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Why is this railed on

Okay I know what it is I don't do and I understand it's annoying but what causes a lot in the game is people promote their twitch in the username which just puts a big arrow on you saying oh over here twitch streamer. So who's to blame the person streaming or the person watching the stream to hunt them.

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  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Who knows, honestly. It's by no means exclusive to DbD either.

  • Member Posts: 277

    I don't play with Twitch streamers or anything along those lines just to evade drama...

    And to be fair I don't stream but I would never put my stream ID on DBD if I actually did stream, and from what I seen only small channels do that to promote them.

    I had some past arguings with some Twitch streamers mad about me playing killer or some misplays by me as survivor at solo Q and It isn't a pleasant situation.

  • Member Posts: 22,850
    edited December 2021

    It's on the person watching the stream specifically to snipe since that's against Twitch's TOS.

    But it's a massive grey area and if you're not okay with being sniped as a smaller streamer don't promote yourself, I guess. I don't really care about it too much, it's one trial out of plenty, so I'll stick it there when I'm live and return to whatever weird nickname I've chosen for the week elsewhere.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    In my mind the moment you put your ttv name in any game loby you have to deal with it i mean you do it so people can find you and that means also the wrong people can find you but it is how it is.

    But don't get me wrong watching the stream to get an advantage is a ######### move but it's allowed and the amount of entitled streamers that rage and report either killer or survs (but I see it more often from survs) for stream sniping is hilarious there is no way you can ever prove that and there is no way bhvr could ever ba someone for that

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    I more ask the reason why people on steam that are on twitch that dont take off ttv in their name when not live.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Jokes on them, I don't use twitch so I'm immune to all of their policies. It doesn't matter to me.

    ...I don't stream snipe though since I don't use twitch. Seems kinda lame.

  • Member Posts: 619
    edited December 2021

    I avoid streamers too. Too many annoying past encounters.

  • Member Posts: 606

    Doesn’t happen (stream-sniping) nearly as often as people make it out to be. Seems like a constant “go-to excuse” for bad plays and survivors being unsuccessfully immersive.

    EZ fix though if you are encountering snipe issues…

    STREAMERS: Have a 10 second (or so) delay. All problems solved.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    I actually like to play against streamers.

    Not really because I am going to watch it while playing to get easy game, but I like watching recording after the game to see some of their reactions.

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