Do you still get upset about tunneling under the current conditions of Killer?

Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

In all my days of playing Dead by Daylight, I'm proud to say I have never messaged another player anything toxic or antagonizing despite how tilted I was playing Killer or Survivor. I get titled a lot with how some people play this game, but lately I find myself being okay with a Killer tunneling me. Mostly it's because of how bad the state of playing Killer is right now. Overall, I've come to the conclusion that regardless of the current state of Killers, it is their job to kill you in any way whether it be a boring, unfair, or "distasteful" strategy. Yes, it sucks to be tunneled out of the game, but you'll have plenty of more games to look forward to.

So, the question is posed. Do you still find yourself getting mad that you get tunneled? Be honest. I look forward to intriguing discussions ^-^

Edit: Typo.



  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Camping and tunneling in Low MMR is annoying and downright bad. it shouldn't incentivize bad killers from making the game so boring, like seriously, 3 gens in and i'm still waiting for the killer to get out of the hook and chase someone else cause the game is getting too stale.

    It was fine for the first few matches after that it just stops making any sense, it only averages them of 1 - 2 kills if your team is decent in soloq, 4k if your team keeps unhooking, just think of how disappointed they'll be once they try it against SWF team and fail so hard, like is that all you know, you're so proud of camping the hook and making 2 kills but can't catch a good survivor in an unsafe loop?

    You don't know how many times, new killers boast their 2 kills against bad survivors who doesn't know when to unhook, "haha gg ez bait",

    It's more frustrating when you're a killer main who actually works hard to earn 4k in every game at high mmr just to get wasted in soloq because of bad teammates and face camps.

    I blame the Epic game release.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    I don't mind getting tunneled. That means I get to loop the killer the entire game that and I don't blame them. If everyone on the Survivor team is gen happy and at least know how to hold the killer even by pre dropping pallets then dragging him away from objectives it's easy GG every time.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    My issue with tunneling is that it just seems like someone shouting swf to me. When someone genuinely tunnels it can suck, but frequently it's less the killer tunneled and more the survivor made poor decisions and the killer didn't ignore it to be 'nice'.

    If you don't want to get tunneled try these few easy tips.

    •Don't charge head first into the killer after an unhook. That's nice you have BT and or DS and all but you can't cry about tunneling when you stop the killer from hitting you're rescuer.

    •Don't immediately head back to your last gen unless you're sure the killer is distracted.

    •Don't heal under hook unless you're sure the killer is distracted.

    •Don't try and blind the killer as they pick up you're rescuer from the ground.

    •Don't just run off without thinking after an unhook, run with a plan.

    •A long chase isn't tunneling. It's just a long chase.

    If survivors could recognize when they make these mistakes I garuntee reports of tunneling would massively drop. Same with camping if we could show survivors how bad many of them are at being sneaky. I can see you behind the rock. I can see you're bright red scratch marks as you shift w at the hook. I can actively leave the hook to go patrol gens and if I see a wave of red scratch marks headed towards hook or, ya know, actually just see the other two survivors bolt towards it I'm not going to ignore it. Try stealth.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited December 2021

    Yes. 2000 of my 3000 hrs are on killer so if I can do it they can do it or at the very least try. I don't send toxic messages but I do message them to try to convince them of a different playstyle.....assuming they are Xbox. Just to be clear I am talking about tunneling first survivor you see before you even know if the team is any good.

    Here is why........Tunneling stunts your growth when use as a tactic every game from the start (same for camping). I have made some good friends with this because I am just trying to help them not be toxic. I recommend builds, show them clips of what I do, etc. Of course every once in a while I get the "I tunnel because I can" killers. I move on as they are a lost cause.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    It's not fun to get camped and or tunneled but killer is getting worse and worse. Even the event is survivor sided🤣. Simple things like the unnecessary deathslinger nerf are making want to play killer even less often. I can almost say im a survivor main because killer is just so annoying atm. But the devs don't care, as long as they can relaease a new Feng Min cosmetic everything is good. But i think when the survivor queue's get longer then 15 min survivors will start to complain about that and then the devs will do something, not for the killers but because the survivors complain about the queue time. Sad but this is the truth...

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I don't really get mad for being tunneled. This is the game that people want, so killers are just having to play like that.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I honestly do get a little bit frustrated if I'm unable to make any progress in whatever tome challenge I'm trying to do when getting tunneled out, but I've never gotten frustrated enough at this game ever to go out of my way to message people. No endgame chat on console so none of that either, I doubt that would change my tendency to just move on to the next match though. It is what it is, and it's only a game.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    No, not at all as long as I keep the chase going to waste as much of their time it's fine by me their the ones throwing the match.

    I only get frustrated if I make a mistake and go down early. Or my team is not getting gens done during the chase.

    But if they want to risking losing the match for one kill by all means go right ahead.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    It still annoys me and people who say they can only get kills if they hard tunnel maybe should lower their MMR so they can get kills more easily without sweating.

    Will I message the killer and be toxic? No.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    I'll get frustrated if i'm tunneled at 4 or 5 gens. If it's end game or like 1 gen left i get it. at this point i've played a good game. i don't need to escape as a survivor, i just want to have a good game.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Since my first game, I have understood that each side has an objective, like in any pvp game.

  • Lightsoutx12
    Lightsoutx12 Member Posts: 17

    I really don't. I have just come to the terms that everyone is going to play how they want and rightfully so. It does stink if I put up an offering like bloody party streamers or some other type of BP offering and then get killed right away, but it is what it is and onto the next.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes, it still annoys me. Mainly because it's not fun and gets you less BP. I get that tunnelling is a strategy, but it can be infuriating.

    I would never message another player and be toxic, though. That's just plain wrong.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Not at all, the team has to play pretty poorly for the killer to have time and chase everyone multiple times.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    No. I don’t promote trash people. If the killer tunnels me I dc at last hook

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    But he doesn’t have b&c or other perk used. Also I would pay for see his face

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    No, why should i? It´s a game after all.

    Or do people complain when they die in Betafield 2042 or Call of Beauty?

  • Liddy
    Liddy Member Posts: 33

    When they go out of their way to kill someone, despite how much they are losing or how much the rest of the team is trying to save that person from dying and bodyblocking for them, then yes I do get upset at the killer for doing this.

    If the survivor is being toxic I can understand and accept why you would tunnel them but sometimes the killers do it for absolutely no reason.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited December 2021

    I don't mind camping nor tunneling no matter the circumstances

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    I just had c couple survivor mains egos hurt last night cause I kept finding people who were just off the hook lol

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I get salty about tunneling if it's a case where other survivors are offering the killer free hits and the killer refuses to take them because they're that focused on deleting one player.

    Otherwise, it's pretty understandable. Especially when the rescuer disappears into the aether or the unhooked player tries to bodyblock with BT.

  • SudoK7
    SudoK7 Member Posts: 68

    I never really understood the whole tunneling is bad thing. I mean if I'm playing killer and I see a survivor unhook another survivor, the smart thing to do would be to go after the survivor that's already wounded and has been on the hook vs the Full health survivor who hasn't. When i play survivor getting tunneled doesn't bother me because I can jump into another game after I die.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Same Ive always always always thought that messaging complete strangers over the internet your worthless grievances over a match that made you angyyyy was an utter waste of time.

    I've thought this even since I was younger. The difference is, I used to reply and crap talk back, and now I either don't reply...say equally worthless one word replies that make no sense like "hamburger" or I'll just be nice/oblivious to make them even angrier

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    LOL. You saved him time of hauling you to a hook AND destroying the hook. He already got his stack of BBQ off you so not sure what you mean there.....Wait can't use the aura of BBQ? Who cares I promise the killer don't. Only thing you are doing is hurting your team.....and looking a fool.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    99% of times is 3 escapes and 1 dc, and the killer doesn’t write anything at the end. Yes, probably they are happy

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    So... "I don't like this person's tactic, I'm going to ragequit"? Heaven forbid that someone play the game they bought in a manner you don't personally like.

    Denying people perk effects because of your warped misconception on how the game should be played is pathetic and churlish. The DC penalty is supposed to be an indicator that this isn't acceptable behaviour.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    I mean at points it can still slightly annoy me especially if it's really unnecessary and the killer is clearly winning the match.

    Overall, tunnelling imo is scummy so I don't tunnel when I play killer (I also dont take it serious so I play for fun and a few hooks unlike 99% of killers lol) and as survivor it's just whatever for the most part. Just accepted that killers are beyond sweaty but I do agree with boons etc.. it can make killer's lives miserable so I can also understand it in CERTAIN circumstances.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Well, I never escape against fair killers to compensate. I think I”m better for this game than those selfish killers

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If someone needs to tunnel at my mmr, they are doing it to be a piece of trash. Simple as that, so yes, it bothers me.

    If I played at a higher mmr where gens were flying, of course I would understand. But they have plenty of time to 2 hook everyone and win by bleeding us all out. Let's be real. How the hell they don't climb while tunneling is one of life's greatest mysteries. I almost feel bad for them.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited December 2021

    I think having played killer and seeing how easy it is to do it, I do mind it.

    Survivors have to bring perks in order to ease the playstyle. So because of that this kind of playstyle will always feel cheap for me.

    I am also talking about those players who do it fully aware that they are probably going to throw the match. Not the “oh darn you again, can’t I find another survivor?” Situations which is common in my matches too.

    It’s the same reason why I don’t like camping too. I think these mechanics to an excessive level, make it boring for the opponent and in a way unbalanced because there is very little downside for how much you are getting in return.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I don't get bothered by how people play, that's entitled behaviour.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    You are neither omniscient nor a mind reader; it is not your place to administer karma by, again, doing the thing you're not meant to do.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    I laugh at killers that tunnel, oh they're terrible i get it. Killer seems so much easier than it used to be lol

  • xRam40I9
    xRam40I9 Applicant Posts: 55

    "Practice and get better"

    Laughs in skill hard correcting my mistake and Circle of I hate being injured nullifying my injury.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Fair killers wants everyone to have fun, and I returned fun and bps for them. You can’t imagine how many killers let me escape anyway. And I’m always rank 1 survivor, so imagine how many good killers are out there.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I don't mind it at all

    But I don't do it as Killer

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    This is exactly the right mindset.

    I want the killer player to kill me in the nastiest most vicious way possible. Why? Because its thematic.

    If I screw up it should result in my death, if my team screws up and I'm caught out it should result in my death. Horror movie style consequences.

    "OH crap I'm doomed!" That should be the survivor mindset, it makes for intense chases, threatening moments, memorable play. The threat of elimination should be very real and imminent.

    If the killer wants to watch me squirm on hook then that's their choice and why shouldn't they? They caught me after all.

    It pains me to see post after post of cry babies screaming for nerfs that undermine the horror survival element of the game. If you get really upset when you get killed, then maybe... just maybe... a game where you sign up to potentially get killed isn't for you.

    Yes I get just as tilted as everyone else does from time to time but you have to recognize that's a you problem.

    Also killer isn't unplayable there has been lots of improvements, unfortunately survivor is still too forgiving if you know what you are doing thus undermining the game's very theme.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    i have never gotten angry about camping before i was just kinda numb about it

    but now that killers can't get a down to save their life i feel terrible and i think tunneling and camping is ok now because it's kinda necessary to get even close to a kill

    i think it's still kinda a cheap kill but i only see people using it as a last resort which is fine

    if a killer has no hooks all gens are done and the survivors are being ass's then I think it's understandable to camp

    remember before you get angry at a killer for camping you. they might be angry at you for some reason try to think what you could have done to anger them like maybe you t bagged or looped them for too long or maybe you are the strong player on the team so they need to get rid of you for a chance to win. little do some players know that on the other side of the scream while the survivor gets angry at the killer for camping the killer might be doing the same. complaining about the bullying

    just remember killers are just like us they have feelings and anger

    try to understand that poor rank 20 wraith with noed he might be trying to learn the game and hasn't learned how to play efficently yet