Nerfed Devour Hope

Because of boons survivors basically start looking for totems at the start of the match no matter if you have a hex or not, Devour Hope went from mediocre to useless.
"do bones"... "Wait why are you doing bones stop that"
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If survivors are finding your totems asap, drop Undying in favor of Lethal Pursuer. It's so much better.
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I don't defend NoED or any ######### like that. Don't putting words in my mouth.
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I mean... Devour Hope has always been a meme perk. Even with release Undying it was still bad because it didn't carry over tokens.
If the survivors are on comms (playing to win) Devour Hope is terrible, just as it always has been. For fun perk.
Not to say that's a bad thing. It's just a little minigame to spice up the game a little.
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If snuffing destroyed then 100% agree. However, it does not.
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Tbh I feel like it was a mistake to even tie boons to totems in the first place, rather than just making a new prop for survivors and leaving totems alone.
It indirectly nerfs hex perks (which were already not in a great spot) and also creates a “totem war” kind of thing where people who want to use perks requiring you to cleanse totems just can’t do so anymore without reducing the opportunities for boons.
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I'm not tho..
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I still use devour hope to a consistent 3 token stay up
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As soon as it hits 3 stacks is generally when I see it get cleansed.
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Hehehe I'm that one bastard running Distortion...
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It's a shame that there is so few of you; it's a great perk.
I would love to see an entire Distortion squad, that would be a sight to behold
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Honestly, this is no problem. If you need your Devour Hope you should run a protection and if not just let it go. Thrill of the Hunt or Undying are good options with Undying providing you with information and Thrill providing a good chunk of slowdown to boon blessers.
Devour Hope is an all or nothing perk. There is nothing wrong with survivors looking for totems and blessing them. The problem with boons comes from their power level and unchanged numbers and not from the incentive to do bones. Good survivors would do bones either way because they have the time for that.
I enjoy that BHVR can now buff hexes a bit more and does so. New Bloodfavoure would not have been possible without boons.