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How Do People Play Billy?

Generally curious to how people play Hillbilly. I can play Clown better than I can play Billy, which is so sad, because Billy is a dream killer of mine to learn. He looks incredibly fun.

I have no idea how some of the people play Billy at all.

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  • Member Posts: 500

    You don't Billy is really bad rn has been for quite some time

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    I don't like how every Billy player I see follows the surv rulebook.

    Is this some reddit trend or something?

    It is not fun if they don't capitalise when they can and throw the game basically. I love Billy but I don't want them to play "fair".

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m not a fan of Billy personally, I find hitting with his chainsaw is somewhat clunky and sprinting with his chainsaw longer distance is ok but not as good as Blight’s movement because of Hillybilly’s inability to make sharp turns. Basically if I felt like chainsawing down survivors I’d play Bubba, and if I felt like sprinting around the map I’d play Blight. Hillbilly is like a clunkier version of both.

    I’ll leave strategy tips with Billy to the Billy mains since I don’t play him much, other than broadly

    • Billy’s saw is great for going a really long distance in a relatively straight line. That’s probably the easiet use of his saw and might even be his best overall ability in a sense.
    • There’s finer points, but more or less to hit with the chainsaw I find the best way is get right up on their back and then start revving. Your movement speed is slower while revving so getting really close minimizes the distance you’ll need to travel once the chainsaw sprint starts and therefore minimizes the chance they’ll react in time to avoid it.
    • You can rev on and off quickly if you need to stall for time while lining up your sprint on a survivor you’re chasing. The last thing you want is to miss or hit an obstacle, so making sure your shot counts is important! Especially when they’re juking or trying to 360, make sure you’re keeping them in view before you finish revving and go into the sprint, because if you sprint when they’ve twirled around you it’s a bad result.
    • It is possible to hit survivors from mid to long range with the saw, but it does rely on them not seeing you coming. If they know where you are it’s trivial to put obstacles between you and them to avoid the down.
    • If you don’t already have the chainsaw revving up and you need to break a pallet just kick it. It takes longer to rev your chainsaw up from scratch to break a pallet then it does to kick it normally. On the other hand, if you already have your chainsaw mostly revved, then finishing the rev to sprint into the pallet breaks it faster than kicking it.
  • Member Posts: 500

    Ayy real talk tho I came back to offer solid advice since ik I sounded like a ass so you should watch a guy names


    Just like that he plays Billy perfectly and has the most detailed Billy guide I've ever seen on the net

  • Member Posts: 227
    edited December 2021

    Billy is pretty bad at the moment unless you are a Billy God but even then he's not worth learning because the payoff isn't a lot.

    I think he's better than what people give him credit for but for how hard he is he should be better...He's very average and can be turned into a M1 killer very easily when played against correctly.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    With pride to how dirty they did our boi.

    We play billy with a lot of pride.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    You dont play billy, you play better killers

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I actually love playing Billy. I play him without addons and use the chainsaw all the time, even when I'm not doing particularly well.

    I just find mobile Killers like Oni and Billy more fun to play in general, as you can have fun playing them without having direct interaction with Survivors. Oni especially is a blast! And with Billy, I strive to be a curve god someday. The overheat really isn't even that bad--then again, I only played him a handful of times before his rework, so I have hardly any previous attachment to that version of him. I just love him as he is now.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    You play him... At low mmr.

  • Member Posts: 3,130
    edited December 2021

    Ok unironically I wouldn't play him rn until they fix all maps horrid collision. Right now you can BARELY turn into most walls and you still bump, You can only really slide on cars and haddonfield benches. Don't even get me started on the ######### you shouldn't collide with but still do since BHVR' map and environment design. Like my drive for billy has been shattered from ######### collision and moments like these .

  • Member Posts: 4,033
    edited December 2021

    It’s just timing. Once you get a feel for where you’ll be in 2.5 seconds and where the survivor would be, you can chainsaw at pretty much every loop.

    And tip from a regular Billy player: don’t stack engravings. These are the addons you always see from the Billy players mentioned above that ‘play not to win.’

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    If Billy can identify that survivor who doesn't see him enough to deal with his chainsaw, he can have a really good time.

    I honestly have no clue how a Billy can handle this game if that survivor doesn't exist, when I spend some time working on the chainsaw achievement some squads are literally untouchable, and that's after I've gotten quite comfortable with the turning weirdness.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I don't play Billy. The camera movement when he walks is annoying, his chainsaw is too loud and clumsy, and I'm bad lmao

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited December 2021

    Double Engravings 😈

    Tbf I still enjoy playing Hillbilly. Really the only time I don’t really have a good time is in indoor maps.

  • Member Posts: 10,135

    The fov of killer (which is awful) affects him much worse. You have to be so specific with your chainsaw and use these different strategies like looking at the survivors' feet, otherwise they'll just do the spin into you exploit to give you a phantom saw.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    So it is fun to run billy around broken tiles while he refuses to m1 you and fails over and over trying to accomplish impossible chainsaws?

    Good for you I guess. I don't like when a killer who is nerfed to the ground go easy on me just because someone said it is "wholesome".

  • Member Posts: 455

    Wait until this madman curves you at said broken tile and you’ll see

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I like playing Billy from time to time cause i like the character.

    I'm absolutly terrible at him so i mostly meme around. I think he can still be strong if you are really good at him but unless you really like the character i feel you're better of learning other killers who are easier to learn and give bigger benifit faster

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited December 2021

    No need to wait, I played vs Billy pre nerf tons years ago. I know how to play against him.

    They can get some crazy chainsaws from time to time but that doesn't win them games. And they are wasting a lot of time following rulebooks.

    Some people these days just don't know how to vs Billy because they hardly played against him.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Billy is easy and fun to play. Sometimes you stomp survivors and sometimes not.

    Like with every other killer you play.

  • Member Posts: 981

    Billy is hard to play at higher levels where survivors know his tricks a bit.

    Overall there are a few basic tips when you learn him:

    1. Set Q and E for camera turning (looking not walking) and set controller sensitivity to 100. Sounds dumb but works even when you do not even use a controller. Q and E will now allow for the spice...
    2. Try curving and flicking. Q and E allow for some rapid turns during the first 0,75 seconds of the chainsaw sprint. You need to learn how to control this. Sometimes over a short distance to sprint forwards and then do a sharp turn to catch the survivor, sometimes directly to curve around a wall.
    3. Map mobility needs to be practiced a lot. Learn how to sprint around the map to apply pressure and go for the chainsaw when a survivor is holding their generator. Some get greedy and your recovery is always 3 seconds no matter if you bump into something or not.
    4. M1 at LT walls. Unless you get a good moonwalk mindgame your chainsaw is useless here, just M1 them.
    5. Overall learn when to chainsaw and when to M1 but go for the chainsaw more often. Survivors can distance after an M1 after all.
    6. Try add-ons. The brown overheat limit add-on and the yellow cooldown add-on are very good to practice Billy. Other add-ons have good effects too and generally you sooner or later want to learn double engravings or double steering add-ons. But keep mixing them they are important.
    7. Look for objects with no collision and get brave. You need to develop a feeling for the chainsaw and you can only get it by going for it. Challenge yourself with M2 only rounds even when the map is against you (Haddonfun) and do not be ashamed to dump your MMR while doing so, Killer specific MMR helps us learn...
    8. BBQ & Chilly and Infectious Fight are your friends. Do not use slowdown to burn your MMR down fast and get more fitting opponents while practicing your chainsaw.

    Sadly Billy takes much more time to get good than other Killers. Playing Oni is much smother and yields better results, playing Bubba is easier and also chainsawy and playing Blight is S-Tier. Billy can be a solid A if you master him and as always YouTube is the place to be.

  • Member Posts: 857

    they don't they just play cannibal instead. :P

  • Member Posts: 267

    Billy players at the higher mmr seem to be the most chill down to earth players in DbD. From my experience most of the time they will try to down you with the chainsaw no matter what even if you are injured. They know Billy is weak but they play him for fun and vibing.

    Billy players are just chads in general.

  • Member Posts: 335

    I’m very impressed by people who can play Billy well. I’ve given up trying. For me, he’s just absolutely miserable to play as.

  • 2 big ways you can play Billy. You either use your chainsaw for mobility and go for M1s with something like sloppy butcher, or use your chainsaw for instant downs.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    to be honest with you: barely anyone does that anymore.

    ever since they introduced overheat the amount of Hillbilly players has decreased rapidly.

    sounds like a meme at this point, but really: just play Bubba or Oni instead. Both are significantly more fun (cause they dont actually punish you for using your ability) and are probaply stronger as well.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Billy is a high skill killer. If you learn him, you are guaranteed 4ks, definitely not Nurse level because she just needs a rework. I would say that if you learn and play Billy correctly, he's better than every other killer except Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    To not go up in MMR. That is the real goal of the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    They play 1 match, then they retire.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    Personally, not very well.

    I have this weird thing where I always end my sprint literally milliseconds before a chainsaw hit.

    I can sometimes hit close range saws (but at that point, I should just be playing bubba)

    My most consistent chainsaw hits are against cornered survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5

    He works… but i have well over 2k hours into him. Is true we play nice lol. I hook everyone once before 2nd hooks and saw only. no m1 no matter what- and im to point i only vs swfs. but again that’s insane play time into him- he by far my best killer

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I don't even know how people play Billy nowadays while Blight exists. Even old Billy before the rework pales in comparison to Blight (both in fun and strength), imagine the version we have with joke addons, bugged FOV and annoying roar. There's nothing that Billy does that Blight doesn't do better, so the only reason I can think of is if you for some reason like instadowns.

  • Member Posts: 306

    The only people that play billy are the ones who mastered him pre nerf. He isn’t worth imo now with the other good killers available.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited December 2021

    Billy better than any killer except nurse?

    I am sorry but I disagree and I will end it at that. I will just say that not even top/comp players will agree with this.

  • Member Posts: 500

    Yeah buddy I hate to inform you of this but you need to play vs a good swf team before you run around saying wild stuff like that like seriously

  • Member Posts: 278

    I play Billy because he was my first love. No matter what killer I play, I find myself always going back to Billy. Sure he's a shadow of his former self. But I'm just playing for 4 stacks of BBQ. I realized long ago, I am here to provide entertainment to 80% of this community.

  • Member Posts: 41

    When Billy can turn 90 degrees, he becomes much stronger and more fun.

    But it's still not stable and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, so I'd like to see some more buffs to make chainsaws easier to use.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Always down if you got questions

  • Member Posts: 6

    It's because all the good billy's play for chases and not for the win, playing for the win with billy is not fun

  • Member Posts: 531

    Just practice over and over throw games to try and learn flicks or just to get the base chasing down. One day it just clicked for me and i could consistently hit flicks even if im not the craziest billy ever

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    The best way I've found to play him is "in character": Max is an unpredictable, deceptively clever and maddened killer. Trying chainsaw rushes through near-impossible gaps, routing survivors and causing complete chaos through an aggressive, care-free playstyle makes him, at most, a destructive force, and at least a lot of fun!

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