Artificial MMR inflation?

I have a thought... I wonder if killers complaining about MMR are artificially inflating it with things like tunneling off hook, Proxy camping ect...

Like getting up to a point where they can't easily win by playing normally so the play like that, and it works, they get kills, but now MMR thinks they're better than they actually are so it gives them even BETTER teams that know how to deal with camping, off hook tunnel attempts ect so now the killer looses if they play like that and get curb stomped if they play fair because they pushed their MMR high without actually learning the skills they were meant to learn. Basically that MMR doesn't know the difference between playing 'Quote un-quote' dirty or fair and assumes you're playing the game as it was designed. So it puts you with harder survivors to that level.

Kind of like back in the early 2000's People were flying up the Starcraft ladders by just rushing the other player with packs of zergling, and winning lots of games without actually learning the Micro strategies and Macro resource management and awareness they were meant to be learning so when they start getting players who knew how to deal with a Zergling rush they got bodied because they had no other skills to fall back on.

Do you suppose thats whats happening to people with MMR?
