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Trying out survivor

What build would be best right now to hit rank 1 survivor? I am solo q and finding it super difficult


  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    I play almost exclusively solo and my main build is: Adrenaline, iron will, Kindred and a perk of my choice. BT, spine Chill, WGLF, etc. 

    Depending on how the killers are on that day. XD

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited December 2021

    I see. Are you better off going a bone cleansing build and doing all 5 totems, a few gens, a few saves?

    Or bring a boon so you survive more often, dont cleanse ( im finding noed super common tho )

    no exhaustion perk?

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2021

    As I solo I believe that Kindred is a must it provides so much information. Windows of Opportunity is another amazing perk to have and helps you a lot when looping or evading the killer. Then maybe throw in some Dead Hard cause DH is a super good perk and for the last perk it's really your choice. You could choose BT, Adrenaline, Circle of Healing, Iron Will, DS.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Back in yonder day my build was Self Care/Dead Hard/Calm Spirit/Decisive Strike.

    Nowadays Borrowed Time/Self Care/Botany Knowledge/Dead Hard is probably the most all rounded set to keep you in the game the longest. Better chance to pip each time. On the bright side you can't really derank anymore if you have a losing streak.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    I am also thinking of finally going for the survivor side of the game and my go to build for the beginning is probably gonna be windows of opportunity, dead hard, iron will and bt.

    Woo: training wheel perk just so i get used to maps from the survivor perspective and to not loose my cool during chases.

    Dead hard: well if you cant beat them join them. Still in my eyes the best on demand third health state exhausting perk.

    Iron will: same as dh, just so much value and here even no requirements

    BT: so that even my clues ass isn't a jerk and unhooks unsafely on accident.

    Most probably gonna swap something (woo) for kindred as that is a must-have for solo at least in the beginning.

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    The only exhaustion perk I rely on is adrenaline. XD 

    It may well be that my 4th perk is also lithe at times. I say yes, it depends on the day and the killers I encounter. You always have the wrong perks with you anyway.

    DH is also great. I don't use the perk because I mostly play on console and it always doesn't work properly. 

    Find the build that fits your playstyle. I'm rather cautious on the road, but after many many hours of play I get along quite well in the chase. 

    I do not like to heal myself in the rounds, because that takes too much time, so Adrenalin. 

    Sometimes I also take COH with me, it depends as I said. But I hardly ever change my 3 basic perks. 

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    The best way to hit rank 1? Self-Care

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Kindred and Borrowed time that's it.

    Golden rule of Solo Q.

    One gen each and hold m1 as soon as the match starts

    Drag the killer away from the generators getting worked on


    If you suck at looping then pray the others can carry you.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Rank 1 is about time nothing more.

    Survivors can be mediocre and still get to rank 1. There's plenty of horribads who get to rank 1 that can't loop or dodge.

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545

    Thanks heaps guys.

    Once you hit gold and red what should you go for ? 2 gens, 2 totems, 2 saves, 2 heals. Try to not get downed 45 second chase?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,202

    For solo, I like Kindred/Windows of Opportunity/Borrowed Time/Exhaustion perk

    The big thing that kills solo teams is grouping up for no reason and being completely out of position. I wouldn't worry about cleansing totems. You don't counter NOED by pre-cleansing. That just causes gens to not get done. Don't bunch up around the exit gates and don't get greedy at the gates. Play it safe. The gates are another short gen. If NOED goes off, check some nearby totem spots safely and leave.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited December 2021

    Anything, just play.

    Get at least one generator done, one unhook, last more than 10 seconds in a chase and you should be golden. Just make sure you get the bare minimum and everything else you do in the match will be a bonus.

    Bond, Empathy, Kindred or other information perks can help a lot in SoloQ. They give so much information on killers, other survivors, who's getting chased, important generators, healing, getting heals etc. It even prevents sandbaggers which are very common in SoloQ.

    Dead Hard is the only mandatory perk if you want to greatly increase your odds of winning/farming. Because it gives you a second chance when you screw up.

    Some perks like Spine Chill are really strong but in the end you kind of want to be chased for more points and hiding isn't rewarded.

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545

    Does my team going down lots hurt my pips? Or is it just if I dont go down?

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited December 2021

    Your team going down helps you get more points by unhooking, just make sure it's a safe unhook.

    The worst farm game possible is a Killer who tunnels some loop gawd for 5 gens and you get no points/emblems.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t play survivor but the streams I watch I wonder if the recently buffed Windows of Opportunity is also a good pick? Now that the auras of vaults and pallets are permanently there it seems like it is probably extremely helpful when planning your routing during a chase, especially when you first see the killer and need to make a quick decision which way to run. It eliminates any guesswork on whether a pallet is in a particular spot or not, for instance, or what might be a bit of a dead zone because other people dropped pallets.

    Obviously there’s other really solid perks to choose from too, but am I off thinking Windows is now really, really potentially good for survivors who are skilled enough at chases to take advantage of the info?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,082

    DS, BT, Dead Hard, Adrenaline.

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited December 2021

    I always run BT, thanks so much

    does blessing a totem count as a cleanse?

    Thanks everyone!

    I am working my way up. Gold 3 at the moment. Highest I have ever been, with around 2k hours is bronze survivor. Its kind of unreal how bad some people are. For example rushing in when I am trying to heal them, they unhook with no bt, and because they wouldnt let me heal theyre both down.