When will they Buff Nurse?

I think she's very badly designed as a killer and is currently stomped by high MMR survivors. Her kill rate is abysmal and it's a clear sign that she deserves buffs to even the odds. That's a whopping 42% kill rate? That's horrible since the second to the last has 47%.
If they actually directly buff her kit I will literally play M1 trickster for a whole day
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well yeah her cd kills her potential on indoor maps
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If you genuinely think nurse needs a buff then I don’t know what to tell you
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She doesn't even hit the 50% mark. def needs a buff.
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The kill rate speaks for itself. She deserves buffs.
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Nurse is a weird outlier in that she has an extremely steep learning curve but for players who can play her consistently well she is extremely powerful, maybe the best killer in the game. The overall kill rate for her is therefore low because she’s very hard to win with without regular practice, but her win rate is much higher at higher rated matches.
Personally I just don’t find her fun to play though, staring at her feet all match is super annoying. I don’t think she needs a buff but I would love to see a tweak where she gets to keep her head up while stunned after a blink, and if that makes her a bit too powerful then just slow her refresh down slightly to compensate.
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Every killer gets stamped by high mmr survivors bro
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Not as bad as Nurse. #42%
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If nurse needs a buff, pig needs a nerf.
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They should give her 5 Blinks, that'd be pretty fair imo
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6 Blinks with 115% movement speed and she'll be A tier at best, that is pretty fair imo
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She deserves the nerf - screech sound is way to loud. Being nurse main definetly helps you get deaf in next few years
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Barely A tier? She'd need more buffs then. How about, each successful Blink attack is an instadown?
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So pig needs a nerf then as well? Fair enough I guess
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she needs a buff specially on console, you can't blink perfectly on console, blink movement adjustments using the controller stick is a pain in the ***. they need to add more addons to reduce her fatigue on console.
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They did. They brought back 3 blink Nurse.
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Probably never. Nurse kind of got abandoned.
But if she were to get a buff, she would need all of her bugs fixed first.
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What makes her really powerful is stretch res, it has to go first.
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Yeah, what was it? 45%? I can get behind it
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Neither BHVR know what to do with Nurse.
I like the killer and i'm killer main but her mechanic should never be in the game.
I'm 100% sure they regreat releasing her untill these days.
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Yeah, she is Wee Bit Underpowered
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I agree Nurse is underperforming but we need to be careful with what we do. A good starting point could be to buff her base movement speed imho. No other killer moves slower than survivors, and it’s this lack of speed combined with her debatably lukewarm power that makes her struggle so badly vs anyone who isn’t terrible at the game.
What do you think?
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Judging by how they never buffed Pig since a certain member of the balance team thinks she's an A-tier god because of her high kill rate, I can unironically see Nurse getting buffed sometime.
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I mean the devs like to balance on stats right? :looks around:
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if 42% Kill rate is True it must be at low mmr. at Higher MMR when she is mastered i highly doubt it s 42% so its a big NO until we got more data.
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Nah sluzzy is fine with nurse. Every other killer is a big no
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100% correct. Nurse is at an abysmal 42.98% kill rate and Pig has a 57.76% kill rate. Myers is at a 56.20% kill rate so he's obviously overperforming. Clown has a 50.02% kill rate but that's only I because I play him at times and I single-handedly lowered the kill rate by 10%. He's totally OP.
Buff Nurse. Nerf Pig, Clown and Myers.
Spoiler: For those that aren't sure this is a satirical post. I haven't read the entire thread but the op is satirizing the dev's kill rate data being used for balancing decisions.
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I think some people genuinely believe she needs a buff. But then again that surprises no one here.
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Killers with stats over 50% get nerfed. Killers with stats under 50% do not get buffs. It's a one-way balancing direction, and that is: To The Ground.
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Bug fixes I agree but that's not a buff. That's just fixing her issues. Which IMO shouldn't be the biggest priority anyway given she stomps hard despite them. I feel like the bugs are the BS you gotta accept for the Easy Mode you've unlocked through grinding this clunky killer to some degree of mastery.
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Yes, the killer that can ignore basically all forms of survivor counterplay through her basekit alone needs a buff.
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She is under performing so by the logic of nerfing pinhead because he was over performing. Nurse should get a buff. Give her 3 blinks....yes...
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Nurse has had the lowest kill rate for soooo long, it's cause so many bad killers try to play her, but she's still the best or second best killer in the game if you know how to play her, she does not need a buff.
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It's satire, dude. The OP's target isn't Nurse at all.
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the kill rate is low because a lot of people that play her are not that good😭 she is difficult to master but once you do it’s over
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thank god
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the reason she has a low kill rate is because she is hard to play so most player lose. but that small percent of players who mastered her are unstoppable if anything she deserves a nerf but that won't happen because she is not complained about anymore now that artist exists
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Kill rate means nothing.
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I don't know man. Pinhead got nerfed for overperforming so I think it's only fair to buff nurse
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what i see it's (July - September 2021) . SBMM started 8 september so your data has been collected before sbmm and at sbmm 's start. so your data's may not be accurate ATM , and we know SBMM needed several games to be adjusted to your skills. i'm pretty sure if they give kills average today we wont see the same numbers.
edit: it would be intersting to see Numbers before and after SBMM now its live for a long time.
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damn pig still needs nerfs?
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I love how everyone was on board with the fact that Pinhead's nerf were completely justified by the killer rate of a new killer. Yet a killer that has been in the game for years and has a way below average killer rate there's all of a sudden other facts that go into nurse. How come these facts weren't taken into account for pinhead?
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Sorry, but you can't really use kill rates as the sole data for game balancing. A killer can literally camp a hook, and get a 4 kill from it. Kill rates mean jack #########
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Nah kill rates means everything hence Cenobite got Nerfed and rightfully so since he got a lot of kills.
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Plus something that a lot of people don't realize is that Nurse is one of the free killers that everyone has access to. New players just starting out will try her and often flop hard and go to a different killer.
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The stats don't lie people! #42%
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Here we are with this same quirky thread again, for the 748385 time
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No that's not enough.....THINK BIGGER......
6 Blink Minimum.
Completely silent.
Each Blink causes survivors to scream and drop items.
120% Movent Speed
Hmmm something is missing.....hmmm oh and finally All Dwights instantly die.
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If you think nurse needs a buff, you seriously failed on rating her. Kill rate is the worst way to determine nurse full power potential. Not only because she's one of the hardest skill cap killers on the game, there's switch, ps4 and xbox players who rarely master this killer. She is still by far, the strongest killer on the game.
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Stats don't lie and she's factually awful with #42% kill rate.