Please delete RPD

JasonS Member Posts: 100
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Does anybody actually like this map?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    It's grown on me.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    I like 1 side of it.

    As a Huntress main get hooks on the library side of the map, lots of long narrow corridors to funnel survs into hatchets.

  • Valdaxexe
    Valdaxexe Member Posts: 15

    i like rpd in general but its not really fps friendly, im always playing on high graphic so when i get rpd i will have to turn down my graphic setting other than fps i like the map overall

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    rpd is the best map in dbd

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    Don't delete it; that's a nuclear last option that should frankly never be deployed on something as big as a map. Instead, rework it.

    Split it up into two or three, with some adjustments made to the edges of whichever direction you choose to split it, and the map will already plummet from worst spot to "mildly annoying on some/most killers", so that's pretty clearly the first thing to do if you want to fix this seriously.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I guess I haven't had any issues with RPD and I actually do miss hawkins. I hope they have some time to give hawkins a different look and keep the old assets by changing everything on it.

    I don't think Stranger Things is in the market to play fair any time soon and that really is their loss. Since This game promoted Stranger things.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    Some more gen variety would still be nice. Survivors who know the map get it done in 3 minutes or less. Can't think of a worse map that I just can not keep up at all with equally skilled survivors on. If I get 2 or more kills its because survs got bored of M1 and hiding.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    They delete Hawkins map … I don’t want to lose one anymore …

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I like it lmao

  • I don’t understand how people can dislike this map. It’s so huge to explore and you can get lost in it too. Personally ? I think we need more big maps. And It’s a fun map, although, I can understand why this map can be bad for ranged killers(Huntress, DeathSlinger, Clown, etc.)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Ok I've deleted it. Log onto the game to spend your bloodpoints. We'll give you 100,000 bloodpoints per offering you still have 😂

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    This map is not for DbD gameplay.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I like it. Fun map but depends on the Killer you use. I got good games here with Ghostface and Myers as it is pretty fun to stalk somebody here. Also I have fun with Pinhead on this map as the survivors tend to not find the way to my box and I get a chain hunt quit easy while at the same time chains break all the time on walls and stuff.

    As a survivor I enjoy the look and the ability to stealth around. Worst thing you can do is try to run too much as you best way to wast the Killers time is by hiding well. Fun moments for me.

    Only downside to this map: Your team does not find the way to you while you are hooked.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069


    Please explain why it shouldnt work for ,,DbD gameplay"

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Everyone expect you and 10 more people hate this map. Killers and survivors.

    That's how.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Because it was ported 1:1 from a different game. It’s like putting a mario kart course into forza

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    My favorite map.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Obviously it wasn’t entirely but the point is the layout is the same and that layout doesn’t work in the context of dbd.

    For example let’s say I get billy on RPD. How do I use my power?

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    You know the meaning of explaining?

    You only say ,,map bad!" but not why or why it wouldnt fit the dbd gameplay.

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    i've had my favourite jumpscares happen on rpd so i'm gonna say no, don't delete rpd.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Dont get me wrong, the map definitely isnt balanced but that doesnt mean it doesnt fit.

    It fits perfeclty, they just have to tweak a few things for the sake of balance.

    Just because you port something from a other game it doesnt mean it doesnt fit.

    Have you seen the Terraria X Dont starve crossover?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    I can take a stab at this one.

    So, the biggest problem with the RPD map is that it is far too big, both to walk across and with the three levels it has taken into account. Time is at a premium in DBD and big maps are pretty bad- much moreso for killer, but still somewhat for survivor. On top of that, the maps are a maze of tight corners and zig-zagging walls; again, not a terrible idea in concept, Lery's is like that and it's not too bad, but this map has it causing a similar problem to Midwich where you can know exactly where you need to go but have a hell of a time getting there; either because you have to walk around in a ridiculously wide loop because you can't walk straight, or because you have to figure out where you're even going.

    Those are the two main problems, and they impact survivors as much as killers. You can know a teammate is on the hook across the map... but can you get there in time to save? It's moderately likely they'll progress to second hook stage, if nothing else.

    The layout of this map is great for its actual game, but it's poorly designed for DBD itself- the games play dramatically differently, in RE itself you have multiple hours to get used to the layout and evade the killer, while matches of DBD play much faster and require quicker motion from both parties.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    I agree that its terrible balance wise.

    But that doesnt mean it doesnt fit.

    They just need some tweaks for better balancing other wise it fits perfectly.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    The thing is that the tweaks to make it work for balance would have to be pretty major to actually work- something to the tune of splitting it up into separate maps in the same realm, to dramatically cut down on its size.

    Nobody's arguing the aesthetic, the visuals absolutely fit amazingly, but its layout is a huge problem that can't be fixed with minor loop tweaks, it needs to be really fundamentally changed somehow.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    I like it.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    They should bomb down some walls or even make the map have 2 different variants.

    One for the upper floor and one for the other one.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I'd argue instead of upper and lower we have East and west wing, with both versions having access to the entrance hall bar the balcony of the other wing.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    RPD it's meh.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    visual-wise its one of the best maps ever. gameplay-wise its basically one of the worst, and i doubt it will ever get changed due to license issues.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    You can still use it. Yes I will acknowledge that it may be a lot harder to use it on RPD but honestly, RPD just is not the worst map in DBD I think. It also depends on the player's main. If you main Billy I personally would rather get RPD 600 times before Lery's. Same with a killer like Bubba or Blight. Even more. Huntress can actually make some ok shots like in the main hall or some of the longer straight halls. It's overhated by a lot.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I forgot to mention other issues

    1. The stupid window in the room right of the lobby going in
    2. The stupid totem spot in the top floor library that makes boons completely busted
    3. The pallets that are literally free hits for the killer
    4. Audio occlusion making tracking gens a nightmare
    5. It’s way too big and hard to traverse for a lot of killers

    The map is definitely a 10/10 on visuals but it just isn’t a fun map to play on for either side

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    I like variety so that's probably why I find it so fun. I makes the game less boring when I finally get something different.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    I get why people hate RPD but it's quite challenging for both survivors and killer in my opinion.

    More accurately, players who know and are experienced do very well and have advantages.

    I would play RPD rather than The Game or Eyrie of Crows which are just stupid like old Ormond.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    Needs to be deleted.. or at least changed however there are big licensing issues.

    RPD does not cater for m1 killers and a lot of the new maps or Gideon MP do not as well...

  • PlayBothSideBruh
    PlayBothSideBruh Member Posts: 21

    Need to be deleted. I got lost as both survivors and killer with any time I get this map.

    And with the new killer.

    Jeez, even her own main building map is already killing her.

    The RPD? It has become " 4 survivors hunt down The Artist "

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    Odd that a lot of comments are that it's too big or easy to get lost in.

    I feel it's a small map. I think it's a good thing it plays differently. Different dynamics because of a map are a welcome addition to shake up a game where balance issues around the same things are constantly a problem. The only times I get lost are, contrary to what someone else said, because the layout is nowhere near entirely the same as the actual RPD map. Even then I'm not really lost, it's more a turn isn't there or a path I think will be there is blocked--I binged the RE2 remake about a week before actually having this map come up in DbD. Even though it is different, familiarity with the setting still helps with pinning down which area is which. Not like you can't get that from just playing the map in DbD more than once.

    TLDR: Different doesn't mean bad. It's not the same layout as RE2. Learn the map. Stop crying.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    Oh it is not this thread - look up the other, there is a full map of RPD to learn.

    I like it.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yes. RPD is one of the best maps they have made. I never see killers have issue with it either. They seem to do pretty well in my experience on a map a lot of killer mains complain about. Playing on the map more often does help you figure out how to navigate it better. At first it was super confusing but that to me just made the game scarier which is what I like.

  • LordChaos01
    LordChaos01 Member Posts: 10

    my favorite map for killer or survivor what a bad taste you guys have just want to "win" dont look around and feel the good map as fun one

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2021

    Yes, please. Stop making these dogshit maps. I literally like Dwelling more. You gave us a stupidly oversized map with hallways as confusing as a maze, and then followed it up with another godawful map with pallets or a god window every 5 feet