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If you are defending boons there is something wrong.



  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Boons are exactly what we've been asking for though: A secondary objective. It's one that takes a time investment, both to set and use, and it feels good when your investment gets value. It also takes up slots for other perks that don't take as much time or effort to get value out of. It also has clear cut counterplay of just... well, snuffing the Boons. The same issues people have with locations of Boons is the same that are available for Hexes. Both can be annoying and frustrating.

    That isn't to say that Boons don't have the potential to be strong or some of them aren't strong, but I do genuinely appreciate that they shake up gameplay in a new way that actually feels somewhat substantial.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,622

    When it comes to book's I see people use healing circle alot because it's just self care with extra steps but not a slower timer like if I were to fix should it be healing others is faster because healing circle sounds like you need others.

    Shadow step is meh because most of the time it doesn't work

    Then the new one I don't even want to name because I don't care is just unbreakable but bad I get it works like No mither with infinite recovery minus the broken status but you need to be in a certain radius, the killer has to slug you and you need to have it active then why not just bring unbreakable sure getting up is one time but it's better then having all the extra steps.

    Boons are mostly perks but extra steps

    Healing circle: self care

    Shadow step: Lucky break(old I don't remember if it covered scratch marks and blood)

    That other one: Unbreakable and no mither

    Boons I feel like are a one time thing because Mikaela knows magic so it would make sense but Johnah is just some guy(I don't read backstory) how can he make Boon totems.

    If I remember someone said why should hex totems have the chance to be blessed when cleansing is faster and doesn't give away where you boon is.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killer mains should be defending boons. They are a time waster and an indirect buff to killers.

    You have to waste a lot of time looking for a totem, then bless it. If it is a hex, it takes light years in DBD time to bless it. Then, all the killer has to do is hear it from a mile away and know exactly where it is to snuff.

    If a survivor is healing, they are not doing their objective. I actually feel like I do better without using them because you can do a gen in the time it takes to find a totem, bless it, and watching the killer come snuff it out instantly is really a disappointment. 14 seconds is a long time in DBD and if the healing is not better than Self-Care speed, then there is actually no point in using it.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601

    The problem is you're not taking the entire match into consideration. Does the amount of time one survivor placing down a boon, even if they do it repeatedly, justify the amount of healing your teammates may get from it? The pressure a killer loses because of it? You are equally wasting your time as a killer, maybe even moreso than a survivor wasting theirs in placing it. You have a lot more time to work with as a survivor as opposed to a killer.

    You toss a boon in a deadzone, where there is no gen, but is opposite to your current gen you're doing? You take a hit, run down there. Someone else on the other side could do the same. At that point it's just a game of attrition. You can talk all you want about x seconds to self-heal, y seconds off a gen, but if you're going to completely ignore what is required of the other side, then you don't have much of an argument.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Yep, stomping on boon totems it's pointless and a very bad though mechanic that should be changed to something more efficient, either that or limit the number of times a boon can be re-lit.

    Right now the only killer that can laugh about CoH is plague, but with the bug of the vomit not registering hits, its kinda annoying to play.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It's only being used because it is a slightly better self-care. If it was nerfed any at all, then you could use self-care, where the killer can't disable it.

    Its too easy for killers to snuff them, they need to be worth the blessing.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Killers would if they could as being able to do bones and break them would make Hex:Pentimento a reliable perk.

    Remember doing bones means break said bones and killers can't do that!

  • ShadowIce
    ShadowIce Member Posts: 228

    Boons are fine imo but circle of healing is not

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Right? I would totally break them if I could. But you can only give them a dainty little pet with your soft toes.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Once a totem is should be from then on "unboonable".

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    They need to be like hex’s where you snuff once and done. Or maybe even twice since you actually have to find and bless unlike a hex that is already lit. But being able to bless unlimited totems is broken as hell. Anyone who has played killer will know how incredibly broken the boons are… but you best believe I’m running them as a survivor until they’re nerfed