Play the game to have fun.

People are genuinely not having fun anymore while playing because they only look to win. They will have the most boring, repetitive games if it means an escape/4K. Play for fun. If winning is fun, then let having fun be winning. You don't need to play every game like it's a cash cup, because that only makes it more frustrating when you lose. If you no longer get any enjoyment from playing, stop. It's that simple.


  • TheGentlemen
    TheGentlemen Member Posts: 198

    While I agree that people should have more fun with this game, the definition of fun is very subjective to everyone. Some people, myself included at times, do not have fun when they lose consistently. Playing later in the night can be difficult, but it is the only time I am properly able to do it. The match making that the game provides is also a contributor to the frustration players feel. But I do agree to an extent that if the game is bothering you to where it's something you post about daily on the forums, you may need to take a step back and breathe.

  • PigsEatBacon
    PigsEatBacon Member Posts: 53

    The MMR thing I can get by. It's not in our control and that drastically changes the game. DESPERATELY needs a fix but you get where I'm coming from.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    The only way to have fun is to swf apparently.

    Nevermind kyf it has to be swf.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    What is there for a killer to do besides play the game as intended?

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited December 2021

    A fine sentiment. But the real meat of the issue isn't "playing to win," so much as "playing to have fun."

    I think most everyone would agree that it is not fun to fruitlessly chase one survivor for 5-6 minutes, never get a hit or a hook, and then all four teabag you at the gates as they escape.

    Even if you're not going for 4ks, there has to be some give and take. Killers have to be able to hit, down, and hook survivors. If you're just playing a chase simulator against wildly over-skilled, mismatched players, you're just playing a racing game where you always come in 2nd.

    And that's to say nothing of how killer powers are progressively made harder to use, less rewarding to connect with, and easily overridden by survivor perks. Imagine going through all the hassle of learning to use a difficult, unintuitive, poorly-coded power, only for the devs to change it to be way, way harder to use or to have to do less when you do use it. That's just plain discouraging because it feels like the people in charge of the game don't actually have your best interest in mind. And it KEEPS HAPPENING.

    You don't have to have a "I must get a 4k" mindset to still find typical games - and the ongoing trend of this game's development - deeply unpleasant and discouraging.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I had a ghost face do this yesterday was pretty fun. I know specific killer can do stuff like I to play huntress and go for crazy shots but besides stuff like that all you can really do is stand the or tag and if I was going to do that I would just camp or play survivor. I just don't get some times when people say just play for fun but on the killer side your very limited to what you can do and there's no interaction or any kind of satisfaction. If you have to find ways to make your own fun (when that's the games only reason for existing) is a problem. If I have to go out of my way to find fun why not go outside and do that for real?

  • Terrik
    Terrik Member Posts: 21

    I played a game recently where survivors took turns blinding me one by one, followed by emotes and teabags. They were all running meta perks and not for a single moment did I feel that I had any control over the game, had any chance of competing on an even playing field or enjoyment of the match. Losing is fun when you feel like you at least had a shot. I lose a lot of games I play, and I feel just fine. DBD is a whole other level, because even when you're playing "for fun", that doesn't mean you enjoy being a punching bag.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Guarantee you the guy that made this thread plays in a 4-man SWF with his buddies and plays to have fun by going for sick IW and dead hard flashlight saves

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    See, I'm a MMR hater, always been a hater since the first test.

    Killer, you get the same over and over and over, you get into a limit on how boring it is becoming, no one tries to outplay, everything is a pre drop or dead hard for distance to pre drop.

    Survivor, you get killers that are tired of that playstyle so they just play scummier.

    MMR only made this casual game into a tryhard fest for both sides even when there is no reward to actually winning other than satisfaction.

  • DorkianBae
    DorkianBae Member Posts: 227

    You can't tell people how they can have fun

    People's idea of fun are different, some people are very competitive and others such as yourself are not.

    People who want the game to be balanced and fair aren't going to have fun in the current state of DBD

    I personally come from a lot of competitive games, main one being League of Legends so it personally frustrates me how little this game is balanced...So many useless perks and weak killers staying weak forever while nurse stays top tier forever with maps staying broken.... So many things that could be fixed that just never will.

    Just think of all the small tweaks they could do to just perks to fix them that wouldn't take much effort.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960
    edited December 2021

    I get the sentiment, however, due to how both the devs and the majority of the community decided to be as tryhard/sweat rags with a game that the devs tried to say is not competitive but adds competitive systems it has gone a bit too far for anyone one to really reel back and play more for the enjoyment and hell even sometimes at the cost of good sportsmanship.

    And to anyone else going to deny or say like " If it's not fun then don't play" really think about it. first, look at what this game has become both constant victim-blaming from killers for poor balancing to make the game both fun and enjoyable while at the same time encouraging dirty tactics and survivors for lack of a better phrase "bitching and moaning and bitching and bitching and bitching" about killers doing anything except contorting to a made-up ruleset that even they can't follow due to the I-frame abuse of dead hard and using a term that was made for something that the game doesn't factor at all. Then on top of all that the same majority end up flooding people's accounts and forum messages basically complaining about the same problems that the same community ended up creating topped of then by a dev team who by this point has to know the problems and the actual toxic attitudes it cultivated and does nothing about but egg it on because they want to make it where IMO it becomes a game much like a fighting game where it is more about the competition/high-level play/ esports bullshit without actual understanding of what that entails.

    I am sorry if I am coming across as a jackass but I want to enjoy it much like the OP wants to however, the truth as much as it hurts needs to be said inorder to fix it.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Exactly. I used to play Killers that I could 4k with when I was a big tryhard last year, and focused on maintaining rank 1 Killer every month. Played lots of Nurse and pre-nerf Pyramid Head at that time, and it was pretty sweaty. Needless to say, I really didn't enjoy my games that much and was extremely worried about losing and possibly making a fool of myself. It's a very bad place to be and I finally ended up uninstalling and leaving the game for nearly 10 months.

    Since I've come back to the game, and especially after grades were implemented and you could no longer de(grade?), I've really been enjoying my Killer games. I no longer focus on 4k or pipping, and I've been having a lot of fun playing Killers like Oni, Billy, Trapper and Ghostface. I actually have far less stress on my Killer games than I do Survivor! And with all of this, I've actually been having a blast, improving at the game and getting oodles of points in the process. I don't sweat, and I don't camp or tunnel (which I didn't even do back during my tryhard months--it was still sweaty however). I even look forward to going up against SWF and more experienced Survivors (which I encounter often), since it gives me opportunities to challenge myself and improve against strong players. And I actually do well in those games, even with the Killers I mentioned above (on which I have few perks and next-to-no meta perks unlocked!).

    Now, my Survivor experience, on the other hand... it sucks. The tunnelling and camping has gotten out of control, and, honestly, it only used to be this bad when there wasn't an Obsession every game (regardless of if there were perks to force the status) and no one brought Obsession perks. The only time I have fun is with Survivors who actually know what they're doing to some degree--and when that happens, the Killer usually disconnects mid game. The low mental of DbD players is astounding to me.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283

    I feel like survivor MMR is a joke in this game. I think i have pretty high to ok mmr on my survivor but i keep getting survivors that urban evasion everywhere and are way too scared to even do anything. Survivor MMR should not be based on escapes since the person who hides the best usually escapes while the ones who help and do gens gets killed off.

  • WarHammerExe
    WarHammerExe Member Posts: 7

    Is that mean killer camping fun for you ?

    This picture show myers t3 permanent camping. Usually bubba / Hillbilly.. Let me ask you which fun you talk about ?

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Should that Mikey go pressure gens instead?

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Yeah, this. I can't remember a survivor ever doing anything to make the game more fun for me. I've seen plenty of the opposite though

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Some people act like if they die in the game they die in real life, or if they don't get a 4k the entity will personally go to their house and punish them directly.

  • PlayTwink
    PlayTwink Member Posts: 454

    How can I have fun when everyone are ruining my fun?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "If winning is fun, then let having fun be winning."

    I don't think this comparison works as well as you think it does, unfortunately. It comes off as "If winning is fun, stop caring about that." I agree that not subjecting yourself to something you don't enjoy is good advice to follow. That said, if people have fun playing their best and letting the results speak for themself, then telling people not to do that isn't going to accomplish much.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465
    edited December 2021

    that's the problem tho, some people only have fun by winning 💀

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Fun is tbaggin and flashlight clickin

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    Kinda hard to do that after MMR came and I'm stuck on elo hell with potatoes while the killers are always tryharding their way without even being genrushed on my games. It got to a point where I'm dying on First hook while I use kindred for god's sake

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I'm confused by this? Who complains about a killer camping EGC in 2021?

    Mike go check those finished gens while my buddy unhooks.

    Mike go check that exit gate over there while my buddy unhooks and we go to the other gate.

    All sounds stupid.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited December 2021

    Point to where the OP is wrong please.

    If a person can only have fun winning, then they need to not play PvP games anyway. It's okay to try your hardest to win as long as you can handle the other side doing the same. If you can still have fun losing even when giving it your all, then have at it.

    If you can't handle losing - then just don't log in and do something else.

    Before I log into this game (which is rare now), I ask myself "Can I handle the worst this game can throw at me". If the answer is no (Which it often is), I just don't play.

    Know your mental fortitude and headspace, and act accordingly - you'll be happier. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to play anygame. It doesn't matter what your friends are doing, it doesn't matter what's "popular". The right choice is to play the game YOU can have fun with in that moment.

    If you sit down and your first thought is "Hopefully players won't do X tactic to me and ruin my good time", you're in the wrong game

  • Rooftopper
    Rooftopper Member Posts: 141

    if you want to have fun, dbd is not the place for it

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,545

    Just got stomped as killer - 0 Hooks and 2 Hooks -> next game 2 immediate dcs - let the 2 others go, they were clearly new. And a 4 gen 3k -> let the 4th go.

    To get stomped and then stomp new players is absolutely no fun at all...

    Some weird matches today.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Same here but occasionally I will have survivors do hilarious stuff that makes the game fun. 2 weeks ago I was playing against a Jake, Jonah and 2 megs that had the same cosmetics. I hit the Meg and she put her flashlight down and I let her live. Then the other Meg shows up and they start following me. I found the Jake and Jonah healing and begun chasing both into killer shack. The best part is when both megs blocked both of the entrances into the shack and the Jake and Jonah began to panic as they were trapped. I got both of them and let the Megs go.😂 the megs became my minions

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    I see where you're coming from, but I think it's focused a little at the wrong angle: People aren't having fun because they cannot win; people aren't having fun because they don't know how to lose properly.

    By that, I mean people have it so engrained into their heads that to lose is to be a failure that they don't see it as a learning curve. One of my absolute favourite quotes by anyone ever is:

    This is the mentality people would greatly benefit from - learning from losses to get better. It's also important to be gracious in defeat, because that loss may have shown a blind spot to your game you otherwise would never have known.

    There's too much bullshit regarding the "if you don't win, then you are a loser" mentality, which is complete #########. Focus on long-term, measureable goals; goals you will ultimately get to because they are your goals to set yourself. Aim for improving loops, how to use the map, get that vital second hit quicker, being better at unhooking.

    I feel with that mentality, losses won't feel unfun. That's where I feel the focus ought to be.

  • SUGR0B
    SUGR0B Member Posts: 23

    You ended all the generators, and Micl only has one hook. You just didn't let him play. What more do you want? For him to dance in front of you and wave his hand at the gate?

  • Valdaxexe
    Valdaxexe Member Posts: 15

    tbh im just here to play and grind blood points trying out new killers but toxic swf prevents me from doign that and it always triggers me when someone jsut goes tbagging when im just grinding