The Artist sucks.
I'm already burnt-out on oh there's the killer w all they way across map that's the whole game with artist hold w hit m1 30 seconds later im so glad I didn't spend money on such a poorly designed killer.
You cannot expect anything else if BHVR decides to design another Killer which cannot be looped.
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I think she's fine.
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Thats my point she's pure anti loop with some map detection. Unless you run a specific set of addons your a m1 killer because in my last 5 matches as soon as the survivors hear me channeling to set up birds they leave the loop and you can't use her power.
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And why do you think that?
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I will admit she’s boring as ######### I hate playing as her cause it’s just annoying using the crows. I’m just gonna say it. Pinhead is more fun to use. Yes his chain sucks and is unrewarding but atleast his power is unique
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She was interesting to me st start, but then survivors found out that it is good idea to repel asap...
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I heard she’s actually bugged rn. No flock of crows aura reading sometimes. Dire crows not injuring survivors when shot at point blank..
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Maybe you just suck.
It's way too easy to get good at holding M1 and W. It's way too asinine to compensate for this absurdly low skill floor with 90% of the roster. Not hard, asinine. Artist is included in that 90%
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She doesn’t. She’s amazing.
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I disagree. She's one of the most fun killers to play.
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Not only the "artist sucks", Dead by Daylight became a really bad game.
Everyone that have played the game enough have the same mind about it. Well known sreamers are leaving, actually all streamers that are not tied with the FW program have stopped to stream DbD. Many are on VHS, many others are on Propnight.
DbD became an unfairness fest, it is full, completely full of bad design choices to the point it is not fun to play anymore. Camping/Tunnelnig is rampant, gen rush is terrible, collision are bugged, perks are too numerous and some perks synergies are OP.
That game will die, it is just frustrating to play now, no one have fun. Streamers that still play DbD are all burnt out, it's clear, when they play they don't have fun at all.
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Shes a basic anti loop killer with a pretty ascetic. The problem is if you don't run shotgun addons there's nothing you can do outside of loops so survivors just leave the loop as soon as you charge your power and then its w gaming.
So why do you consider her one of the most fun killers? Serious question btw.
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I mean I'm not great but I definitely wouldn't say I suck.I've gotten a decent amount of 3-4k with her mostly with the shotgun addons but outside of that its just w with no counter. Her kit is set for pure anti loop and some info which sucks because she falls into the can't loop just w which isn't fun for both sides imo.
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I love to play as and against the artist.
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Ok but for what reasons.
People coming in say oh I love her and thats it doesn't add to anything. I'm legit glad you like her but without context I don't care.
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I mean, I believe you, but if she sucks, 90% of the cast does too. They don't, a few killers do but the majority are at least average. It's just too easy for piss poor survivors to hold M1 and W which skews absolutely everything.
I think the main issue is just ludicrous levels of incompetence when it comes to map design. They could literally just shrink the biggest ones and a good chunk of the issues would be fixed, especially with hold W. But they won't. Not for a long time. They had a chance last year and they've made some maps WORSE (The Game) and pump out yet another horrid map (Crow map). The Artist doesn't suck, the environment she's in is blatantly neglected.
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I mean she suck in gameplay deign. Anti loop killer promotes w keying which is super boring for both sides imo.
the level deign is absolutely a problem its simply to effectively to just run as far as you can after a hit with almost no looping involved. I would like to see tile strength lowered as well to help the m1 killers but the they would have to drastically weaken or rework all the anti loop killers and I don't see that happening.
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Have you ever loved a killer from the start? That’s how I feel about her
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I would say Myers so I understood. Its not about strength I just don't like the gameplay she leads to.
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Wyo shes great.
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I can't find anything that makes me think she sucks. She is really fun to play and i'm sure you will get better at playing against her after some time.
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When a Killer can be looped, Killers have a miserable time. When a Killer cannot be looped, Survivors have a miserable time. Where is the middle ground that allows both sides to be happy?
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I've played against her about 5 times and only died once my problem is with her gameplay deign as an anti loop killer that promotes w key. If you just run away from the loop as soon as she starts setting crows you negate her power. If you run a specific set of add on you can deal with w better. The best part about playing with her is going for shots(imo) and if I'm going to do that I'm going to play my girl huntress because she's better at it.
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I disagree, I haven't had so much fun in the game for a while and pretty much been solely playing the Artist. You can W, but that just opens up the enjoyment of crow sniping. You can actually loop her, I met some survivors that can mind game quite efficiently, know when they can actually run into the crows or when to head to the next loop. Sure you meet survivors that just hold W or try to loop but don't know what to do once you placed the crow down.
It is one of the few killers where I feel that as a killer, you really have a back and forth with the survivors based on meaningful input from both ends. Maybe I am not playing her in the most efficient way and frankly that would be fine, but she is for sure fun to play this way and you feel like you stood a chance to win. Maps with ton of verticality are a bit of a nightmare against survivors that understand that fact, didn't believe I could dislike haddonfield even more... but it is true, gens on 3 different elevations are you kidding me.
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Uh, not "all streamers that are not tied with the FW program have stopped to stream DbD" you can easily go on Twitch and find many of them. Less? Maybe. But I follow many streamers that still play it, and they aren't "burnt out, it's clear, when they play they don't have fun at all."
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Many huge DbD streamers have said that they are bored about the game. Even Otz made a video about it but he is not the only one, Morf, Truetalent, Dowsey, and many others.
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Try playing her as range thats how i play her don't spam birds thru every loop. It's harder to play her this way but way more fun and rewarding.
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If you don't like to play her you can always play huntress. You don't have to play her if you don't like her. I also don't like to play every killer, i just don't play the killers i don't like.
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I most definitely will go back to playing huntress for my ranged killer. The problem is I'm super disappointed behavior keeps releasing basically the same killer with Sligh differences so you end up in the same boring gameplay loop.
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Ok, so... firstly pretty much every killer has some form of antiloop.
Stealth is anti loop because they sneak up on you and hit you before you even realize you need to get to one.
Range is anti loop because most of them can hit over pallets and windows.
Mobility is anti loop because you can get all up on a Survivor before they have time to get to an area that's actually useful or hasn't been used yet.
Traps are anti loop because suddenly staying at a now trapped loop is a terrible plan.
Insta Downs is anti loop because you only get 1 shot at looping instead of 2... also the majority of insta downs can also be used to chew up pallets.
Some killers even flat out make certain interactions impossible to do during chase... which is anti loop. That's mostly Doc and Pin Head but they exist and have anti loop.
You can't get away from anti loop. Every killer has it. I think the only 2 who don't really have it are Plague and Legion vs injured Survivors and they're kinda considered bad because they don't have anti loop vs injured Survivors. Plague less so because red puke exists, but still.
Now... now that we've gotten that out of the way... is Artist's anti loop problematic? I would say no. Her anti loop is definitely not anywhere near the best in the game because she has other strengths. Those other strengths are exactly why I like her. I love her detection. I love how she can harass Survivors from across the map. I honestly love that she's the first killer we've gotten in a while who has a power that is good in the 1v4 without just speeding up the 1v1 without requiring copious amounts of setup. I think the only other killer like that is Legion who came out way back in 2018.
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That is a very broad definition and there's a reason that not ever killer is considered anti loop. Sure you could say stealth is anti loop but once your in the loop you have no anti loop so that doesn't really work.
Ranged killer are once of the most loop able killers because of there 110 moments and they also slow down slower then a survivor on wind up so there more of an anti animation lock killer.
Sure if you try to run all the way across the map when you know they are mobile. You get 3 seconds just on the cooldown plus whatever it takes for them to get to you to make it to a loop. Most of them have to play the loop(nurse excluded) so you can still loop them.
Yeah I would agree traps are pretty anti loop.
You can still loop them just because you only get one hit doesn't mean you can't loop them so no on isnta down.
I know they are anti loop killers thats why they have anti loop in there kit.
I never said her anti loop specifically was the problem its the power of anti loop in general. You see because there are strong anti loop killers(i mean there anti loop is strong not them) you have to have strong loops that can still somewhat be used but the problem is if you don't have anti loop or crazy mobility then your really weak. What 4v1 does the artist have? She's good 1v1 and good info but doesn't have map wide pressure.
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She can. People just don't want to try, simple.
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Not quite, she has sniping capabilities and does have ranged potential. She doesn't suck but she's yet another killer who can't counter shift + w, which needs to be a thing with the next 1v1 killer. Or they need to have 4v1 like Pinhead.
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Then enlighten us. Saying "She can be looped" without elaborating does not solve anything.
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Make her blow her crows via ranged Killer mindgames. Bait them out, repel if you get hit while transitioning between loops (not the same as shift + w, which is about making as much distance as possible), she has a cooldown after activating her crows, around the same length as Huntress.
If one thinks that Artist is unloopable... what do they think of Nemesis, Pyramid Head and the others? Are they unloopable as well because they have a chase power?
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It is a broad definition, and I would argue that it is correct. There are numerous ways to counteract looping and not all of them involve muscling through them or hitting over/through them. In fact, games as Tier 1 Myers have been some of the least looping heavy games I've had barring Nurse. However, I do know what you mean, and I'll be referring to them as Chase Powers moving forward.
What 1v4 does she have? Simple. Her crows have infinite range and pierce everything. She can throw them at far off gens and any survivor hit has to either spend 8s getting rid of them or risk her throwing more to injure and eventually down them. She can throw 3 of them every 12ish seconds. Theoretically she can have 1 person in chase and the other 3 clearing crows and have 0 survivors on gens 75% of the time. Obviously, that wouldn't ever happen and I'm not sure she'd ever catch the person she was chasing if she did it, but the potential is there. That's why I say she has 1v4. Because she does. She can spread flocks of crows much like how Legion spreads Deep Wounds and Injuries. It takes a good amount of situational awareness to do it and to not focus 100% on the chase but it is possible.
Regardless, that's why while yes she has a chase power as well, her chase power is undeniably worse than all of the killers who do focus on chases and even some that don't. Nurse, Spirit, Nemesis, Pyramid Head, Bubba, Huntress, Blight, Demo, and arguably even Doctor all are better in chase than she is.
To be honest that 2nd paragraph is why I'm so confused by everybody being like "Ugggh, not another anti loop killer." because I don't see her as a chase killer. If I want chase... I'm going to play Spirit. In my mind she's a ranged control killer who has more in common with Legion than anyone else. That's why I personally enjoy playing her.
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her problem is that she gets little to no movement speed reduction when placing/sending crows off, which lets her catch up to you at loops. and the fact that you can get injured without being swarmed in close range. She literally puts you in lose/lose situations. It's just like release PH where if you vault/drop pallet, you get m2'd, if you fake the vault/drop you get m1'd.
Crows shouldn't injure without the survivor first becoming swarmed. And she needs to slow down after sending her crows off, not just stay stuck in a 1.5 second animation lock, cuz she can still catch up and block you at a pallet/window after you've mindgamed a crow to then get the m1.
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Considering I don't and never have paid attention to the "huge DbD Streamers" doesn't really matter to me. The streamers I watch and support all still enjoy the game, or they wouldn't be playing.
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pinhead is wayyy more funner to play. don't be ashamed to admit it, the NFT drama has nothing to do with playing him
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yeah she is really boring imo (to play as) I'm trying my best to like her too. I don't mind playing against her tho it's new and refreshing still
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Oh no I don’t care about the NFT stuff all I’m saying is Pinhead has more fun addons and he’s more unique cause he introduces another objective to the game
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Well, a streamer is forced to play the game... especially when they have 50+ viewers, they earn money doing so and would loose their viewers and money if they stopped playing.
Only huge streamers with tons of viewers can stop unless they have a deal with the company or something.
Dbd became a sweat fest and lost all the casual aspect that made it so good.
Before SBMM you could loose but still win a pip if you have played well. Now even if you played really well, if you die or don't get 3k, you loose MMR and play with/against potatoes.
Game has now a competitive mindset with a completely casual gameplay relying on RNG and a broken matchmaking + rewarding too much camping/tunneling... Well i do not see the fun about it.
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I've seen an increase in BnP and PTS to try and get out as fast as possible to increase chances of escaping. I honestly don't think the gaining mmr off kills is as bad as only escaping for survivors but it's still bad.