Killers that tunnel and camp basement/hooks

Could something be created that penalizes killers that tunnel survivors and camp/proxy camp hooks and the basement? Maybe the entity comes and stuns them for a certain amount of time as a penalty for not playing the game correctly?


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746
    edited December 2021

    The Entity likes that.

    Ok but seriously - as you get better you will avoid these situations more and more as survs get stronger with more experience.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    OH wow never thought about this so tunneling and camping is lore wise the only legitimate playstyle

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    After getting stomped by some super strong players today i can´t blame anybody for doing this in hope to get at least one kill.

    As survivor player i know that feels grrr$!&##

  • Hlebuw3k
    Hlebuw3k Member Posts: 1

    When the killer tunnels and then camps your hook, its literally unplayable. And guess what? IM THE ONE GETTING PUNISHED FOR LEAVING THE MATCH. Literally unplayable

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Face-camping and Proxy-Tunneling survivors out of the game are two serious game design flaws that I hope they do address.

    Tunneling survivors is not an issue (Example: A killer sees two of you at a gen and goes after the one he hooked before).

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    This person had such a bad game they made an account to come complain about it lmao

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    If they were facecamped to death, they are entirely justified in complaining. They were literally prevented from playing a game they bought. Honestly, I'm surprised facecamping isn't the major focus for the developers. It's the biggest game design flaw and has been in the game since the inception of the game.

  • KlavalX
    KlavalX Member Posts: 4

    Killers already get penalized for camping the hooks, the issue really isn't the killer here the issue is the overbalance toward the survivors. Lets be honest here Dead Hard and other skills that make chasing NECESSARY, have forced the killer to waste time because the survivor has ALL OF THE ADVANTAGE being able to REPEATEDLY vault over the same Pallets, windows, fences, and obstacles WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO LOCK WITH ABUSE AND DOESN'T. Your argument is null it's set as pay to play survivor advantage. Sorry you'll never get an agreement from me on that.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I believe face camping is a major focus for them but they don't know how to prevent it without screwing over even the killers that have a legit reason to camp be it end game and you literally have nothing els to do or be it survs looping you around the hook so some kind of machanic gets triggert.

    With every mechanic you try to make to prevent camping you need to make sure it can't get abused

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304

    Can you define what it meens "playing the game correctly?" , what does that entitle. Does it meen killers should ALWAYS chase the unhooker and leave the hooked alone no matter the situation? does it meen they should completly and uterly ignore potential downs when someone its roaming around a hook and instead look for a new target to let the people unhook safetly? does it meen killers shouldnt not by any mean of the word patrol a hook and the area because they might know theres someone around?. If thats the case im sorry but you are just asking for the so called "survivors rulebook", killers should be ruthless, they should be absolutly terrile againts the survivors, the killers role its to literally be the "bad guy" of the game, killers are the villians.

    And quite seriously, if thats the case, i hope survivors from now on in acordance to the "killers rulebook" will imediatly present themselves to the killer for a free hook each time they finish a generator, i will also expect them to stay in visual proximity each time they pallet, flashlight, flashbomb and any form of stun so i can chase them around, i will also expect them to give out their location each time they find my hex so i have a chance to prevent them to destroy it.

    I could add some more but i tink you get the idea

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Why does a survivor get to decide the way a killer plays? The reason the devs aren't focused on it is because they don't disagree with camping and say it's fine

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Because it's a game design flaw. If you bought a game and another player of that game could completely stop you from playing that game, wouldn't that be something that should be addressed by the game designer. No player should be able to prevent another player from playing a game they bought.

    The game can be balanced afterward to make it fair for both killer and survivor.

  • XerraFox
    XerraFox Member Posts: 157

    But you have played.. Until you got caught. And that's the Killers job. Catch and Kill - simple as that.

  • d0xn
    d0xn Member Posts: 9

    All these posts with forum warriors saying face camping is a strategy while it is not. It's a way of being toxic and having no skill at all. And yes there's absolutely almost no way for that person to be able to play if the killer is face camping. Unless someone has borrowed time which still isn't always an answer as they'll just go tunnel the person who was hooked before and repeat the whole situation.

    I completely agree that this needs to be addressed. Maybe put up a barrier for the killer in the basement for 5-10 seconds while survivors run away. That way they have a chance.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    As bad as it feels as survivor - go try play killer for some time.

    I bet you will see that this is indeed a strategy.

    It is easy to say - get gud - but some squads can be way too powerful for you. And with this simply dumb strategy you sometimes screw them up.

    If you have a big disadvantage and can somehow turn this in your favor - that is what i would call a valid strategy.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2021

    Is facecamping really an issue? Seems like the killer can't block the hook.

    I tried to do it today, and a survivor was still able to unhook even though I was standing right in front of the hook. So yeah, get all your SWF buddies or borrowed time randos who've learned the game has made killers a minimal threat and have an unhook party in front of the facecamper.

    OP should really start by asking why killers facecamp or tunnel. I did it today because MMR put me in matches with SWF and pro-loop parkour survivors that are beyond my skills. I may as well just stand there like I'm AFK. If I get someone on the hook, I may as well keep them there. Feels better and just as effective as trying to play the game any other way. And I may as well tunnel an annoying player that's beyond my skills because I'll be lucky to get one kill in match they exist in. It may as well be them.

  • d0xn
    d0xn Member Posts: 9

    I've played killer lots of times LOL. I was gold 2 in killer and iridescent 3 in survivor last month. There's no excuses.

  • Daldal
    Daldal Member Posts: 12

    Don't think the entity would legit agree with these behaviour from killers, as it makes it less fun and entertaining for the little game she set up.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    "playing the game correctly"

    That is the most dangerous term in this post.

    There is one way to play this game correctly and anyone who doesn't should be punished.

    I shudder to think what the game would be like if narrow minded people with this kind of view had a real say in how it worked.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Same with the nerf, same with the balance, same dealing with survivor meta nonsense I agree the game design is broken but it's also because they let both sides (one side more than the other) be as dumb as possible and not play the game how it's was supposed to be played.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    camping and tunneling are the main ways to get kills rn. don't blame the killer, blame bhvr with how they treat survivors vs killers

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    edited December 2021

    The entire point of the basement is that its the massive risk to loop near due to it being a death trap.

    Its meant to help balance out powerful survivor structures such as shack/Main buildings.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Exactly. Every other game has eventually implemented ways to prevent or reduce camping because it's unfun and unfair. No one enjoys being camped in any game.

    It's a big game design no-no for a reason because it's literally allowing one player to prevent another player from playing the game they bought.

    I think it's justified here because Killer-players are afraid to lose any power, even if it hurts the game as a whole. The funny thing is, is that a lot of the changes Killers want, can't be implemented without them losing some power to balance it out. Smaller maps, slower gens, they can't have that until they lose some power somewhere else, since the developers are seeing a pretty even 2k/2e right now, even at the highest levels of play.

    Nerfing camping and tunneling-off-hook would be the perfect place to reduce the power of killers, while also slowing down gens and reducing map size to balance it out. It's ashamed honestly, because it's preventing improving the game for everyone.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    They are already penalized. They lose BP.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    Apples and monster truck tires. Ridiculous false equivocation. An arena or shooter game is not at all comparable. When a survivor is hooked, they're not waiting to respawn into the match fresh with a new life. You get one life in this game and when the match is on, the match is on. No safe zones, no respawns, no timeouts.

    I'm not familiar with any games that penalize for camping a "death point." But that makes no sense either. Death point means you already played the game and, again, you blew it.

    The game isn't even over when you get camped! Killers can't body block the hook and grabbing survivors when they unhook is broken and doesn't trigger as it should. Add in BT, SWF, and killers overall not being an intimidating force in the game and that means you and the other survivors still have LOTS of moves to make even when a killer camps.

    Too bad MMR doesn't get me survivors like you when I play killer. I might actually have fun if I could play against survivors that don't understand how broken this game is in their favor.