also takes a lot of skill to use and a lot of time to learn.
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He is one of the most balanced Killers in the game. He takes patience, a calm mind and alot of playtime to play him well.
The thing which makes him annoying to go against is his Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer/BBQ build and some of his Add-ons.
I don't want him to become the next Spirit, altough Spirit wasn't gutted.. it was actually a good change.
But yeah, like everyone said.. rather buff the weaker Killers to make them strong. Maybe not as strong as Nurse but definitely as strong as Blight or just a little weaker.
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Overpowered if PC players uses exploits like hug techs, moon rushes, flicks etc. They're not easy to learn but still exploits. Console players can't do that
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Console players can hug tech, moon rush, and they curve instead of flicking. You’ve never seen a good blight on console, their non reliance to flicks makes them even harder to go against. Flicking is throwing dude, understand that
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so consoles can exploit too? greeeeat
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Yeah they were always able to window tech, cj tech, vault more than 3 times, and perform those well known « techs » that ARE exploits too. But now they became features and everyone knows about them.
As for hug techs and moonwalks, they never got patched even though McLean knew about them before filing blight’s turn rate when patching ZFlicks out. Plus it’s pretty darn easy to adapt to hug techs, and knowing that the blight can pull it off makes you adapt unless you’re just bad at the game and complain instead of trying to win. That said you don’t look like that, just remember that everything is an exploit in this game
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No, Blight is not OP.
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he's not easy to play but he's a dumb killer with dumb add ons, none of which got changed with the big add on pass. Fun to see people excuse design oversights as 'techs' though
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Because it's the most used one.
I would love to see Blights with Enfury or Blood Flavour.
Or any other Perks to be honest.
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How is he an "M1 Killer" if played to his full potential. If played to his full potential you'll be using M2s to get to the majority of hits, I don't think a blight rush counts as an M1, even if you press M1 to use it.
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He presses M1 every time he wishes to do damage. Don't overthink it, everyone has a different definition. At the end of the day, the Blighter is a 115 speed killer who has to play the looping game. That's all I'm going by.
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I assumed M1 Killer generally means you rely on the M1 (i.e. standard M1 attack) to score all or most of your hits. E.g. Trapper is M1 because he always has to get M1 hits, apart from very rare grabs directly from his traps.
I.e. more about the M1 as in the standard attack, rather than M1 being the button you physically press.
Good blights tend to use the blighted rush attack, which is not really a standard attack (it behaves differently in terms of the turning/hitbox etc.)
I'm not "overthinking" it, why bother having and using names for things if the definition is not agreed upon and our intent is not clear?
I guess the thing I was more picking up on is the fact you said he's an M1 killer "played to his full potential". I think the best hypothetical Blight would be landing M2/M1 hits all the time, so you wouldn't even be playing him as a typical M1 chaser all of the game.
Sure you could fall back to him as an M1 Killer, but then that's not playing him to his full potential. Which is I guess why I disagree with your statement of him being M1 at full potential.