BP farming/Killer

What killer do you like to zone out and play in order to farm BP for the next new thing coming out?
Personally I like Spirit or Oni myself where they are high enough tier that most matches aren't a big deal and I can happily farm with survivors after I get 8 hooks fairly quickly. But if I want to meme a bit more I'll go for the Ghostface or Clown.
I like Legion for farming, quite easy to get max BP each game, unless they gen rush the ######### out of you, but happens...
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Blight is fun, strong and also a BP machine imo
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Legion is a bp machine even if they get no killers as long as you can force the game to last about 8 mins.
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Not sure if I'm backed by the math, but Doc with Distressing, BBQ+C, tends to yield me a lot of BP when I'm doing a daily for him.
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I would like to get into playing Blight more, but I've been kinda spoiled by Oni's movement. And I just can't take as much for granted as Blight since I don't know what is slippery and whats solid by just looking at it yet.
I don't usually kill survivors anymore. Sometimes I'll do it accidentally because I miscount hooks/someone goes 2nd stage but I mainly only go for 8 hooks/29,600 BP. I find Legion fun when I play them for dailies, but I'm not sure if I could sit and play them a long time.
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I like Wraith for BP farming, since he gets good BP and his bingbong is a good way to signal to survivors that you're being silly (as it can be difficult to signal to survivors that you've stopped playing for keeps and want to be friendly now after a full game of normal gameplay.)
I think the only bad choices are Myers, Pig, and Plague. The latter two for bad BP gain, Mikey for bad BP gain and also added distrust since you can stalk survivors for tombstone while appearing harmless and most survivors are wary of that. Pig's kind of the opposite, though; people are happier than usual to meme with her, so there is that.
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Spirit and/or Doctor with BBQ. They both get a decent amount of BP.
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I always just do a few games with whatever killer I have a daily mission for that night. I’ll fill in a bloodweb or two each match for that killer and go from there. Between the missions and Rift challenges and the base point you get every match it’s more than enough BP to do a web or two or more consistently and stay in the 900k+ range.
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Doctor with BBQ, Distressing and Beast of prey.
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What build do you usually run on him when you're farming? I'm just curious, right now my BP character is Nemesis mostly because he has like 50 of those anniversary cakes still from the last anniversary lol. But Ive went through periods where I've used legion and sometimes doc as my BP farmers. Was also half tempted to build up wraith a little for BP farming but eh didn't feel like farming..to make a BP farmer xD
Well I guess I'll ask you too what do you like running on wraith when you farm with them? And yeah that bell definitely helps with farming if you choose to farm that hard or show away of being friendly when there's like two survs left.
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I have two builds:
Fun version: BBQ, Pop, Enduring, Spirit fury
Tryhard version: BBQ, Surge, Pain Resonance, Ruin
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For some reason, Clown is my "relax and turn my brain off" killer, but Hag and Doc are the BP leaders.
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Piggy is best relax and meme killer.
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Oh I see so probably what you do is you use the fun version for blood point events and whenever you're trying to build up blood points for a specific goal and the other version is probably your normal version the try-hard version. Spirit fury/enduring is really helpful when farming that's for sure plus you don't waste all that time waiting for a stun and some free pallet breaks on top!
Dude I have to say I absolutely love your name @sluzzy_but_correct
Edit: wait NVM he banned lol
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Nooooo, we lost Sluzzy 2.0
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I use Blight for farming BP. I run with Distressing, Beast of Prey, BBQ, and Lightborn, and I can play lazy as hell and get decent BP or two-hook everyone without killing for 29k BP (before multipliers). It's fantastic, his Rush is the best and fastest way to earn Deviousness.
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I'm not the person you asked, but I love farming with Legion and Nemmy nd my BP build is Lerhal Pursuer, BBQ, and either Noed+no way out or Agitation+Starstruck
Minimal brain power needed. Just run towards red shiny thing.
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I only use her for daily challenges and do not enjoy her gameplay but more power to you.
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Just recently p3d my blight even tho I'm on console and suck with him, may steal this build to have some brainless fun and earn BP while I do it! Plus gives me an excuse to get better with him.
No problem at all, appreciate you replying! I'll definitely try it out on my nemmy, the good ole noed and no way out I bet you get some salt while going for BP but eh xD what better way to guarantee sacrifice BP then stacking the end game odds in your favor right?
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farming is extremely boring IMO, and I’ll get just as many or more BP playing normally.
If you’re just getting 8 hooks fast and than screwing around for 5-8 minutes with survivors, then the time you’re wasting will result in much less BP per minute, as you’d be half-way through the next match already…gonna take ya 50% longer using your method.
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Its not necessarily about farming per se, just which killer you chill out on to grind BP.
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I got that, but the BP caps are set no matter what killer you play. I.E., if you’re Doc and reach your 8k Devious points (easy), using shock therapy isnt going to amount any more.
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Ok reporting back in after using your build. Haven't tried it on legion but I loved it on Nemises. Felt like an unstoppable, inescapable monster and stonks of BP. Lol
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Glad you had fun!
When the match starts going in my favor, I love to go tentacle only and get some target practice in. I usually always try to tentacle in the first place, which is why I love perks that refund my time investments