Game still has the worst and most frustrating matchmaking I've experienced in several years of gamin
I'm trying to get back to the game and this insists on unwelcoming me by matchmaking me with players of the highest grade. Mind you, as you can see, I'm grade Ash, the lowest. I do not understand how the developers' minds operate when designing this but it is ridiculously offensive and infuriating.
Grades don't factor into matchmaking
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The matchmaking is really bad
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Just played one game, poor killer
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Which is bad, really, really bad design.
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This goes against intuitiveness and common sense, it is wrong and bad design, because your skill should ultimately result in the grade. If this is not the case, the developers are making some logical gymnastics in their design.
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The "confusion" is well justified. It is like going to a place called Burger Queen, ordering a burger, and getting as a response: "We don't sell burgers here, only sushi. That is a common confusion we have in this store".
Your performance (skill) in matches affects your grade, so that's the metric to keep into account, as in every other multiplayer game that uses a grande/rank system.
The statement made by the moderator, "grades [...] are pretty much just an indication of playtime", is factually incorrect. I could be playing hours upon hours weekly and still be low grade because my performance is bad. If "grades are pretty much just an indication of playtime", then why not just show playtime hours in the post-screen?
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Yeah but that hidden mmr is not helping when I get so many games where the survivors just stomp me into hell and then you look. At the profiles and they have 3k+ hours when I am not at 200. Since the matchmaking trys to hold q times as low as possible mrr doesn't matter cause we just don't have enough killer players and the system will give you God like swfs on the regular cause if these guys would need to wait till they get a killer in there actual mmr rating they would probably only play 4 games all day