,,Survivors just want to have fun" ,,Just dont play seruously for 2 weeks"

Saying stuff like this is so stupid and such bs nonsense.
Yes, Snowman might not be that OP as many claim it to be (except against twins) but they are still REALLY strong especially since survivors get them for free and they can be REALLY game changing in some scenarios.
Now the thing is, ONLY survivors got something that helps them during the Event while killers only got it harder AGAIN.
They didnt got anything for during the event.
And no, free skins is not a excuse, especially since there arent even that many skins + MOST of them are ofc for survivors.
There are people like me who want to play competive most of the time, no matter on which side we are playing and telling us to just play casually for 2 weeks is such a huge disrespect to us.
Everyone is allowed to play however they want as long as its not against the rules and there is no right or wrong between casual and competive, both playstyles are legit and reasonable and just because YOU play a certein way, you are not going to tell others to play your way too ir try to justify this unfairness!
Just give EVERYONE the same advantages/disadvantages so everyone can decide for themselfs to play casually or competive, so no one can complain.
Is it so hard to not be a (Beeeeeep) about stuff like that?
Huh? We got Wraith and Hag weapons, along with frosty eyes for Trickster and Artist. There are only 3 sweaters, correct me if I am wrong...
Play a killer that is snowman meta for 2 weeks or take a break. Not sure what else to tell you.
10 -
Just play bubba for two weeks, right? He doesn't give a ######### about snowman.
8 -
Exactly, and who knows, after the 2 weeks, you will probably still want to play him once you discover what it is hidden deep inside your proverbial basement, uwu.
6 -
Well... then what would you change about the snowmans to be more fair?
As for my own opinion, yes, they can be OP againts some Killers but I don't really care because I play for fun and this event is rly funny for me so far. I try to be more nice and tbagg together snowman Survivors, etc. Pretty funny.
However I will probably avoid playing Twins for 2 weeks.
7 -
Don't give an extra damage state? If you get hit, you're damaged or downed. That simple. I don't care if you play to meme around. Fun to me is actually playing the game for real.
9 -
,,Just play x" should never be said about anything.
They dont even neccesary have to change something, just give killers something as well.
Well i am not really counting frosty eyes tbh
3 -
I wish they gave killers more event add-ons instead of just the blighted serum every halloween. If survivors can get a new version of basically all their items and a new add-on every event (I know that's not factual, but it's enough that it feels like it), they can give killers a thematic add-on during events.
I'd also like it so if a survivor has the sparkling, indicating they are getting whatever event cosmetic/charm at the end of the round, the snowmen no longer negate damage. It doesn't make them look so appealing and doesn't give a competitive advantage to the survivors.
0 -
I completely agree.
The fact that the entire event for killers is just hitting survivors an extra time is pretty much worse than no event at all. Honestly, WHO would look at all the discussions about how broken Dead Hard is at the moment and think "wow, christmas event should be an extra health state for survivors!"
The rewards are really mediocre, who ever uses frosty eyes beyond their first week? Oh boy, a reskin of a Wraith weapon so bland you'd never even notice it wasn't default!
On top of that, there's only 10 drops. For most people they're gonna be done collecting them in a day and then just spend the time working out how to abuse snowmen to make every chase 4 health states long.
If there was an option to queue normal matches without the event, then I'd have no problem with it, but being forced to go into the match with survivor being given a significant advantage for what will be basically no reward for many of us, means I feel fully justified in being annoyed at the other side demanding we play how they want instead of wanting to actually play a match for two weeks.
5 -
I am a killer main and I also just want a fun event and since it's the season of giving all I'm gonna do the whole event is vibing with the survs and chill I can kill them all year long and you meet some really nice people. Even meet a nice tiny streamer vibing with me having fun it was just great
7 -
Just because YOU want it, doesnt mean others want to do it a well and thats the problem here, that some people just cant accept that.
1 -
Did I said you need to do what I do? Did I stand behind your chair with a bat I don't think so. Just wanted to give my opinion to this.
And you actually find survs that don't want to vibe as well
5 -
I thought I was crazy, I logged on tonight to play killer and my GF laughed and told me they gave survivors more stuff...I'm about to leave her survivor main ass
1 -
I just don't think designing an event that cripples certain Killer is a wise idea.
13 -
0 -
Ive seen people complaining that Leatherface stilk one onehit down them while in the snowman.
Like they REALLY EXPECT it to be 100% safe for no tradeoff.
4 -
Snowmans OP hahaha. That's a hilarious joke
4 -
Yeah those 2s that you get hit later are so gamechanging. Its hilarious on what killer players complain about every time.
4 -
If its not gamechanging, why dont you just stand still for 2 seconds everytime the killer starts chasing you?
Please record your matches then.
Its not a big deal, right?
3 -
Thats quite the logic. Not.
4 -
No, it makes perfect sense acc. Getting free health states is bullshit
3 -
Stop playing the until the event is over.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
How dare killers try to play the game how its supposed to be played.
2 -
Ok, but the reverse of this is: just because YOU want to play seriously, doesn’t mean others want to do it as well.
The only people not accepting anything here are the (primarily) killer mains who can’t accept that the game isn’t intended to be serious 24/7. YOU can choose to play that way, but you only have yourselves to blame for your disappointment if you choose to play contrary to what the reality is.
3 -
Yeah honestly I don't hear survivors saying that ######### to other survivors when they are out here bullying and forcing 0 hook games onto killers. I was playing yesterday because of the event starting and I have never been griefed more in all my time playing DBD and I've never had so many games in a row where all BBQ stacks were just straight up denied.
2 -
Nowhere i demand others to play competive.
People who wants to play casually can play against competive players with no problem since they dont care about winning or losing anyway.
0 -
I'm fine with suggested changes if theyre balanced but just doing that change is broken. Survivors already move at a snails pace when in a snowman and literally cant interact with ANYTHING while in one. Even if you changed it so the snowmen are just a skin you'd have survivor mains claiming its a direct nerf to survivor stealth.
No matter what you do you'll have one side moaning. I think the current snowman state is pretty balanced (for everyone except twins obvi). It also provides a lot of early game delay with survivors looking for killers to hit them. I'm curious to see how the game will be after the first few days when theres nothing left to do but for now its a quirky little change that I cant hate too much...
1 -
Not a solution
0 -
It's your own problem. Deal with it or stop playing.
1 -
I stopped playing the game back in October, BHVR needs to stop giving survivors so many advantages.
0 -
"No matter what you do you'll have one side moaning."
If you make the snowman costume purely cosmetic without it affecting gameplay, who exactly is gonna complain?
0 -
And that means longer survivor queues lmao
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Not at all. My morning q's when i play this game are less than 10 seconds. :)
1 -
Won't be less than 10 seconds at night
0 -
Have you seen this community?!
"...but my imersion!" "I cant stealth and hide from the killer now! BrOkEn GaMe!"
0 -
I mean, I've seen one person claim that the snowmen are only fun if they have the current mechanics that they do, so idk. ;P