hex pentimento and hex plaything is nuts

the slowdown pentimento gives u is so good and plaything forces survives to cleanse totems because they won't want to be oblivious, survivors just non stop searching for totems!
They can boon the hex, you got lucky in your games if they cleansed the totems
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Booning a hex takes way too much time and isn't worth it imo. Your better of just cleansing the hex instead.
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Boons do mess this build. I have gotten a few 5 hex games but it depends on no boons. Seems to be always someone.
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It takes 10 more seconds than Booning a Dull, which is far less time than what you will save due to Circle of Healing (heck, even Exponential and, situationally, Shadow Step) being broken as hell.
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The second you run into a savvy group, they'll just boon the Plaything totems so you can't Penti them.
Not to mention that the majority of SWF groups these days just straight up ignore Plaything totems and rely on coms to negate them.
I'll run it on Cenobite and Plague, but I still get more value out of Ruin, Pop and even Surge and Pain Resonance these days.
Shadowstep and Exponential are...okay. CoH is just stupidly powerful, as it gives the entire group a souped up Self Care that stacks aggressively with other healing stuff for the price of a single perk slot on one player and Overcome...well, if it wasn't competing directly with Dead Hard that would have a similar issue.
Boons as a whole are just...dumb. I'm astonished that they went live as is, and have stayed this way. Everyone and their dog agrees that snuffing them should at least break the totem.
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Pentimento is a really good killer perk when used right, so its going to get nerfed.
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It's...not. It doesn't work well within the current meta and has several easy counters.
It's definitely a '4 star' perk (on the Otzdarva scale :) ) but I'm honestly more concerned about another perk combo that I'm not even going to mention (too much fun to risk jinxing).
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plaything is useless against swf. who needs to cleanse when your friend tells you that they're being chased?
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Big totem game.
- Killer use Ruin: do bone.
- Ruin gone fast, Killer add Undying: do more bones.
- Ruin, Undying gone fast, Killer use Noed: do all bones.
+ 4 survivors use Boon: now you do bones.
- Killer use Plaything and Pentimento: now you do bones again.
Since I use Plaything and Penti, my Trapper games are less stressful. Because I can afford 6-8 hooks per game and 1-2k. No more 1 hook 1k match
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More like...
Perfectly fine by the devs. Killers have to adapt.
Point 4 trumps this one.
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It takes 24 seconds to bless a hex totem.
1/4 of your team is occupied during that action.
As a team, 6 seconds are lost by blessing the totem.
Therefore, if the killer takes any more than 6 seconds in the match to get rid of the boon totem (ie, you didn't go down directly on top of it so they had to walk more than 2 steps to it) then as a team you have gained net time.
If you get even a single heal out of the boon, you've saved one survivor 16 seconds, buying back 4 of the 6 seconds it took to light.
Now on top of that, we're considering Pentimento, so if you don't bless the totem you already have to cleanse it again, meaning your total time cleansing one totem is 28 seconds, more than the 24 it took to bless in the first place. And on top of that, there's the 30% slow to gen repairs which will stack up to a lot of time gained if the totem is not dealt with.
There is no good reason to not bless a totem instead of breaking it. There is far less reason to break it instead of blessing if Plaything is being used, because people ARE using it to get Pentimento to work. The only time I can see an argument for breaking a totem when you have a boon equipped is if they're ALSO running Thrill of the Hunt and it would take 48 seconds to break, in which case you can argue that it takes a hell of a long time and being interrupted is a realistic possibility.
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it's a gr8 combo, I love giving survivors things to do . always ask them how long that gen take lmao
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It takes 28 seconds to bless a hex. The wiki is wrong.
Don't know if it was shadownerfed or is was always 28 seconds but that's the time it actually takes.
Double with thrill at full stacks
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Break it twice or Bless it once the choice is yours.
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Solid data. So a killer has to run 3 situational perks to even have a chance to get a consistent 5 stack of the perk. Boons are broken when it comes to gameplay. But they aren’t game ending. There should be a charge based system for the perks as survivor gameplay is heavily based on “charges”. That or let killers break the totems while snuffing.
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Is it possible that it's been a while since you actually checked the wiki? Cause it says 28 seconds on it, because it's a 50% speed penalty.
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Aah so they finally updated it? Thats good
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I guess so. There's generally so much stuff to update that it can take a while to get everything, especially when the devs' own promo-material has the wrong numbers.
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True. The wrong information about dead hard took years to change
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You mean the 250% thing? Those numbers weren't actually wrong, the only thing that was was the interaction duration (1 second instead of the 0.5 seconds it actually is). All they "fixed" is that number.
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Yeah i meant the duration
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Pentimento is a joke, especially vs SWF. If you destroyed the totem once, you know where it was. You suddenly see the hex symbol and gens are slow. Everyone go check the totem spot you destroyed. Done.
I've run this combo several times and it is only helpful vs bad groups. Any SWF and halfway decent solo que groups render it null and void. It buys me about a minute throughout the entire match; which I more than lose to Boons.
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Either way, it's still nowhere near as much time spent as what you'll save with Circle of Healing.
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Pentimento is countered by like 1000 things
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Idk man. That's 35% of a gen that wasen't done.
Also noted that it's uninterupted time. Killer chases you off? Doctor shocks you with static blast from halfway across the map? you scream because of infectious fright? Start over.
It's not a 100% deterent but it's not a clear cut "it's always worth it" either.
Throw in Thrill in this build and it's straight up never worth it to bless the hex