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Survivor wait times?
Is it just me or have survivor queue times gone up drastically
I'm east coast us but even after the release of the game for free on epic my queue times have gone from 2-3 minutes in the before the last 2-3 patches to atleast 5-20 minutes nowadays
I rarely play survivor cause I'm too busy playing deathslinger but yea I just wanted to say ever since the introduction of boons whenever I do play survivor feels like I have to wait forever for a game
And it doesn't matter the time either whether it's 12 am or 2 pm still the wait time is the same
I even have cross play on
Lack of killer players. Killer players are becoming harder to come by due to perceived anti killer bias from the devs and multiple second and third chance perks survivors use.
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I understand that I just told you I primarily play slinger I was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same
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I guess killers weren't lying when they said they are quitting the game after all.
This is what happens when you never put a stop and don't listen to the killer side as well, we also need stuff to compete and decent maps as well, but nah let's add a map that is almost as bad as gidgeon.
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Not only killers are getting scuffed by every single patch they release, but also this event is absolutely survivor sided, what did u expect other than longer lobby times?
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Yep. I hope it gets worse. I really do. Maybe then the devs will give a ######### about killer players and stop pandering to those that buy pajama cosmetics. Game is looking like Fortnite with all the ridiculous outfits.
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Too many survivors
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They flag Mori's and keys as issues, then nerf Mori's, fine, but take a year to nerf keys.
Add boon's to the game and make CoH practically impossible to deal with when there is multiple versions of this boon.
Release a fun Christmas event, that gives Survs a free health state.
Yeah it's defiantly all in the minds of Killer players.
The general concenus is there are more Survivor main's than killers and from a business point of view you need to make dollars marketing to them, but it's a fine line between business and balance, and it appears that the game in it's current form is rubbish for Killers.
There is like 4 killer's that are viable at high ranks, so combine that with perks, maps, swfs and this event i'd rather play something else, and it seems alot of Killer mains feel that way as well.
Edit: Maybe some Killer's have taken that Dev's advice and gone to play Civilization.
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Everyone is experiencing the same whether they admit it or not. The days of the devs and survivor mains shitting all over killer players is gonna come to an end one way or the other.
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Preaching to the choir mate. I'm with you. I play both sides half and half but I agree the devs ######### all over killer players. The only ones they seem to care about are the people buying pajama and Dwelf cosmetics. Then they come out with this stupid event that just serves the survivors with potential extra health states and extended loops and ruins Ghostface marking. Also, I don't believe ANY killer is viable against an experienced SWF squad. They are gonna stomp all over you no matter if you're Nurse or Clown. I wouldn't believe anyone coming on here saying their survivor ques are fast at night. My nightly experience says otherwise and there's no reason to believe they have some sort of VIP access. The only way their que would be faster is if they are bottom of the barrel MMR.
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My survivor queues are instant during the day and 3-4 minutes at night. Killer is around 4-5 minutes during the day and instant at night.
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I expect any day now to be told if killers bought more cosmetics they'd take care of us better
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You forgot this:
Half a year later, they gave survivors boons, because the issue above apparently only applies to survivors.
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My survivor queue times remain the same and I am East Coast.
The only time I notice a difference is depending on the time of the day. Which is understandable since not everyone who plays DBD is in the same time zone.
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Been back to ds2. More relaxing.
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-survivors getting favor treatments every patch
-killers nerfs over and over, not even low tier killers are safe
-2 to 3 really viable and strong killers, no space for variety.
-gigantic maps with extremely strong loops, jungles gyms and too many pallets/god pallets( yes, i'm looking at you..."the game".
-no space for random/different builds, if you don't pick a meta build, gens will fly
-gen rushing to the extreme
-hit validations.
-whenever a killer perks becomes barely viable, it gets nerfed the next patch
-Survivors getting entitled more and more, and behaviour keeps siding with them.
-boon totems
-the new matchmaking system+SWF
-tremendous amount of pressure on killers shoulders, even a little tiny mistake can lead to a complete loss
-survivors having too many tools that gives them too much advantages ( boxes and tools for gen speed, second chance perks and tools to quickly remedy to a mistake/miscalculation, maps and other perks to annihilate hex totes, insanely healing speed with medikits/Boons and perks to destroy m1 killers etc etc.
Geeeeeee, I wonder why nobody wants to play killer 🤔
Post edited by Stryker on13 -
It's a mystery why queues are so long for survivors after they got boons, a dead hard "fix", and a special event for themselves. Might be swamp gas reflecting off of Venus, or a weather balloon. We have top men on it.
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And now everyone pretends again that playing Killer is super-hard and Killers only get oppressed and "bullied". Oh my...
It is since forever that queue times depend on the time of the day. For me, over the day, Killer Queues take long (starting with the longest at the start of the day, and getting faster over the day and end up on instant/under 30 seconds in the evening), while Survivor starts instant and takes longer, just to end up at around 3-4 minutes in the evening. It is basically a gradual change.
But I am EU and I dont experience Survivor Queues of more than 5 minutes most of the time and I never experienced Survivors Queues of 20 Minutes.
But in the evening, you have less players playing Killer and more players playing Survivor, and I guess, it is because of SWF. More people have time in the evening and if you want to play with friends, you play Survivor. E.g. I play Killer over the day. When my friend starts playing in the evening, I switch to Survivor.
This means: 1 less player in the Killer Pool, but two more players in the Survivor Pool. And this will happen thousands of times, causing queue times to shift over time.
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Personally for me, and I'm in NA on the west cost, it doesn't matter what time of the day it is. Killer times are at a maximum of 30 seconds and survivor times are a minimum of 1 minute. I think people are overexaggerating killer at the moment, but I do still think it's pretty bad.
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I haven't had a queue that made me think "damn, this is taking a while" (unless I play at ungodly hours, like when my body thinks it's hilarious to suddenly become completely awake at 4:30am and I get the bright idea of playing games as I can't sleep anymore) since like... before crossplay was added?
Survivor queues get slower as it gets later and killer is the opposite, and for both sides the absolute longest I get still seem to be under 5 minutes. And this time of day thing makes perfect sense, as it's once you get to the time where everyone that doesn't work night shifts is home and chilling people have the people they might want to SWF with available. And while it seems like many find it fun to think survivors never ever play killer and killers never play survivor, it seems pretty common to be a "play killer if alone, play SWF if friends are on" kinda player.
I'm not saying anyone's experiences aren't true though. There's so many variables from time, region, MMR, what people consider a long queue and whatever else involved so my experience is ultimately only relevant for people playing at the same times + MMR bracket as me in the GMT+1 timezone.
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It depends on the time of day i play.
I've had 5 minute survivor queues and insta killer queues to then change to 5 minute killer queues and instant survivor ones a hour later.
People often say use it to fill their narative of killer being miserable but atleast in my regio this just isn't the case.
Also depends on updates. When the artist came out i had about a week of 10-15 minute survivor queues that then someday changed to instant.
There are most likely still matchmaking bugs out there
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Same. This in EU with crossplay off. Guess EU people are just better at killer so they don't mind playing killer as much.
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We all have 10 min queues minimum in the evening. And seeing the state of the game, it will get worst with time.
Good killers have left as the game is totally unbalanced. Remaining killers are mostly babies and camper/tunneler. Both will stop to play killer pretty soon :
- Babies are experiencing the unbalance of the game, getting bullied by average+ survivors
- Camper/tunneler will stop as this gameplay is just boring, you cannot play like this 4 hours a day everyday for months
So expect 20/30 min queue times in 3 months.
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In my area(Aus),
I find in my area it's 15 to 20 mins to solo que if I am in a 3 or 2 man 5 min queue. Killer is petty much instant queues (5 to 15 secs) at all times of the day. I would say in my country there is a lack of killers based on the queue times at least.
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Yup, can't say much more to the above comments. The devs seem to have achieved the balance they wanted from what i experience in the game and seeing top rank streamers playing killer. no matter how hard & good the killer plays, survivors manage to get 2+ escapes. It's not rewarding for the killer to completely outplay the survivor team and walk away with 1-2k. On the flip it's pointless to play top rank swf clicky tea bag teams who know there are 15 safe pallets plus 3 infinites on the map they can taunt from. so yeah, killers are either leaving the game or just moved to swf teams.
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nah, EU survivors are so trash killers have it easier there.
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Are you speaking from experience I'm assuming?
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Oh I thought you were joking.
You made a blanket statement with no backing, so did I. Both work.
Are you speaking with experience? Have you played in every region for extensive amounts of time? Probably not.
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I'm speaking from experience yes, since EU killers seem to do just fine and q times for survivors are instant.
Are you in the EU to be saying everyone here is bad?
I do have backing, since.... I'm in the EU.... so.... I have EU experience?
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But you're making a blanket statement on all killers outside the Eu to say they are worse, so have you played in every region?
Killers in EU could just as easily be doing fine because the survivors are hot garbage, like I said both work.
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Nah, in EU before 8pm my survs queue time are about 5-10secs
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Again, i'm in the EU. I dont see anyone being "hot garbage" on here. I've been getting way better teams in crossplay off and mostly going against really good nurses and blights.
I'm talking about EU, because it's the server I'm on? I made a comment about EU killers being good.
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I have crossplay off on ps4, on North America servers. My wait times are the same they've been for some time - survivor is quick during day while killer is up to 5 minutes, at night around 7pm it switches.
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Killers are leaving. Id love to see the drop in numbers.
I have nearly 2k hours as killer, I have switched to survivor. Boons + MMR have ruined it. It was bad before, but now its just horrendous
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Ok and I'm playing in another region, and so are many others, where that's not the case.
So either the killers in EU are better or the survivors are trash, or some cultural difference is driving people to play killer more. Or its just more people there feel like it.
There's no proof for any of these and I don't understand why you're defending it so hard. You made a baseless claim, I though you were joking because it was ridiculous so I joined in. You said you weren't and I just pointed out there's no proof for your claim and either one would explain the supposed extra killers over there.
Like did I hurt your ego or something? Are you a survivor main?
On the "I don't see it" front:
You won't feel like they're garbage because you're used to it so your threshold for skill would be lower. If your surrounded by trash all the time eventually you get accustomed to the smell and thinks its normal. Same thing happens with games and skill levels.
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Like so far EU is the only region I see people saying that has shorter survivor ques at some point. So clearly somethings up over there.
As for what it is, be it trash survivors, good killers, or people feelings. Who knows. Maybe you just have more casuals.
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@Marigoria The only thing I can say is that at good levels of play everyone agrees that survivor hold the power, so if EU killers aren't facing that it makes more sense that the survivors just aren't up to the level as else where.
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This is exactly what happened to me in the post I just made. I was being held hostage in the game map offering ( map offerings should be removed ) and when they finally ended the game ( as I said in my post, they refused to do last gen, boons + med kit healing infront of me at god pallets )
I said to them in post chat ( all pc ) have your queue times been long? They all said EXTREMELY LONG. I said maybe thats due to groups like you doing what you just did, making killers leave ( Was just doing my daily ) They all just started laughing, making fun of me.
Its going to actually kill the game.
This is why ash rank epic game noobs have been put against red rank swfs with 10k hours ( not exaggerating, literally happened to me when I tried out a new account on the epic store - proof in my post history )
Im signed up for VHS beta and cant wait
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Queue times for survivors are instant or within a minute. The wait times will spike during the night hours.
Honestly, it seems like some people enjoy making threads to cry about killers in some capacity, regardless of the accuracy of their claims.
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They might be instant for you but they sure as hell aren't for me and many others
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Or maybe you just see a lot of people who aren't as skillful as they claim in these forums, and just want free 4ks.
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Umm, even streamers who play this game for a living generally agree thats the case, not just the forums. Afaik any social platform that exist for DBD generally agree that survivors hold the power.
Although this convo has made me consider the possibility that maybe the survivor complaints about killers being too strong and survivors needing buffs and boons being fine as they are now are coming majorly from the EU. Just conjecture though.
Post edited by MrPenguin on1 -
Hopefully you like VHS, from what I've been seeing it looks like a lot of fun.
What do you mean, boons are fair and balanced, just break it!!!!!1!1 /s
I'll never get tired of saying, CoH is just as unbalanced as old undying but not that it matters, we probably won't see it get nerfed.
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On maps like the new one and the game,haddon, coh is straight up broken.
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Don't forget midwich and lery's.
What do you mean? Don't you love that a single survivor can make the rest have 5 perks? Not even that but also heal themselves extremely fast without the need of using an item? Smh killers are just lazy these days (I'm making fun of a thread I saw like 2 days ago with the last part).
Also not broken because it requires too much time!! Don't you know that it takes 16 seconds + time finding it to heal yourself faster on 32m, it is not like totems are almost always on the same tiles.
Jokes aside, I know how dumb CoH is, I've used it with a dedicated healing build, and in those matches I've healed faster than a killer can hit me especially with pre drops, but nah it is fair.
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In EU my queues are instant during the day and 2-4 minutes at night surviver.
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from what I've been seeing for a while, EU seems like the only place survivor ques are decent for whatever reason. Everyone I've seen saying their times are fine during the day are from EU.