So Steam is down again

And BHVR is brave enough to slap everyone a DC penalty that was playing during this downtime.
I'm not going to stop posting these every time a downtime happens until BHVR changes the way they handle DCs. This is going to add up to my pre-existing penalty.
A 5 minute penalty should expire in less time than it takes for steam to reboot I don't see the issue
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Please read before you post. Should've learnt that past the 14k posts.
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Because the more it happens, the penalty increases
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Thank you, someone with a bright mind, thank you. You sir/mam, understand very well.
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It’s hard to detect whether or not DCs are intentional or not so it’s not like they’re trying to give people who’s games crash DC penalties. If you don’t intentionally DC that much, 5 minutes isn’t too long. You can probably take a ######### in that whole window.
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So… your pre-existing penalty was also because of Steam downtime?
didn’t know that happens so often. Guess I am lucky..
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I mean it's the same as having bad internet. If steam keeps going down throughout the day maybe don't play that day. You also have the option to play on a different platform. But like others have said steam going down doesn't happen often and if you don't dc regularly then it's no issue.
Moral of the story. Don't dc and if steam goes down then who cares.
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When will people learn not to play Steam games on Tuesday afternoons if they don't want to be inconvenienced by the routine maintenance that has been this way *for years*.
It's a five minute penalty that will have been finished well before the servers are back. That is, five minutes for people who don't already have existing penalties (aka crybabies who disconnect at the slightest in-game convenience).
Might not apply to OP's topic (might have genuinely been a down on Steam's end) but in general.
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Today is not Tuesday...
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Not only did Steam go down the other day but it also went down today. That's 2 DCs within 24 hours for me, so they stack up. Be that my own DC or Valve-sided, these just add up. They should change the way the DC penalties work. Idk maybe give tasks to players to reduce their ban time somehow.
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Our next story centers around a user who DC's a lot but is now faced with a dire circumstance the one time it was like... totally not his fault.
"I usually leave games for what ever reason. like '9 times out of 10' usually. Maybe I don't like the killer, or maybe the survivors are burning through gens because I'm trying to mindgame an incredibly safe pallet. Whatever really... But this time steam went down."
Truly heartbreaking.
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You could quit less like a grown person and this wouldn't be an issue
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2 DCs don’t even add up iirc? The second DC would only again give a 5 min ban
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This is my hunch as well.
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The bans are given out when the game detects that you left the trial without reaching a real end. This gets anyone who DCs from the escape menu, unplugs their internet or force closes the game, as well as any DCs from non-rage quitting sources.
Since you connect to the Steam servers that then connect you to the DBD servers, either connection not working looks the same on DBD servers' end, because your game client is no longer able to communicate with the servers.
How do you propose they fix the DC penalties while also preventing people from exploiting your fix to DC from matches without consequence?
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I don't know, I'm not a network engineer. Does the same thing happen in CSGO if someone gets disconnected from an ongoing ranked match caused by Valve themselves due to a downtime? Maybe BHVR should have their own launcher therefore we wouldn't need to rely on consistent Steam connection for DbD on PC.
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Unless you disconnected on your own today there is no reason that time should increase. It should still be 5 minutes.
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I've been dced several times and the ban has never gone past 5 minutes. If you're ban is a significant amount I would have to guess that not all and maybe not even most of your dcs are beyond your control
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Unless Steam is kicking you off multiple times in short period the penalty isn't increasing - if you're getting more than 5 minutes that means you are DCing outside of Steam being down.
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So far DBD has been down once on Tuesday and once on Wednesday, both for a period of longer than 5 minutes. There's been no further disturbances.
If you have only been disconnected due to this your penalty will remain at 5 minutes for both occasions and will not affect you in any way.
Stop dcing and this won't affect you. The penalties start out short because of this.
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I know it happened yesterday but it was random. A simple solution could be to disable the penalty during Tuesdays, it will be DC hell but... it might help...
What I hate the most is losing offerings and items due to a unintentional DC. Another solution could be to make the game independent from Steam servers
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Or perhaps some people could learn that this is a game and not to take so seriously when someone DC's? I mean "it hurts other people's experience" ... in a game, yes, having some DC's as a survivor or killer is annoying but again, it's a game, if you've started to play a board game and you don't feel like continuing. Why do you need to be forced about it? I play a lot of online games and I've had many pepole having to go. And you know what? I don't get angry because yes, things do happen all the time, if I don't feel like playing with those people again, I'll tell them. And if the game we are at is no longer amusing for me, I'll do the same. A game is supposed to be for entertaining purposes. If this were some kind of job, then yeah you have every right to complain.
Post edited by Saitamfed on2