Something I noticed about Chapter releases

So I was looking at chapters trying to figure out the communities weird reasoning behind why Ringu "might not have a survivor" and Mathieu Cote talking about something for survivor mains in an interview "debunks that." Anyways, if you take out all the half chapters (aka Paragraphs) being Chapters 3.5, 5.5, 11.5, and 21.5, every single year chapters release an even amount of killers and survivors.

Year 1 (Last Breath, Halloween, Of Flesh and Mud, Spark of Madness): 4 killers and 4 survivors

Year 2 (A Lullaby for the Dark, A Nightmare On Elm Street, SAW): 3 killers and 3 survivors

Year 3 (Curtain Call, Shattered Bloodline, Darkness Among Us, Demise of the Faithful): 4 killers and 4 survivors

Year 4 (Ghost Face, Stranger Things, Cursed Legacy, Chains of Hate): 4 killers and 4 survivors

Year 5 (Silent Hill, Descend Beyond, A Binding of Kin, All-Kill): 4 killers and 4 survivors

Year 6 so far (Resident Evil, Hellraiser, Portrait of a Murder): 3 killers and 3 survivors so far

The 2 years that featured a chapter that had only a killer also had a chapter that featured 2 survivors. Is that a coincidence or on purpose? Who knows. Either way, just looking at CHAPTER releases because we know Ringu will be a chapter, the more I look at it the more I realize the mere idea of Ringu not featuring a killer and survivor was dumb to begin with. (Sorry if calling the idea dumb insults you)

PS: Don't ask why I didn't list Left Behind, LEATHERFACE, Ash vs Evil Dead, and Hour of the Witch, if you do it shows you didn't actually read the post.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Eh. I don’t think we should trust these kind of patterns. Ringu only featuring a killer was a possibility but with the info from the interview we know it will come with a survivor. That’s pretty much it..

    especially with licensed chapters they don’t have full control on it..

  • eric_alrasid17
    eric_alrasid17 Member Posts: 119

    It's a little bit dumb if they announce Ringu chapter so early with only killer in this chapter. Remembering the roadmap, 4 killers, 5 survivors, and 2 maps, Ringu chapter should have survivor.

  • ThanosPAWG
    ThanosPAWG Member Posts: 412

    I think the reason they announced it so early was the same reason why the announced Resident evil early. Because the license holders told them to do so they can build hype for it.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    Although I did mostly tie it to why I think Ringu will have a killer and survivor, I also just wanted to share what I saw about chapter releases. However now that you say it, I can see the thought process. I still think it will come with a survivor and I never thought otherwise. I'm the type of person to really think "Chapters will have at least one killer and at least one survivor until told otherwise." Since I started playing the game, we've only been "told otherwise," as I put it, once. Since Mikaela was technically a Paragraph, they just for whatever reason refuse to use that word now and just call them Chapter x.5, but they're paragraphs lets face it.