matchmaking is so bad

I'm a ash 3 killer (rank 19 i think?) and i havent played in a while, but at my peak, i was rank 16. Just now I was playing and getting absolutely bodied by survivors and I just dced since they had all gens done in ######### 10 seconds. I look at the leaderboard and the 2 that were looping me were red 1 and 4. makes no sense
Your "rank" is not your matchmaking rating. You don't get to know your MMR. That said, you were probably the first killer that didn't lobby dodge them.
I play on Steam with crossplay disabled. We have at least 2-3 killers dodge every game so they can go try to get console players to bully.
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Yep, sbmm just doesn't work
The grades are actually a better measure of skill, ironically.
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trying to do daily rituals...
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Its either the epic free people, or high level killers are leaving / switching to survivor. DH + boons + MMr
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hide the names dude
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no need, this is not breaking forum naming & shaming rules. A post breaks those rules only when it reflects negatively on a person or persons - this does neither of those things.
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noted, thank you.
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i honestly liked the matchmaking, im still new at the game (bronze 1 killer) and i usually get matched with red ranks or just gold or sometimes ash, even though i was matched with a red rank sometimes i can still clap them and i feel more confident in playing kilelrs after that, im not sure if theyre trolling or theyre just boosted but simply putting it, i think the matchmaking is pretty good unless u get 4 red ranks swf when ur still new
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Tons of examples