What are you people hoping for from the upcoming ghostface and Legion changes



  • Legion & Ghostface both need full reworks imo. But that's not gonna happen so, barring that, some simple changes that could alleviate some of their issues and keep them unique:


    1. Lethal Frenzy vaulting speed becomes base-kit.
    2. Missing an attack in Lethal Frenzy and hitting the same survivor don't end your power.
    3. Subsequent attacks on the same survivor inflict mangled and then hindered, neither of which expire until healed.
    4. Hitting different survivors boosts your movespeed by 10% per unique survivor hit, naturally caps at 40%.
    5. Post-frenzy fatigue last 1 second.


    1. Make his power passive, but expires and goes on a 30s cooldown when he insta-downs someone.
    2. Remove the reveal mechanic.
    3. Normal Terror Radius at all times.
    4. Make stalking faster if they're outside your Terror Radius
    5. Have his terror radius shrink depending on the % of stalk he has on someone. 50% stalked = half his normal TR. 99% stalked = 1% TR.
    6. Make his stalk automatically stop at 99%, requiring that you tap it again to bring it to 100%.
  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    That they lower Ghostface's bae cd by 1 second so people quit crying, that they change every add on Ghostface has except for his iris and crouch movement speed