If you are defending boons there is something wrong.
There is no way in hell these boons are fair at all. They legit give the survivors SUPER POWERS and the killer has to WASTE time snuffing it out. Please just delete them who ever had the idea please admit you just want the game to be broken.. Because 14 seconds is absolutely nothing to an efficient survivor.
Ps I play both sides and I wont use them. I think they are detrimental to the game and should not be in it.
2 -
Nah Boons are totally fine, infact why dont we have an endurance and 80% Vigil Boon yet???
4 -
Maybe you are right. Maybe I am just bad at the game. hmmmmmmm
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Despite their potential, boons are a cool and good concept.
They'll hopefully be the call to "shift the survivor meta already" that the community has been asking for. I'm not saying they're perfect because tweaks can definitely be made to move them into a healthier state, but a lot of people overreact once they read what boons can do.
Boons indirectly give the killer more time because that's one (or more) less survivor on a gen which is the primary goal for survivors. Wouldn't you appreciate the extra time that's given to you? Also, I don't necessarily think snuffing out is a huge problem since totems are relatively easy to find even in a chase and only take a second to do so.
I find myself seeing survivors locating totems in the outskirts of the map which encourages them to waste time going to said location. Tweaking the numerical values of some boons such as CoH could help make them be in a healthier state. The time it takes to bless could be increased a bit and perhaps buff perks like Thanataphobia to affect blessing.
24 -
I think I like the concept of boon perks it's a new mechanic that changes things up a bit. But the problem is that it has been executed poorly. There are definitely changes that can be done to make them more fair and balanced.
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They dont give the killer more time, a single CoH will negate any pressure the killer can apply by hitting survivors. Before the patch the best way to make survivors stay out of gens was by injuring them so they had to either find someone or a medkit to heal, or stay injured and be downed quicker next chase.
Now with a boon in game, survivors can take hits at the rate they want cause they just run at the safe spot and are healed in 20s.
No matter from where you look at it, boons are broken just because of how the game is played at high mmr. The only way a boon as poweful as CoH was balanced is if it took 40s to bless, then it would really be a high risk high reward perk (did we forgot this is what hex and boons are supposed to be? Hex clearly are, so why arent boons?)
17 -
The wasting time not doing generators argument is such a dumb argument unless you manage to snuff the totem before they can even heal anybody. That really doesn't happen often at all unless they just boon right next to an unfinished generator. This perk ######### me hardest when I've got 3 - 4 survivors injured and the other 3 heal in like 8 seconds while I'm hooking somebody. I've lost all of my pressure immediately. This is the more common scenario that happens, especially against SWF. They don't mindlessly place boons, they put them where the killer has no reason to go, and it's a free reset. These perks are busted. When I play solo survivor, I run totem builds and cleanse every totem I can find while I'm doing survivor stuff just to prevent my teammates from using them they're that broken.
6 -
So, here's the thing about boon totems and why a fair few people defend them conceptually, while saying they need tweaking.
Take CoH out of the equation. You load into the game and the only change is that Circle Of Healing is no longer in the game, everything else is unchanged. Are boons still OP? You've got a relatively decent stealth perk with a limited radius and time investment, and a pretty laughably bad Unbreakable clone that also only works in a limited radius that the killer has to not be aware of to get any value from. I don't think those are busted, even with the issues that still linger in the game- things like multiple-story maps and such.
Boons aren't broken. Circle of Healing is broken. That's the thing that needs to be changed, not the perk mechanic itself- or at least, when you change the mechanic, it should be with a much lighter touch than the sledgehammer that CoH needs.
12 -
They’re fine as is. Only thing I would change is one blessing per totem for each survivor. So if i blessed the totem in the main building and it gets snuffed out, I can’t reuse that same totem again. I have to go bless the shack totem. That one gets snufffed? Then i have to find a third. So 5 potential chances.
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Yup. 4perks slots vs 16 perk slots.
Hexes: One time use
Boons: Infinite uses, 1 out of 16 perk slots benefits the whole team, not to mention that ever boon effect so far is game changing.
15 -
That's exactly what I've been saying. Boons need minor tweaking and are an annoyance at best to every killer in the roster bar one. Circle of Healing needs atomic destruction and we shall never speak it of again.
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i love boons
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COH is the only boon totem that needs a nerf imo.
7 -
Circle of Healing is objectively better than Self-Care. It's 30 seconds to bless a totem and heal yourself, but 32 seconds to use Self-Care. And the Totem sticks around for everybody else to use it or for you to use it again. AND it secondary makes your healing kits last 100% longer instead of Self-Care's 20% buff.
There is no defensible position for Circle of Healing to be THAT MUCH better than Self-Care. (Other than, obviously, Self-care being free and CoH requires you to buy a survivor to unlock, but the balance team would NEVER do something like that, right?)
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I get why there busted but I do like boons.....Yikes I have been playing wayyy to much survivor lately.
2 -
Totem usually spawn at a loop-able title. In order to use Shadowstep & Expo. They have to loop/down from a nearby title but not at the Boon title, which makes it easy for Killer to spot the Boon and snuff.
Coh is just a free medkit zone where survivors just avoid looping near it. Since they have to out of chase to use it anyway.
Coh is 4 Selfcare + 4 We will make it.
About the timing, I agree. You only need make 2 heals from Coh to get the benefit back from blessing time.
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The tunable parameters that the devs gave themselves for boons are a large contributor to why CoH is such a nightmare. i.e., the radius, time taken, restriction on booning (that is, none), who benefits, etc. are all currently shared by all boons. The only variable is currently the healing speed in CoH (plus providing self-care), which... isn't much to work with to rebalance it.
Oh, and the ancillary problem of all totems being in even more too-obvious places everyone can get to.
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I really only think circle of healing is a problem. Shadow step and boon:unbreakable 2.0 dont have many uses and boon:unbreakable 2.0 need a specific build to get any use out of it.. unless ur agains the twins.
So i think COH needs a change but not shadowstep or unbreakable 2.0
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I have to disagree. The obvious step is making CoH selfcare limited use. Cap it a two or three uses. It would still be strong, but more manageable.
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I mean people defend camping and tunnelling playstyles cause they're 'strats' and 'not against the rules'
...so boons can be defended too is the way I see it.
6 -
"survivosr wasting time while placing the boon" that happens with bad survivors;
-a bad survivor will waste his time to lit a boon in a bad position, and besides having some extra healing speed, nothing else will really change.
- a good survivor instead, will use 14 seconds to place the boon in a good positions, then what happens next is that you etiher will lose him in a chase( because no scratch marks nor aura and he has a brain) after pushing him away from a gen...
or B;
after hitting him, if you waste 1.5 seconds, then you will definitely meet him again on the next corner already healed, this will lead you to having no pressure(especially if survivors start switching during the chase), wasting your time chasing somene that cna't be downed, and losing the game because, yeah, no pressure at all.
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Which would either necessitate reworking boons to also include tokens somehow (that everyone can see?), or a token-based thing visible to the player but usable by anyone, or everyone must now track this invisible boon use counter?
All of which requires heavily reworking how it operates, which is what I mean by not having left themselves much to tune.
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Only COH is the problem, exponential is the worst boon currently, shadow step it is just annoying, COH needs a nerf, not the boon mechanic
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Depends on the team and killer. I've been in matches where I've blessed over three totems with CoH and it hasn't helped us one iota.
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Boons suck, but I did find sort of a workaround: use Hex: Plaything and they can either be oblivious all game or cleanse the dull. Then you lock them into one boon tops if you hook all 4 survivors, though you need to snuff and then hook. Add in a few hexes of your own and you can negate all their boons at the cost of your own hexes, and you could even add in Pentimento to get extra use out of those broken totems.
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boons are fine but COH needs to be toned down a bit.
0 -
Selfishness is the antithesis of intuition.
Some survivors won’t admit that CoH is over-tuned because they enjoy the benefits it provides.
We must enlighten ourselves and enlighten others.
They should acknowledge the truth; CoH is busted. Only then may DBD transcend.
7 -
I just think that when totem is snuffed it should eather break or be un boonable after. There is 5 totems on the map. So survivors can boon 5 times per match. That would make it so much more fair. Also this would make survivors think do they want to boon 1 totem at the time and which totem should be booned since it might get destroyed. Now survivors are just booning whatever comes to their way and usually multiple totems are booned at the same time. When i snuff one another 1 is put down. It's not high risk high reward...it's just totems for dummies.
CoH is the problem boon for sure and needs to be toned down at least 50%
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If I do recall right.... boons were supposed to "give the survivors a secondary objective" according to ex-dev Mclean
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Yup and the community have been asking for "secondary objectives" for a while now so I guess we got what was asked.
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Once killers have something that can actually combat them or help you locate totems on killer I wont mind them so bad. I also still think they should all have a set number of times they can be relit. Like you light it once, killer snuffs, the second time you light it, the killer destroys the totem. You can still set it to a different totem, but not the same one over and over because that ######### drives me nuts.
2 -
This. I rarely see anyone using the other ones, and I'd even say Boon: Exponential is at best mediocre.
1 -
Do we actually believe exponential and shadow step are issues?
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Another time waster for the killer when killers already have no time. Do you constantly snuff out Boons or give survivors powerful abilities that counter all your pressure? It's a negative either way.
They turned totems into a weapon for survivors that can be replaced infinitely, while most hexes are a joke.
CoH also encourages tunnelling instead of spreading hits. I thought survivors didn't like being tunnelled?
Boons are terrible for the game's health, so of course they will double down on the mechanic instead of removing it. Which means more DLC Boon perks.
Post edited by Sludge on4 -
IMO dull totems should have a limited use, maybe two times total of being either a Hex OR a Boon before automatically being destroyed/cleansed upon stomping out a boon or whatever.
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Boons are just too strong in general I don't understand how team wide perks made it past the pitching an idea stage if they were meant to be this strong. Then they went and made them infinite reuses.
I agree CoH is the main offender completely bonkers over powered. Set it near a completed gen across the map the team has permanent healing or the killer loses the game getting that boon snuffed.
Shadow step I think removing scratch marks would have been enough removing auras too counters some of the most fun killer builds in the game. Looking at scratched mirrors build.
Exponential I have no complaints about but I have never seen it run after the first week it came out.
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boons are fine, circle of healing is just absurdly strong, along with most healing related things in the game atm
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No no it can't because camping and tunneling is like complaining about a spammer in a fighting game meanwhile boons have no real counter measure now and COH stacked healing time is ridiculous.
1 -
Do bones.
5 -
Boons are a cool mechanic,its just COH that's busted
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I like Boons and just wished Killers had a cooler animation snuffing them. Just kicking them is kinda lame you know...
However I think that Boons need a few tweaks to match their power. Mainly they should come with different radii depending on their powerlevel. As an example: Cycle of Healing should be reduced to 16m radius, Shadow Step can remain at 24 meters and Exponential should be buffed to 28m. Different radii would buff or nerf the Boons quit well at it influences their coverage of the map.
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Boons shouldn't be infinite to set.
The heal speed should be lowered especially for solo heals. Also the speed shouldn't stack with other items or perks. To give perks like self care and sloppy butcher their power back.
Boons should only work on the map level, where it's placed.
And to give pentimento a reason, boon totems need a longer place time on hex totems.
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I think so, too, but the counter argument goes something like this: if boons were that restricted/you could lose the use of the perk mid game, then survivors won't play it anymore, turning it into yet another dead weight perk.
Or: its important that survivors can reboon, in order to give then the much needed secondary objective. Without this its back to slamming gens.
Or: couldn't survivors learn how to deal with a losable high risk, high reward perk like killers with their hexes? - NO! Boons might accidentally use totems as their vehicle of application, but besides that V they don't have anything remotely similar to each other, so why should any such restrictions apply?
Personally I think that snuffed boons should be destroyed, as they ARE pretty similar to hexes. And I think that all kind of boons are stronger then regular perks and they would still stay attractive choices, if there would be a max of 5 blessed totems per map and trial. It would indeed make for more interesting tactical choices then more automatic responses "oh there is a totem. BLESS!"
They would still be different enough from hex perks in that you have to bless them to activate, but don't lose them the automatically the first time they are snuffed out. Every hex killer knows the pain of busted spawns and losing an important hex within the first 30s of a trial just like that.
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Sure it's not fun to play against but if they nerf them like giving them 2-3 tokens per match then they need to buff the effect radius and reduce the audio queue when near them so the killer actually has to search for them. Most times when I play killer I find the boons without even searching for them because the audio radius is very big.
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The audio radius and the bright effect should be reduced. Or give it a try and remove the effect fully. then it only can be heard on both sides or reconized by watching the buff.
For me it's totally disturbing the game atmosphere. Its like youre sitting next to a broken freezer.
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Personally I feel aside from Circle of Healing most boons are fine. The only thing I'd maybe change is if a survivor gets hooked their totem becomes snuffed and adjust them after that change.
Circle of Healing is problematic because it's always in affect and a survivor has a safe haven to heal on the map without needing any perks or items assuming it isn't their Boon. Even if a person who is using it is about to be hooked and then gets hooked the other injured survivors can flock to it and heal whether it be a solo or group heal.
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It's not ''boons'' that are the problem, it's Circle of Healing. Compared to the other two, it's flawed in design by virtue of not needing the killer to be within its radius to work. The other two need the killer interacting within the boon for the survivors to get value, COH does not, hence the design problem.
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Yeah, Shadow Step is also too powerful, especially for less-experienced killers or those with hearing impairment. Blocking all auras + removing scratch marks (and both effects lasting a few seconds after you leave the zone) is effectively giving 2 free perks to the other three survivors, which is blatantly unbalanced especially as they're infinitely renewing. It's effectively Distortion + Lucky Break for every survivor.
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Boons are an interesting concept which gives the survivors a second objective rather than just sit on gens. I bet if the devs recorded stats for the average match length at high ranks before and after boons, they would be longer.
Now that's boons, let's talk about CoH. Yes it needs a nerf and pretty much everyone agrees that it does. Don't lump boons in with CoH (like 95% of people keep doing for some reason).
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Boons needed more time to be worked cause while the idea of them was good their execution was problematic. COH is the main culprit but due it being part of a problematic mechanic the whole thing needs to be looked at.