Killers/Survivors - Why Do You Play The Role You Do?

What is it that you like about either role, or dislike about the other?
For me, as a consumate killer main who very occasionally dabbles in survivor:
- Much more relaxing.
- Gives you a lot of second chances.
- So many good choices for perks.
- Teammates can make up for my mistakes/shortcomings.
- I'm dependent on other people.
- There isn't much variety to the role.
- Decision making usually boils down to 'greed, hide or run away'.
- Perks are mostly non-interactive.
- Every survivor plays the exact same.
- Can sometimes be rather boring and tedious.
- Certain archive challenges are just ridiculous.
- Queue times can be really long.
- Extremely dynamic role.
- Endless decision making, risks and chances to outplay or be outplayed
- Every killer is different and can be further differentiated with builds and addons. So much variety!
- I only need to rely on myself.
- Some interesting choices in terms of perks.
- Every game can feel different.
- Lightning fast queue times mostly.
- Faster BP gains.
- Killer theme tunes are pretty awesome.
- I get to jumpscare people without getting smacked.
- BM survivors.
- Flashlight macros give me a migraine.
- SWF can feel unfair.
- Some maps/offerings are silly.
- Dead Hard/hit validation.
- Can be a very stressful, frustrating role.
both cause I find them both fun and personally do not play to win or sweat.
of course both can be frustrating too though.
Survivor is a laugh most times and I love just messing around with hatchets as Huntress.
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I play both. I will play whichever queue is shortest (so generally that means I am survivor by day and killer by night). I find both roles fun in their own unique ways.
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I haven't played Survivor because it's like someone took all the parts I don't like about multiplayer experiences and put them on one side of the game.
Yes, Survivor might actually be the more powerful role in a lot of scenarios, but I don't enjoy scenarios where I have to run away from things. Having to choose between lack of communication or voice comms that I couldn't use most of the time I play and when I don't want to talk to total strangers? Terrible. Being repeatedly killed without any means to actually fight back is one of the reasons I got the hell away from FPS games due to imbalanced lobbies.
Plus I don't super enjoy looping on the Killer side most of the time, don't think that would help.
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I mainly play killer for 2 reasons.
Queue times
More engaging than survivor.
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When I play survivor, it's purely solo queue and it's...nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Kindred+Open Handed is brilliant, and I'll usually load up WGLF or CoH too (in addition to the mandatory Dead Hard). Sometimes you get potato allies, but sometimes you get really great ones. And if you do get stunk, you can have fun spectating.
The role is just...stale to me. I've put maybe 40 hours into it and it feels like, aside from mechanical skill and tile knowledge, I've basically seen what the role has to offer me.
Killer on the other hand - I don't think I'll ever stop learning, and that 'learning' is still basically a straight, 45 degree line heading upwards.
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I play mostly killer because I find it more challenging & rewarding especially when dealing with tryhards,toxic players or bullies but i mostly play for fun where's survivor it's only fun when playing with friends but of course it's not to say that randoms can't be good teammates it's just hard these days imo.
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I enjoy playing Killer, Demogorgon and Artist in particular, more than Survivor because I enjoy being the "big bad" hunting and killing the Survivors. Killers get more BP aswell and are more unique than Survivors. Killer is harder and more frustrating, but if you can get past that, it's really fun
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I don't have a favorite or preferred. I literally roll some dice and let them decide - it's all random. I will then play 3 games with each and then reroll. So far, I have enjoyed doing it this way and it keeps the variety fresh. Survivor does SEEM more relaxing - but I am still fairly new to the game.
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I play Killer because I like getting heart attacks
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Killer if I'm alone. Survivor if I'm playing with friends.
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I play both.
However I enjoy survivor alot more and not for any particular reason that I can come up with, I started the game with survivor and have stuck with it. Im not always huge on gens when I play survivor, I go for memes and flashlight saves but I try to do like 1 1/2 gens before I do just to be productive and helpful. This comes with being called toxic but I'm just enjoying the game.
As far as killer, sometimes I feel like I play just to prove that I can. Some have really fun powers like blight(my favorite) that I just like going for cool plays with. Some of the killers may be decent and I do get good results but their power just FEELS so boring.
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I only play killer. I don’t enjoy playing survivor for a few reasons
- Too much downtime on hooks or on the ground.
- I like the chases better in first person perspective
- Survivors are basically all the same except for their perks. Killers have much better variety of playstyles
- I play DbD solo and killer is the better solo experience
I’ll watch streamers play survivor sometimes for the heck of it, if only to get some of that perspective, but I don’t find it all that fun to play.
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Killer because I can stab.
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I play both, but enjoy killer more as playing a 1v4 role is quite an unique experience from other games.