Community always amazes me with ways to stop people from getting event rewards

Like the doc who won't hit you but shock you instead lmao.
Keep it up.
Edit: I didnt think about the benefit of shocking survs in a serious match at the time I made a thread. Some killers and survivors deny the event for no reason than to be petty tho.
I actually did that in a game 2 days ago for the make the survivor scream 44 times challenge.
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DBD community is not toxic guys!!
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Apparently it also doesn't count if deathslinger spears you :(
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This reminds me of that one Freddy with Blood Warden during the Moonrise event...
Though he wasn't doing it because he didn't want people to get the rewards. He was doing it because it was part of his build.
Still pretty funny tho.
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Yeah found out the hard way it doesn't actually give you the cosmetic if you shock them instead of hitting them
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I had a Ghostface who went around popping all of the Snowmen and he refused to hit anybody who was in one.
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Had a Trapper just now who wanted me to go into his trap while I was in a snowman. Eventually I won because he hit me. Then I got in his trap and let him hook me.
I mean, if you really want me in your trap sure (maybe for a challenge or something), but give me something in return then.
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I played a couple killer matches. One match survivors refused to hop into snowmen the other they would pop out anytime I got close. I was even playing nice not hitting anyone, just being Doctor shocking them off gens and then kicking the gen. Guess they didn't want cosmetics. 😂
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It is for me.
I am devoted to that killer, particularly his old version, more than anyone is and more than anyone ever will.
You can laugh it up if you want to. I don't really care.
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Ok when you say old are you talking OG wait 7 seconds to hit survivor Freddy or first rework freddy?
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I first started playing DBD in December of 2018.
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killers always angry at survivors kek
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Then much respect. I was around for OG Freddy and he was so fun when he worked way better then v3 Freddy now.
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The respect is mutual, then :)
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Thanks. I wish the would bring him back with a few tweaks. I was such a unique and interesting design.
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Yeah, same.
That is why I mention him at every single opportunity, insist on his return whenever I can.
But I will tell you, my friend: it is difficult to keep talking when your words always fall on deaf ears.
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So far I've only had bully squads of survivors.
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That's not the Killer's fault, it's the fault of the devs implementing them without thinking about all the interactions between Killer powers and snowmen
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Another case of bad implementation is with Twins. The snowmen grant immunity to Victor, giving the Survivors a free kick
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The last survivor can get all of them, no problem for me, just in the case I destroy them otherwise they don't
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I'll do that if I see someone trying to get smart and use snowmen mid chase. Play silly games, win silly prizes.
Usually though, I'll try to give people the cosmetic at least.
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Wait you have to M1 the snowmen for the survivors to get the cosmetic?
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General is allowed to talk about Freddy, just like I’m allowed to talk about Spirit. You realize that right?
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probably because its a completely free hit that survivors don't need in the first place and his power gives him an advantage in that case? it's not like he left you.
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Eventually Michi will retire and I'll have to take his spot as the resident 'forum Hag'.
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I agree. It is a smart thing to do actually in a serious match. I didn't think about that at the time I made a thread.
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He was just talking about a game he had. :/
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The Doctor is simply being smart by using his power to destroy the snowman instead of giving you a free 3rd hit.
Its objectively the best way doctor to play during the event.
Also blame the devs for how broken the snowmen are when interacting with killer's powers as its broken on a lot of them.
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Did you read my edit?
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I notice it but its impossible to know if they are purposely doing it to deny the event for everyone or if they are just playing to win.
Its the issue with this type of one sided event is that people are incentivized by the game itself not to let the event work.
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I have to agree, albeit reluctantly.
It's great when everyone is just meme-ing with snowmen to get the cosmetics. It's annoying when people are using them as a pseudo-BT or to bodyblock hooks/chokepoints mid chase.
It feels like killers should have been given something for this event, rather than it amounting to another defensive tool for survivors.
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I like how there was a separate rift for Halloween event. That's what should have happened here. The rift as it is now is stupid easy to level up and complete way ahead of schedule. It would have been nice if all the rewards were on a Bone Chill tome. Still could have had the snowmen, but they could have acted as movable lockers instead of a free hit. That way everybody gets the rewards and no side gains an advantage over the other.
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Nah EVERYTHING goes back to old Freddy. May he rest in peace with all the other gutted killers.
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There are 3 main mindsets during these events.
Those that enjoy the spirit of the event and take it easy on each other, memeing around and keeping it light.
Those that just play normally and take the event as it comes during their normal gameplay.
And, lastly, the cotten headed ninny muggins , that only play to spoil it for others.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, if you are in the first two!
Bah Humbug, to you number 3s.
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I had a survivor block the exit door with a snowman so that I couldn't leave in a snowman. I popped my snowman and exit just in time and he got sacrificed by the timer running out. Some people really will go out of their way to ruin the game for others.
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Maybe you found out already but yes, with Doc only the M1 gives the surv (and probably the killer aswell, but that is only a guess) the cosmetic, the shock just destroys the snowman.
That is not true for other killers though, chainsaw and Tricksters knifes (if they injure you) for example count for the cosmetic.
Someone mentioned that deathslingers spear also doesn't count so it seems like an oversight from BHVR to me (or maybe they just didn't care).
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Yeah I did find that out. Honestly I wish that wasn’t the case. I’ve been M1ing the snowmen now that I know.
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Happened to me. Two survivors tried that and somehow failed lol. It was funny to me tho because it is not hard to get cosmetics even with people like that once in a while.
Killers will hit you eventually and you get the stuff.
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I think it got to me because it was the frst time I had seen someone else try to leave with a snowman during a match I was expecting us both to leave as snowmen, which would have been fun moment.
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It's weird, 'cuz it's inconsistent.
Artist's M2 hitting directly does count for getting the sparkles, as does Nemesis' M2 which also contaminates the survivor if they weren't already. Plague's Vile Purge works as normal as well, even filling up the infection meter, but doesn't destroy the snowman.
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Now that I've played for a couple of days, and I see how easy it is to farm the rewards by just destroying snowmen together, it blows my mind how few people are willing to do it. Like, even if you already have your own rewards, why would you not help other people?