The snowman bring out the best in people

Change my mind. I met these cuties. I really love these snowmen, because i have met some of the funniest/goofiest/nicest people i've seen in a while messing with them. Thank you behavior. This kind of stuff makes my year.
This is great lmao.
I love these snowmen so much, they're so fun. They bring out some face campers too I noticed, but I'm still having a blast.
Something particularly hilarious is watching a snowman slowly climb up a hill to unhook you.
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A Clown gave me that free achievement where you pull pallets down on them while they are carrying a survivor. All because I did a snowman mating ritual dance for them.
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This reminds me of earlier tonight
I had offered Ormond while playing with a friend because it was their first round of the event and I wanted it to be thematic. The killer was Myers and at one point, 3 of us, in the snowmen started chasing him down. Eventually the 4th jumped in a snowman and we all chased him down till he stopped moving. At that point we just started doing circles around him and it was a glorious moment. He refused to hit us while in the snowmen and honestly I get that feeling to. The only reason I ever hit the snowmen with survivors inside is because I knew that was an easy way for us to be guaranteed an event cosmetic.
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In another post one of these survivors wanted to share this situation and now many angry people call it swf bullying and rage that our snowy friends are op
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Same! Although i haven't tried survivor so I haven't been sure on that. Anyone who is funny with the snowman gets a free pass at my book (I'm iri 3) I let everyone go without a single hook due to this game. It was just WAY to hilarious. I had a blast. I hope this is a chance for a lot of nice people to come out. I feel we could all use it ; u ;
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I just love tbagging Snowmans as a Killer and then sometimes other Survivors join and Its fun time.
Or They want me to let them escape with snowman xD funny
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It goes both ways. I've had matches where killers would act petty by bodyblocking me from escaping as a snowman at the gates or outright ignoring any snowmen just to deny the cosmetic.
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Hmm, I had survivors hiding inside snowman against Victor when I was doing challenge with Twins... Yeah, definelty best
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you get something from escaping as snowman?
Are you playing Ghostface / Pig?
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I've been getting camped every single match, and as a killer I get death threats and people hoping I die because I kill them in dbd
This also happened today, because hits apparently did not look ok for them but it did for me.
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Annnnnnd now I wish to give you a hug out of sympathy.
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Every Demodog is a good Demodog.
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Already did, for some reason people in my servers are actually being like that.
Thanks!! It is like that every event for some reason.
If I could I would upload that match, no BS hits from my POV, one was weird but I guess since demo's hit box is kinda like blight it looked like that.
The rest were survivor misplays but since people never have bad games and they never make mistakes it is like that.
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Regardless, I still wish to help you feel better through this awful time.
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No worries about that, I appreciate the thought I just dislike that this is what has been pretty common these days in my servers.
I grew up with games like MW2 so I don't really mind talk like that, I just hope that they do get banned because no one should be playing games if they are THAT upset to wish upon someone's death.
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Fair. I kinda hope that in the future, Perma-bans can be lifted after having mental therapy.
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Yeah, people like that should be perma banned and once they are clear or something like that, then they can make a comeback.
Because, I understand being upset, it is human to be upset but no one should ever tell another human to die because they lost in a videogame.
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Yep. Humans are an interesting species, indeed. NO, I AM NOT A LIZARD PERSON! Oh uh btw do you have any heat lamps?
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If i play killer and you are the last one, i've told to me due the event, "if you glow, you go" :D
The Survs are very thankfull for it :)
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Well technically they are OP.......sadly BHVR didnt think our Snow Bois through enough.....Yes you can't do hardly anything while inside one but after the novelty of them fade survivors will abuse them.....
They negate alot of killer powers, they cause a miss animation and a speed boost for getting hit.
I have yet to play with our SnowBois and I want to have fun with them and get my cosmetics.....but have seen too many posts by both survivors and killers saying how OP they are and how they are being used to bully....
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For reals lol I'm unsure if there is an actual term to that kind of people, maybe like bipolar?
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I've had some of the most wholesome experiences I've ever had in this game with these snowmen. Really has brought out the good side in many players.
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If you escape as snowman you get 1500BP for "master of disguise"
You also get 50BP for "disguise" when you hop in a snowman and 400BP "cold shoulder" when killer hits you out of a snowman. Killer gets 400BP if someone is in snowman they hit, 50BP for empty snowmen.
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I didnt know that was a thing. I let them all go by the door all the time so hope im helping at least a little o:
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I'm sad how few memeing survivors I get when I play killer. I had one match where a survivor got in a snowman and chased me, and it was hilarious. Definitely haven't had any groups of 3 or 4 messing about. In most of my killer matches, the survivors don't go near the snowmen. You'd think the snowmen were insta-death-traps.
Me and my friend did a lot of screwing around as survivor today. We'd try to meme as snowmen in every match. Only one killer, a Wraith, memed back. He ran away and kept ringing his bell like he was freaking out. Loved it.
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This clip is great ! Nice to see you also having fun, I’m loving the snowmen I get in one and go follow the killer about freezing when they turn at me like you see nothing LOL
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Started playing yesterday after having not most of the year for Wraiths candy cane and a few survivors wobbled at me while in a snowman so I'd let them go that encounter but if I found them again they went on a hook.
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The snowmen really make me laugh, they're really cute, good times come from this event :)
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I feel the same way, it's the most wholesome interaction this game has ever had.