Slinger vs. The Snowmen

Why is nobody talking about the Gunslinger's ability to take down the snowmen? Granted, i haven't clicked on *every* winter thread but I haven't seen Slinger's name mentioned once. Maybe it's just my excitement over playing him for the first time but you shoot your gun and break the snowman, hooking the survivor, and then reel them in! I don't know, works for me!
Because the snowman immunity shouldn't be a thing in the first place ?
Why talk about it when you can just not play during the event waiting for the snowman to end.
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It's been mentioned several times in passing, but no-one really has the balls to suggest it be nerfed or fixed if the other snowman issues are fixed, as Slinger is in such a poor spot you kind of have to live in a fantasy world to suggest nerfing him, even if only indirectly through an event.
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Because I'm the only slinger player on the forums and ive mentioned it a few times
Although seriously it's because many others can also avoid it,
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Jokes on you
Because of how insufferable the snowmen have become and how they've ruined matches for multiple other killers that I play regularly- I have converted to playing Deathslinger nearly exclusively for the duration of the event, precisely because of this little loophole.
I can't imagine anybody would have the audacity to claim that Snowmen should really be a full counter and offer full protection from all killer powers- especially killers in less than satisfactory positions of balance like Slinger. So for this years winter event- Deathslinger is the neat little trick for killers who don't want to deal with snowmen to use- and survivors need to deal with that and reconcile with the fact they won't be able to jump into 3 balls of snow in a top hat and mittens right in the killers face to avoid a state of damage.
I think that's fair all things considered.
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Oh I agree completely actually im loving this event cause I only play slinger with stbfl like I might change my other three perks but that's one I never take off so when I see them jump in a snowman that's just another stack for me
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I'm feeling this comment.
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I've been using Iri Coin during this event and it's hilarious the amount of free downs I've got from these snowmen.
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I just got another one! My Christmas mood is picking back up!
I mean, obviously, still sucks, but as a first time Slinger, I'm having a hell of a time. Cant imagine what I've missed out on. :(
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I like the ones that reduce the stun when a chain breaks because with both it almost feels like Max stacks stbfl π
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Can you guys please stop playing slinger I was trying to be the solo contributor to his kills and escapes lol
Maybe then they'll give him some buffs π
Make sure you let one get away every now and then I let one get away just yesterday cause as soon as I picked him up hatch spawned right next to me I felt bad about killing him cause Ik if I was him I'd be like damn
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Don't worry. One ran right by me and stole the hatch earlier. I mean, I was gonna let them have it anyways but...
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Probably because it would be silly to complain about especially when several other killers are completely neutered by the snowmen. You can't expect it to be a counter to every killer.
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Wait...I'm confused...who's complaining...?