We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Trapper shouldn't get caught by his own traps

So I have been playing Trapper a lot recently and I enjoy playing him, but I think there are some issues with him. One of the biggest for me though is that he is, to my knowledge, the ONLY killer in the game that can be negatively hit by his own power.

Now beyond just convenience of him not getting caught by his own traps, I think this buff would open up more mindgames for the Trapper. For example, imagine that you are chasing a survivor and they head for a loop, you have a trap placed around that loop. As it is right now you have to walk around your trap and so the survivor might be able to catch on to the fact that there is one there, but with the buff you would be able to walk right through it and they might not be any the wiser and then will get caught by it on their way around.

Plus even if the survivor did know the trap was there, they would still have to avoid it while you can go straight through and you might catch them sooner on the loop.

I think Trapper needs some love and I think this would go a long way to helping him.



  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Vietfox said:
    Traps are highlighted, like... C'mon!

    Yeah, and my point isn't that I can't see them my point is that he just shouldn't get caught by them and it opens up more mindgames.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Luc_ius said:
    I find it super funny when I see Trapper step in his own trap.

    Oh it's funny, there is no denying that but it is really annoying when you are playing as him

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Judgement said:
    I made a post about this a long time ago and it was lost to a botspam or something.
    With literal lore explanation as to why he wouldn’t get caught - how long have he been killing for the Entity? And he still gets caught in his own traps.
    It’s also too easy for Survivors to abuse their smaller hitbox to step around traps that Trapper cannot, which literally makes loops safe so long as there is a trap in a narrow area that a Survivor can squeeze through without setting it off.
    Trapper has no reason to be caught by his own traps at all. They literally make areas safe to be in so long as a Survivor is aware of a trap’s presence.

    Yeah and I just don't see the point of a killer that is not even top tier being the ONLY killer to be hit by his own power.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @PiiFree said:

    @IronWolf115 said:
    Yeah and I just don't see the point of a killer that is not even top tier being the ONLY killer to be hit by his own power.

    What are you talking about? Chainsaw Killers also suffer from penalties when not using their ability properly, when they run in obtacles. Stepping in your own trap is probably the most embarassing thing that can happen to a Killer, git gud or live with the consequences.

    If you step in your own bear trap you WILL get trapped, that's how logic works.

    No.1 bumping into an object with a chainsaw is not the same as getting caught in a trap, you don't chainsaw youself accidentally ( I am a Leatherface main so I know BTW ) No.2 You seem to forget that ths game takes place in a realm where logic is out the window. An obese killer clown can move faster than an athlete for example. The entity making it so that the trapper doesn't get caught by his own traps is much more logical than that.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    While other Killers can't be hit by their own power they all have negatives. Such as having to reload, chainsaw cooldowns for hitting walls and other things.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited January 2019

    I'm not arguing that trapper is one of the weakest Killer in this game, I totally agree but that's not really the topic here is it? Trap / traps deserves a buff but allowing him to run through his traps wouldn't exactly make him viable, his weaknesses still remain the same: Lack of map pressure due to the massive time investment it requires to gather and set up traps and the minimal reward you get unless you run strong add-ons.

    It would simply remove the penalty for being stupid / unaware, a training wheel for incompetent Killers. Yes, it could help during a loop because the Survivor had to run around the trap while you could just run through it but that just looks like one of those bandaid fixes / buff that the devs would come up with. if you place your traps smart, there is no requirement for this because you'll catch them either way.

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273
    PiiFree said:

    Trap / traps deserves a buff but allowing him to run through his traps wouldn't exactly make him viable, his weaknesses still remain the same: 

    That's kind of why many people (in this thread at least) agree to it. It's nothing big, just small QoL improvement for an already weak killer.
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Milord said:
    That's kind of why many people (in this thread at least) agree to it. It's nothing big, just small QoL improvement for an already weak killer.

    Do you want high quality buffs that actualy makes him valid or do you want a meaningless bandaid fix that only rewards stupid players for their unawareness?

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 781

    I think it is fine. You have to really potato to stand in your own trap. :p

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273
    PiiFree said:

    @Milord said:
    That's kind of why many people (in this thread at least) agree to it. It's nothing big, just small QoL improvement for an already weak killer.

    Do you want high quality buffs that actualy makes him valid or do you want a meaningless bandaid fix that only rewards stupid players for their unawareness?

    There's nothing that prevents them for giving us both. Why does it have to be one or the other?
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Chi said:

    I think it is fine. You have to really potato to stand in your own trap. :p

    Or when you trap your basement and get wiggled into it for being dumb lol
  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    If you fall into your own trap, pay more attention to how you set them up next. A good planning results in survivors falling into your traps quite often. You don’t always have to set a trap in a narrow pass because survivors already know they have to slow down just in case. Set the trap where they wouldn’t imagine it could be.
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,946
    One of my favorite moments playing this game;


    Trapper players should not step in their own traps, especially since they can see them. Then it won't be an issue. Simple as that. 
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @PiiFree said:

    @IronWolf115 said:
    Yeah and I just don't see the point of a killer that is not even top tier being the ONLY killer to be hit by his own power.

    What are you talking about? Chainsaw Killers also suffer from penalties when not using their ability properly, when they run in obtacles. Stepping in your own trap is probably the most embarassing thing that can happen to a Killer, git gud or live with the consequences.

    If you step in your own bear trap you WILL get trapped, that's how logic works.

    This is a video game that takes place in an alternate reality, logic doesn't apply so how about you stop that.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @weirdkid5 said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @IronWolf115 said:
    Yeah and I just don't see the point of a killer that is not even top tier being the ONLY killer to be hit by his own power.

    What are you talking about? Chainsaw Killers also suffer from penalties when not using their ability properly, when they run in obtacles. Stepping in your own trap is probably the most embarassing thing that can happen to a Killer, git gud or live with the consequences.

    If you step in your own bear trap you WILL get trapped, that's how logic works.

    This is a video game that takes place in an alternate reality, logic doesn't apply so how about you stop that.

    The suggestion remains ridiculous, regardless of the logical aspects of it, which I admit was a mistake to use considering there's hundreds of things that can be used to justify illogical things.

    A trapper that steps into his own traps is an idiot, that's the simple truth and if you make the game idiot proof by removing any sort of punishment for being an idiot, we just remove more and more aspects that require some sort of skill to do properly.

    Again, I'm all for buffing trapper but not in a way that just rewards idiots. If you make a mistake, deal with the consequences.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    Give the killer i main tweak for my incompetence thread
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @RushingSnipeBob said:
    The current problem is, that somehow survivors manage to walk over the trap unharmed, because of ######### hitboxes, but the Trapper can't do that.

    If that's possible then your trap placement sucks. It's obvious that you can't block a 2 meter pathway with a single trap (basement stairs for example). If you place the trap in the middle of such a pathway chances are high that YOU step in it but the survivors can just hug the wall and run past it.

    Bad trap placement, nothing else.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @RushingSnipeBob said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @RushingSnipeBob said:
    The current problem is, that somehow survivors manage to walk over the trap unharmed, because of ######### hitboxes, but the Trapper can't do that.

    If that's possible then your trap placement sucks. It's obvious that you can't block a 2 meter pathway with a single trap (basement stairs for example). If you place the trap in the middle of such a pathway chances are high that YOU step in it but the survivors can just hug the wall and run past it.

    Bad trap placement, nothing else.

    Yesterday I trapped the place under pallet, survivor ran through it, I stopped, started to nod and show him the trap, he started to run through it constantly to check if it can catch him and it could not.

    Even survivors claimed, then, that something is wrong with the traps. It was on the new map, if it is important.

    Maybe there is something wrong in that specific spot then, who knows? Maybe your trap placement was bad? Where exactly was it, so I can check myself?

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    I see where you sre coming from, i really do.
    Trapper needs help, and there is a long list of ways, but not stepping in his own traps is not one of them, imo. 

    His power is pretty much the only one that can paralyze survivors. Imagine if you didn't step in your own traps, and you hooked someone in the basement? Pretty sure you could place 2 traps close enough together to make it near impossible to get through. They would have to trip it one way or another.

    His traps could use a general buffing, though.
    They all start open, he has more in general, they're easier for survivors to trip, they should be harder to see (any map with man made floors seems a nightmare) and so on.
    Their area denial abilities are horrible. Especially around pallets. In that tight if an area survivors should not have an easy time going around them.
  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    @RushingSnipeBob said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @RushingSnipeBob said:
    The current problem is, that somehow survivors manage to walk over the trap unharmed, because of ######### hitboxes, but the Trapper can't do that.

    If that's possible then your trap placement sucks. It's obvious that you can't block a 2 meter pathway with a single trap (basement stairs for example). If you place the trap in the middle of such a pathway chances are high that YOU step in it but the survivors can just hug the wall and run past it.

    Bad trap placement, nothing else.

    Yesterday I trapped the place under pallet, survivor ran through it, I stopped, started to nod and show him the trap, he started to run through it constantly to check if it can catch him and it could not.

    Even survivors claimed, then, that something is wrong with the traps. It was on the new map, if it is important.

    To be fair, for every time an issue like that happens I pretty much can offer a personal story of my character or a friend's teleporting into a trap we weren't within reach of.

    So yes, traps definitely need to be worked on. But rework hitboxes, don't add some magical ability where bad killers can walk on their own traps without punishment because... reasons. If we start rewarding mess ups then we may as well make it so every spirit automatically faces a survivor when coming out of phase, every nurse does the same when she blinks, every huntress has infinite hatchets, every leather daddy can endlessly bump into walls, and every survivor after being unhooked has increased movement speed.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @RushingSnipeBob said:
    No, it was not bad, it was exactly in the middle of a pallet spot, literally. It was in one of the pallet spots of the structure with high walls. You know, that lazy walls which are a reskin of many in this game. It is called a T-wall, I think?

    Yes, I know which one.

    Since you placed the trap right where the pallet would drop, did you by any change let them drop the pallet, vault over it, then you broke it and THEN they managed to run past the trap? This is something I see trappers do very often (placing traps in pallets) so I just drop the pallet, vault over it and create an infinite until they pick up the trap.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    PiiFree said:

    @weirdkid5 said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @IronWolf115 said:
    Yeah and I just don't see the point of a killer that is not even top tier being the ONLY killer to be hit by his own power.

    What are you talking about? Chainsaw Killers also suffer from penalties when not using their ability properly, when they run in obtacles. Stepping in your own trap is probably the most embarassing thing that can happen to a Killer, git gud or live with the consequences.

    If you step in your own bear trap you WILL get trapped, that's how logic works.

    This is a video game that takes place in an alternate reality, logic doesn't apply so how about you stop that.

    The suggestion remains ridiculous, regardless of the logical aspects of it, which I admit was a mistake to use considering there's hundreds of things that can be used to justify illogical things.

    A trapper that steps into his own traps is an idiot, that's the simple truth and if you make the game idiot proof by removing any sort of punishment for being an idiot, we just remove more and more aspects that require some sort of skill to do properly.

    Again, I'm all for buffing trapper but not in a way that just rewards idiots. If you make a mistake, deal with the consequences.

    This would be less of an issue if Killers actually had the same hitbox, then they could squeeze through the same gaps a survivor can.

    It's pretty ridiculous that Survivors can squeeze through, but even more so because it nullifies a pathway for you, which was the point of setting the trap in the first place, except it was originally meant to deny the SURVIVOR a path.
  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76
    I main trapper and i’m going to say no. Their are many reasons and one of them is the fact that trapper could have the perk bamboozle for free. Let’s say a trapper puts a trap on the window and the survivor go’s around the window you have a free bamboozle that can last for the whole game and it works for pallets as well and gets you a free hook. And imagine he would be a very toxic camper. He could place traps around a person and face camp and if someone’s tries to disarm traps or unhook he could hit people and walk over his traps with no penalty. It also rewards good trappers aswell good trappers won’t always put traps on top of windows and pallets he will set them around them (or on top of them for mind games) and the survivors get trapped. People don’t understand how strong trappers power it literally gives you a hook probably with BBQ for free in exchange for about 5 seconds of your time if placed well.
  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    This would only help dumb people and be a slight nerf to dead hard. Wouldn't make that much of a difference. If a survivor can get past a trap without getting trapped it's your own fault you placed it badly.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    A trapper stepping in his own traps has become a theme within montages and it would be a waste of comedy to remove it.

    If you want to buff the trapper; Currently 1 of the biggest things that is holding the trapper back is that the trapper has to waste his time actually searching his traps rather than having them from the get-go.
    Try solving that instead.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I do agree. It would be a small buff to him. His traps should be like a "friend" and not something he's able to get stuck in.

    This would help his character a small amount. He's lower tier in the killer list, but still a fun and good killer. His traps also should have a wider ranger to catch survivors. Just make the trapbox like 25% bigger so survivors can't just go past them.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    I do agree. It would be a small buff to him. His traps should be like a "friend" and not something he's able to get stuck in.

    This would help his character a small amount. He's lower tier in the killer list, but still a fun and good killer. His traps also should have a wider ranger to catch survivors. Just make the trapbox like 25% bigger so survivors can't just go past them.

    If they make the hitbox bigger just make the trap bigger so survivors can see where they can step.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @weirdkid5 said:
    This would be less of an issue if Killers actually had the same hitbox, then they could squeeze through the same gaps a survivor can.

    It's pretty ridiculous that Survivors can squeeze through, but even more so because it nullifies a pathway for you, which was the point of setting the trap in the first place, except it was originally meant to deny the SURVIVOR a path.

    ...and the logical conclusion should be: Don't place a trap in that gap because it's too wide.

    It's part of the learning process when playing trapper. Knowing which spots are effective and which ones are crappy. I see a lot of trappers placing traps on the compound ramp and I just smile at them as I run past them. Or in the middle of the basement stairs. Some gaps are just too wide to block with one trap, it's not a secret.

    Allowing trapper to walk past those traps won't really solve the issue, it will just reward idiots for making mistakes.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    PiiFree said:

    @weirdkid5 said:
    This would be less of an issue if Killers actually had the same hitbox, then they could squeeze through the same gaps a survivor can.

    It's pretty ridiculous that Survivors can squeeze through, but even more so because it nullifies a pathway for you, which was the point of setting the trap in the first place, except it was originally meant to deny the SURVIVOR a path.

    ...and the logical conclusion should be: Don't place a trap in that gap because it's too wide.

    It's part of the learning process when playing trapper. Knowing which spots are effective and which ones are crappy. I see a lot of trappers placing traps on the compound ramp and I just smile at them as I run past them. Or in the middle of the basement stairs. Some gaps are just too wide to block with one trap, it's not a secret.

    Allowing trapper to walk past those traps won't really solve the issue, it will just reward idiots for making mistakes.

    Or, they could fix the hitboxes since they have said they intended for Killers to have the same hitbox as survivors.

    Also he is made even worse by the fact Hag does not have this problem in chases and her traps are pretty much always a free hit.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Rework the hitbox god damn. Making him immune to his traps would give him a much higher reward for messing up.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Or, they could fix the hitboxes since they have said they intended for Killers to have the same hitbox as survivors.

    Also he is made even worse by the fact Hag does not have this problem in chases and her traps are pretty much always a free hit.

    Absolutely, but this is something they should generally look into and doesn't have much to do with Trapper not getting caught by his own traps. I can only repeat myself, buff trapper but NOT in the way OP suggests because that would only reward incompetent players by not punishing them for their mistakes.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @IronWolf115 said:
    So I have been playing Trapper a lot recently and I enjoy playing him, but I think there are some issues with him. One of the biggest for me though is that he is, to my knowledge, the ONLY killer in the game that can be negatively hit by his own power.

    Now beyond just convenience of him not getting caught by his own traps, I think this buff would open up more mindgames for the Trapper. For example, imagine that you are chasing a survivor and they head for a loop, you have a trap placed around that loop. As it is right now you have to walk around your trap and so the survivor might be able to catch on to the fact that there is one there, but with the buff you would be able to walk right through it and they might not be any the wiser and then will get caught by it on their way around.

    Plus even if the survivor did know the trap was there, they would still have to avoid it while you can go straight through and you might catch them sooner on the loop.

    I think Trapper needs some love and I think this would go a long way to helping him.

    Trapper needs a complete rework.
    It cant be real that survivors can fit beside your trap but if you take the same pathing, you screw yourself. That and SWF killed trapper for me tbh

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208
    edited January 2019

    The trapper standing in his own trap has given me some great moments - I would hate for this to change!

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Traps are highlighted, like... C'mon!

    Yeah, and my point isn't that I can't see them my point is that he just shouldn't get caught by them and it opens up more mindgames.

    I think he needs to be able to step in his own traps so that the basement plays don't become absolutely out of hand HOWEVER they really need to reduce the hitboxes of him getting caught. I've watched survivors dance around the traps while (for me) they seem to teleport under my feet when I'm giving them a wide birth.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,550
    Having played a ton of trapper, I can't say I really have an issue with stepping in my own traps. I know where I placed them and they're highlighted for me. If I step in them, I really messed up because there are warning signs everywhere.
  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    One little step for traper will be big QoL for him.And better camo for traps depend from map as base kit.
  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    @IronWolf115 said:
    So I have been playing Trapper a lot recently and I enjoy playing him, but I think there are some issues with him. One of the biggest for me though is that he is, to my knowledge, the ONLY killer in the game that can be negatively hit by his own power.

    Now beyond just convenience of him not getting caught by his own traps, I think this buff would open up more mindgames for the Trapper. For example, imagine that you are chasing a survivor and they head for a loop, you have a trap placed around that loop. As it is right now you have to walk around your trap and so the survivor might be able to catch on to the fact that there is one there, but with the buff you would be able to walk right through it and they might not be any the wiser and then will get caught by it on their way around.

    Plus even if the survivor did know the trap was there, they would still have to avoid it while you can go straight through and you might catch them sooner on the loop.

    I think Trapper needs some love and I think this would go a long way to helping him.

    You got a point, hag doesn't trigger her traps, clown doesnt get choked on toxic clouds, you get the point..

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    If I were to set a bear trap, would I be able to walk through it without triggering it at a normal speed?
    It’s highlighted... you can see it clear as day.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,020

    I love it when I see a trapper step in his own trap, especially near hatch, that is comedy gold there

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    I love it when I see a trapper step in his own trap, especially near hatch, that is comedy gold there

    Trapper: I'M GONNA KI- -Steps in own trap- AAAAARRRGRGGHHHH

    Survivor: -T-Bags and jumps in Hatch-

    Trapper: -DCs too late-

    This is a true story btw

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,020

    @Shad03 said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    I love it when I see a trapper step in his own trap, especially near hatch, that is comedy gold there

    Trapper: I'M GONNA KI- -Steps in own trap- AAAAARRRGRGGHHHH

    Survivor: -T-Bags and jumps in Hatch-

    Trapper: -DCs too late-

    This is a true story btw

    That is literally true, I see it as well and do the same

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867
    edited January 2019

    @Peanits said:
    Having played a ton of trapper, I can't say I really have an issue with stepping in my own traps. I know where I placed them and they're highlighted for me. If I step in them, I really messed up because there are warning signs everywhere.

    I main Trapper, and I have to disagree with this being the reason to not allow the Trapper to move through his own traps. As it stands right now, I have watched survivors dead hard through my traps, or even wiggle around at full speed. I have seen a survivor vault through a window and not hit my trap, but when I try to follow, I hit it. In short, there are times the survivor can use the trap against the trapper. It is not bad enough that you have to find the trap, place the trap, then hope your placement was good, but now a survivor dead hards through it, leaving you with having to either stop and pick it up to keep following, or travel the long way and risk losing the survivor. Thus, your trap punished you, not the survivor.

    Now I know some will say, "place the trap better", but that is not exactly the right answer. I've placed a perfect trap in the center of a pallet where the survivor has the choice of going around a lot of obstacles, or hitting the trap. They Dead Hard through it, and now I can't follow them. The Trapper is already a very limited killer, allowing him to step through his own trap will not make him OP. If anything, it allows him to bypass a ridiculous mechanic that lets the survivors limit him with his own power.

    I've been saying for a while that the Trapper only needs to have two changes to make him a much more effective killer.
    1. Let the Trapper start with 2 traps, and carry 2 traps from the start. This will not unbalance, but will allow the Trapper to immediately apply pressure in a small area of map without having to waste precious time seeking out Traps that are likely nowhere near a survivor/gen.
    2. Allow him to step through his own trap. Even if it is a quick space bar hit that has to be timed. This allows him to set traps in areas that do not punish him, but corrals survivors. Think of The Game, near the basement. A Trapper has to be very careful in his trapping, or he locks himself out of the Basement. Why should his own power limit him?!

    I've watched survivors wave through traps with ease, but the Trapper can't due to hit box differences. Insane. Perhaps the Clown's cloud should intoxicate him, and the Hag accidently triggers her own traps. Maybe Legion...wait, he is already jacked up...