This might kill me *solo q rant*

I am trying to go from killer main, to more balanced. Red rank 1 killer, highest I have been as survivor is bronze.
I have worked my way up to red 4 survivor. I feel like I have worse teammates than I did at bronze. I am being given ash teammates who are immediately unhooking infront of the killer without bt. Constantly failing skillchecks, the killer will then come over and ofcourse I am the one who will get chased and hit. DCing on first down.
Running opposite direction of boon, then going down because they wouldnt let me heal them.
I bring kindred and BT to help, still 2 of them will go for the save, again both without bt. Or not let me save.
Doing the 18x sabo challenge when I am trying to heal them.
They do the 99 recovery, then move around then I am trying to heal them, so killer gets there in time and downs me.
I am too close to give up, but man do I feel like giving up. I know this has turned me off going for 100% achievements.
I just needed to rant a bit, feel like I am going crazy. Not sure why I cant be given teammates who know how to play.
Red killer, im red, ash x3. Makes no sense, because they do play like ash too.
Literally my next match after this post. I just gave up because I could tell.
Im over it. Why is an ash 4 who probably just finished installing the game being put with us ?!
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Playing survivor is still much more relaxing.
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if you don't escape through exit gate your MMR goes down (stays the same for hatch escape), which means worse teammates, making it more likely you don't escape. if you want to get higher MMR and better teammates then you need to be far less altruistic, rush gens and leave through the gate the first moment you can.
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I escaped 4 times in a row and get this.
Wont that just result in a safety pip? Running out of time to hit surv. 1
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Killer is bronze but still, where are the high rank survivors?
Now I have died twice ill get an ez killer, double pip, then be put with trash again.
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yeah, on the dev stream they said that hatch escape has no effect on either killer or survivor MMR.
I'm assuming you have played far more than 4 games to get to red rank, any trials where you die is a downgrade to your MMR (varies based on order you die in I believe, last survivor alive takes less of an MMR hit than first survivor to die), so if you are dying in trials more than surviving you aren't going to advance in MMR
Side note: I really hate that MMR is based on escape/kill. As survivor it relies far too much on the quality of the team you are matched with
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I just want to be put with similar skilled players. This MMR is trash.
In b4 if ur teemmates r trash ur trash its putting u wit similar skill players!
I just had someone hiding behind a wall, I went down on the pallet. They just watched, didnt pallet save me.
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One second you're talking about MMR, the next you're talking about pipping. I just to check that you know the two things aren't related. Your posts seem to be intertwining the two things a lot.
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Because how am I meant to pip, when I am being given trash teams? Not that hard to understand is it?
We loose emblem status when theyre unsafe unhooking, going down so fast ect
Plus MMR is trash. A rank IV 1 perk survivor with 120 hours is really on my MMR level?
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So, you understand that the emblem system is nothing more than an indication of how much a person has played since the 13th, and is in no way related to their hidden MMR that affects the matchmaking?
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Yes you're right, grades show nothing. All the ash / bronze people I play with are red grade potential, they just havent played much this month. Yes I agree.
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Rank doesnt matter anymore its just a matter of playing enough games and everyone can be rank 1.
MMR aka whats used to match players is a hidden value only affected by kills as killer and escapes as survivor, hatch escape is a draw and doesnt increase or decrease mmr.
Youre getting bad teammates because your mmr is low, as you rise up the average teammates you get will be better and at the top you get good teammates, the exception being when mmr is not able to match you with equal teammates for different reasons.
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I see that little globe icon. Turn off crossplay you might have better teammates if pepegas from epic store can't queue up with you
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Thats right, and thats why I keep getting such good killer, and teammates ash rank 1 perk
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! I will try this thanks so much. PC only
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The reason youre getting good or bad players in your game is because of your mmr being really low or really high, considering youre complaining about bad teammates most of your posts here i assume you got a low mmr and need to escape alot more to raise it.
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Thanks so much. I turned it off, waited much longer but got survivors with a total of over 5k hours.
Steam / PC only it is from now on.
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Hell yeah. Good luck.
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There seems to be a common thought that better MMR = better teammates. It's not exactly the case. Remember that BHVR isn't trying to match players of similar skill. They're matching to achieve spreadsheet balance and make the game playable for low MMR/new players. It is overwhelmingly common to see two vet players and two complete newbies in a lobby. It is exceedingly rare to see 4 really high level players in a lobby unless they queued up together. There is almost always one or two genuinely bad runners.
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Yeah I think ill give up becoming rank 1 surv.
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2 exhaustion perks HAHAHAHAHHAA fun fun fun. I really am going to give up.