Issues - Any Escalation Matrix in BHVR?

To all of BHVR,

Time and again people have mentioned and highlighted issues, but they remain unfixed. 2 such issues make me salty.

1) Getting downed, after vaulting window and crossing like half a mile or two steps while running, from the other side of the window from where I initially vaulted (hope you get the idea)

2) The nurse making sounds which she should not. For eg: She does 2 teleports perfectly, but on my screen I see that she has teleported once and then makes her exhausted sound making me think that she missed her 2nd teleport - which she did not. Also at times she makes the teleport ready sound (somthing like "Hoo") more than once when she is actually not charging her teleport. This makes me confused and I get M1-ed. Let me know if you dont understand and I will be happy to explain.

I dont understand why these issues among others dont get fixed. The first one is an age-old problem. My ping is generally 80-100ms and if you say that my ping is faulty and the issue is on my side, then what should I do? Stop playing? Uninstall? These issues are not fun to play with.

Reason I have put this post here in General Discussions is because I need to know if there is any kind of escalation mechanism in BHVR? When someone reports an issue, and it does not get fixed, it is supposed to be escalated. If there exists such a mechanism and I am not aware, please let me know. Please dont move this post to feedback and suggestions, because this is not a feedback or suggestion (and let's be honest, nobody to a maximum of few may read Feedback). This is an escalation and it should stay here.

Kindly do me this courtesy and give me answers please.

P.S. Completely unrelated to the above, what also infuriates me is the time BHVR puts in to censor words. I can understand censoring F-words and other such swears, but why censor a word like "camp"? Dont you have other priorities, BHVR, than do such silly things? Yes this may sound toxic, and it would not be so if you would just do your damn jobs and fix all of the glaring issues that exist today.


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,548

    The lag problem will probably never get fixed.

    Agreed - the censorship is totally off.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    The hit through window after you take a step or three is due to latency, and can be aggravated by lag.

    On the surv screen you may not even fully see the killer's red stain or their weapon hit, but on the killer's screen they were much closer by maybe a meter or so. Basically if you can see their red stain just about to touch you they're already in range for a hit, vault or no. Sometimes pallets and Dead-Hard seem to be exemptions, but not always.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2021

    Yes, I understand that but I dont face this issue in other games where I may have 60-80 ms ping. Like what is the difference between 60 ms and 100 ms (max). Not much that it can make me lose?

    Regarding lag, I dont experience much or any major packet losses.

    So I think the vault latency dsync (if I may call it so) is a burning issue, which needs to be fixed. How? Idk, other multiplayer games dont have these issues, so yes they can act as reference for BHVR to fix this.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    That and the hit validation. Saw one of Samination's videos and have never experienced those hit validation issues as a killer myself. They need to fix that too. This game is broken af.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 937
    edited December 2021

    A fast window vault takes 700 milliseconds and covers about a distance of 2 meters, and a killer moves at 6.9 meters per second during a lunge, so a 100ms delay puts you ~0.3m further back, and the killer ~0.7m closer to you, which is already 1m difference in this interaction. And if we then consider that the total delay is not only your latency to the server, but also the latency of the killer to the server on top of that, it's obvious why even 80-100ms on either side can combine to create pretty bogus hits. Especially for special attacks and projectiles that move even faster than a lunge.

    It's not really a desync "issue" in the sense of a bug, it's completely expected behaviour given the fact that hit calculations are done on the killer client only, and the killer client of course does calculations based on the player positions it has at any given time. Since the killer position on their own client is obviously updated realtime, they will be closer to you than it appears on your screen where their position is subject to network latency which puts their model further into the past. Likewise, your model position on your screen will be updated realtime, whereas on the killer's end your model position is subject to network latency and therefore further in the past, thus closer to them than it appears on your screen.

    The more latency there is between a survivor and the server and the killer and the server, the more the three will disagree on how much distance there is between the player models, with the survivor appearing closer to the killer on the killer's screen the more latency there is, and the killer appearing further away from the survivor on the survivor's screen. The server is the most neutral perspective on the distances, since the player positions on it will only be delayed by their respective player's latency, rather than that of both players combined. Since however only the killer client decides whether a hit happens, their perspective alone counts, and that means any latency in any of the connections benefits the killer on hits. For stuns and Dead Hard there now exists server-sided validation, meaning the server perspective will be used as an authority to judge whether a hit was fair. For everything else though, the killer is still the sole authority.

    Hit validation for stuns and DH only works because the server doesn't actually have to do any hit calculations to determine whether it was a fair hit, it can simply look at whether the stun or Dead Hard arrived earlier than the hit, since then the hit should be impossible. For hits in general on the other hand, they cannot "fix" this without doing actual hit calculations on the servers, which I suspect they refrain from doing mostly because it would cost server resources and therefore perhaps more money. But it's also possible that they simply think people have accepted the reality of the game in which latency favours killers and don't want to risk upsetting people by changing this, even if it is of course objectively more fair (and healthy) to take the server perspective on things. I mean, you can see a lot of rather passionate complaining about overruled hits with stun and DH validation already, lots of people don't understand it and genuinely think it is unfair even though it is shifting things from being completely unfairly one-sided to neutral. So yeah, moving hit authority to the server entirely would probably cause uproars.

    What you personally can do is try to improve your latency. Use a wired connection, make sure no other programs (or people) are straining your connection while playing, optimize your netsettings (realtime priority for your device in the router, low-latency DNS servers), use software like ExitLag to optimize the routing path to the server.

    The least BHVR could do is show the killer's ping to survivors in the lobby, or at the very least show the killer's ping in the match details screen once in a trial like they already do for all survivor pings. Then survivors could at least dodge or adapt a little better to laggy killers.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    As someone with only basic knowledge in IT, your response is oddly satisfying and I agree that if killer's ping is shown, we will know beforehand what to expect and how we should manage our gameplay, i.e. pre-throw or feint pallet throws, etc.