Why do you give out blood points like they're rare diamonds?

Seriously? Like 20k BP for a solid suv game and 35 for a solid killer game. Do you think this makes the game more fun? And the offerings are a joke. You have to use a cake or a pudding to get one level up. And the blood webs are complete RNG. I have 5 teachable perks on the survivor side and one is deception and I'm almost P2 with him and haven't seen it once. This just makes the game worse for your players. Fun is being able to have the perks so I can do meme builds not grinding for a teachable and hoping I can get in another bloodweb.
As much as I agree the bp system is pretty bad and the grind is abysmal with the amount of new content these days,
dbd overall is a grind no matter what so kinda gotta get on with it til one day any changes are made to lessen the grind and up the bp caps etc...
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The problem is not the rate of gain. The problem is the fact that the grind is a mountain that just keeps getting taller with every new chapter. We have been tossed literally nothing to help with the grind in.... well, ever.
The closest thing I got was the Anniversary Cakes to play "catch up", and I still need so much BP it wouldn't even cover Elon Musk's annual taxes.
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That is not true at all, dbd has implemented ALOT of ways to gain BPs these days. Sure its not the end solution but they are trying to give us more Bps compared to back then. You have now:
- Every event grants you some sort of way to gain extra Bps, if its a double blood points event, offerings (cakes or halloween event) or ingame actions like the snow mans atm.
- We have the Tome where you can do extra challanges that give you a decent amount of Bps, from 15k-60k each challange.
- Dailys give nowdays WAY more bps than it used to, back then you got 10k for a daily, be happy with your 30-50k dailys today.
- And they release some codes every month or week here and there for free 100k or more Bps
Again I dont say the grind and Bps gain is perfect and doesnt need change but it got improved over time and they are still working on it.
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Consindering Bps are way easier these days to obtain I do agree that the base game BP gain is way too low for this current time. I always thought that the BBQ and WGLF bps effect should be baseline for both sides, and also they should rework some of the BPs gain ingame, like why do you only get 1,250 for 1 gen? Or just 300 for a hit? They should increase some of the things imo.
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It is true.
I stand by my statement.
They have done nothing to help with THE GRIND. I literally said in my first sentence the problem is not rate of gain.
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ye but then in the last sentence you mentioned the cakes as a "catch up" so thats why I thought you didnt realize the other ways to get more bps that has been added
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Because game economy and progression system are stitched together with bloodpoints and problem is, when current BP gain gives us enough stuff to use in the game, progression system became worse and worse with each character and last time it was changed was a long time ago.
BP gain is fine for items and add-ons, but not fine for progression. Devs do not give us much because they afraid to ruin bp economy
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My point is that they sometimes give items with a 25% or 100% or whatnot temporary boost to BP. But the increase in grind is GEOMETRIC. A standard chapter is 1 killer, 1 survivor, with 3 perks for EACH. That is 9 new perk levels PER Survivor and 9 new perk levels PER Killer. Multiplied by the total number of Survivors and Killers in the game. You literally cannot keep up with that rate of expansion just with some event BP.
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The BP economy is beyond the saving of mere limited time cakes and the like and the occasional pity BP code thrown out. New or even moderately new players aren't looking at just a mountain of progression but whole range of it and they have to climb through the whole length of it and they're not gonna have cakes... Older players are either so set now that it doesn't matter or are getting sick of the new chapter grind.
I have over 200 hours in the game (which I realize is nothing for most) and I only have a handful of teachables for both killer and survivor and none of my characters are close to having any of the ones I want for them. Like, I have maybe two on each side that even have a decent and workable loadout. The fact it took me over 200 for that is ridiculous, I play MMO's that would give me better progression in the early game. Me trying to get friends to try the game, like, "Oh yeah, it takes like 500 hours to get a build you even want, let alone is workable." What a selling point, eh? "I swear this game's great, you just have to quit your job and dedicate your life to it and periodically dump cash into it to keep up on new stuff even if the actual content doesn't interest you." Like, I had to buy the LEatherface DLC just so I could have a slightly easier time grinding BP. That's like paying $5 for an XP boost. LMAO But it's only for killer and have fun getting it on ones you actually wanna play and then leveling it up, so it's actually even worse.
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+1 just cause I love your title of this thread 😂
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I always use BBQ and WGLF and I never prestige. It makes it manageable with avg 35k survivor games and 50-80k killer games. It is a tall order for new players but that is to be expected with a game this old. The grind is what keeps people playing. If you see people who already have everything they are usually streamers and get bored because of it. I enjoy having something to work towards.
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I'd say the grind is one of the things that make a lot of new players give up
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They are better off. This game is mental.
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There are solutions to this issue within the game (some were already listed above) and the compounding grind is a choice by the player (unlocking more teachables when desired characters are incomplete). I’m player level 12 on my steam account and I have managed to P3 level 50 every survivor and killer.
That’s my experience, then I talk to players with higher player levels then me and listen to them complain that the grind is too much. They’ve grinded just as much as me!
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They also made it where 4 perks show up in the levels 40+ bloodwebs instead of just 2.
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For real though, it's a mix between low BP count, offerings that doesn't really change too much unless you're in a event and in sync with other players so they can use the group BP offerings, and perk tiers that make you waste so much time considering at how many are present in the game nowadays.
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Right, but the Bloodweb is still horrible. I love Yun-Jin and want to level her up on Switch, but I don't want to unlock her teachables and have them polluting every other survivor's Bloodweb and increasing the grind. That means many Bloodwebs where I have to try to avoid all 2 or 3 perks, and at level 50 I can get one perk per Bloodweb level.
I'm leveling up the Artist on PS4 and I only unlocked one teachable. Each level 50 Bloodweb gives me a choice between two perks, and if I'm lucky I'm able to grab both, though I've spent many millions on her and still not unlocked my most important perk, so I haven't been playing her at all. Wow, super fun.
Teachables suck. I should be able to take those out of the Bloodweb. The grind causes me to get frustrated and burned out so fast. Even if every other problem were fixed, I would never recommend this game to anyone due to the grind alone.