how do you justify buying a $15 cosmetics for killers

Question how do you justify buying a $15 or any priced cosmetics for killers when you can't see 90% of it?
People buy cosmetics in Overwatch also, even though you can’t see them yourself during the match. I don’t do it either but 🤷♂️
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people like them?
kinda common sense.
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Looks good- why do ppl buy designer clothing?
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Yeah, I am collector and those are rookie numbers...
I like it, I buy it.
I mean, why wouldn't you, if it makes you happy and you can afford it, right?
and I have to watch them in lobby and I want my mories to look good...
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Same reason people buy expensive stuff they don't really need. To look good and they have some pleasure on the idea that people think they look good with it.
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Because if I'm gonna lose a match, I better do so while looking fabulous of course.
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I want to look good for the people I'm killing.
It's actually funny that you bring it up, because I just had a surv message me and tell me cool cenobite. :P
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real life also first person view so thats empty question
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Mirrors exist in real life. Also I can see more than my hands.
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Because people like the cosmetics.
If I see a cosmetic that I really like, you bet that I'm going to waste money on it. I'm also a impulsive buyer so there's that too.
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"Looks good and I can meme."
-My friend, owner of Krampus Trapper, Minotaur Oni, and possibly Thanatos Blight (I have to triple check this one).
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You dont have 87 FOV in real life
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Not with that attitude.
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What about now?
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The only way you can look at yourself in real life is a mirror... to see how you look with your clothes on. Kind of like looking at a Killers outfit before purchasing it...
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Simple, I like DBD (sometimes) and spending money will encourage the BHVR to not move onto a new project. Then I convert the price of a skin into the amount of time I have to spend at work to afford it, determine if I like the skin enough to warrant that much work time, then buy it if I think its worth it.
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Skins look cool. And especially younger people are more and more trained to pay money for digital stuff.
But the cosmetics in general are way too expensive.
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The only killer cosmetic I've bought with auric cells is Mikey's hospital gown and his assorted weapons. That was back around late 2019. I'm a devoted Mikey main.
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You dont you wait it have a discount.
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Lol you can see your own clothing while wearing it.
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I dont have to justify it, just leave us alone
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"Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay for."
People spend thousands of dollars on collector cards, NFTs, and more examples that, if mentioned, will offend somebody here eventually. We're already way passed the point of questioning the logic of people who pay for superficial objects.
I'd say embrace it, and let them support the game in your stead as you save for an early retirement or whatever is worthwhile for you.
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Personally I don't buy them for killers since I can't see it when I play. That's just too much money to spend on something that I can only look at within the queue screen.
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You good bro?
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I bought the $15 linked Blight skin. I hate the linked cosmetics robbery and I'm not really a Blight gamer. So... I literally wasted 15$ dollars on something I don't agree with (linked cosmetics) and especially on a killer I don't even play that often (Blight). Can a psychologist explain what is wrong with me?
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What a strange question to ask lol
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Because I wanted to? Do I need more justification?
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How do you justify buying fancy clothes in real life? Its the same thing you know
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Same as survivor and killer
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I bought a spirit head piece even though I never play her or bother too.
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