
For hotfix patches, that's actually rare, if I recall correctly. It's the main releases that see the most issues.
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Ah I was wondering why I couldn't find a game, glad it's not just me then
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I know, but it’s funny that when a new update happens and people aren’t able to access the game.
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Unfortunately this outage is affecting many services not just us.
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Huh. Well, I guess this isn't a bad time to be stuck in patching hell, then. (74mb download, 35gb verification... why.)
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I have a Lobby now, but no Killer :D
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Is the issue with an external dependency or something?
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luckily that wasn't the case last week.
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Ok... a Killer appeared and the match is starting now - i'm at the Map.. wish me Luck :)
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Oh snap! Thanks for the link
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I'm still getting a matchmaking timeout error.
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Yeah saw that one but only once, interesting. We can assume then that the new matchmaking system (or parts of it) are built on top of AWS, which is currently down. Will be interesting to see how long AWS takes to make their fix, and then if this immediately fixes the issue at BHVRs end.
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Hm...I just saw it for the fourth time.
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I'm getting endless matchmaking and can't find a game, so I'm definitely seeing issues. I only saw that particular error pop up once though, I did get another error as well but only recall seeing the timeout specific issue once
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Ah okay, then it's not just me. Was beginning to think I was the only one around here not getting into any matches.
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We do have a notice on the top of the forum to explain the issue.
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Genuine question, is it possible to have this also pinned somewhere at the top of General Discussions, which is where most people visit and stay, since for me it's only visible on the home page (and my Firefox link brings me straight to GD too lol)?
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I saw that but seeing the comments in this thread I began to wonder.
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Would this cause a delay in getting the update out as well? It hasn't come through yet on my ps4, even manually checking for update and nothing showing up.
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No that's a separate issue I'm afraid, I am aware there's a delay in the PS4 update for some areas right now - it's something that's being worked on.
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DBD: We are currently experiencing a server outage which is preventing players from connecting to the game; we are monitoring the situation and we'll give you a 1 000 000 bp !
Just kidding u get nothing for 1 or 2 or maybe 3 hours that you wait.
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You could just do something else
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Ah, OK. Thanks for the info. :)
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If you’re talking about this duscussion getting pinned I don’t think that would happen because the original topic of discussion wasnthe hilarity that a big network outage happened around the same time an update came out. I’d have to change the title of the discussion for it to be accurate.
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I got in a lobby!
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No, as in having a notice at the top of GD like there used to be WayBackWhen:tm:
A bit like that (if you excuse my terrible editing)
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Oh. Nevermind then.
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let me try to do that now
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I believe that's done now....I tend not to do it, because I can't separate out the language sections, so they get a double message with an English message which can cause issues for them.
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Confirming that I can see it
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Definitely appeared for me, thank you. I didn't realise that it would cause an issue with the other language sections though. (At least for me when I checked the German section only the English message showed up everywhere so, at least there aren't about 80 messages trailing down which is good?)