Devs read this pls

Why do I get the impression that the developers balance the game based on the enjoyment of the survivors? They have buffed all the survivors' meta perks but they don't think twice about nerfing those of the killers.

I have the impression that the survivors are "the favorite son of the developers" who pamper and treat with gloves, while the killer looks like the unwanted son.


  • Liam282
    Liam282 Member Posts: 219

    This has been mentioned more often since mmr and boons. I understand wanting to make the game fun for all. But when you legit put survivors in such comfort levels it stifles their growth to actually become better players. Don't forget when all the pro's started in 2017 they learned just like everyone else with no boons, it's essentially why the players from the early days are better players, because they powered through and got better.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I don't believe the devs favor survivors

    However, I do absolutely believe that the devs favor low level players over their high level players, which generally means survivors get boosts while killers don't get much (it's generally agreed on that low level MMR is where killers have the huge advantage and survivors are at a disadvantage since they don't know all the tricks you learn with experience).

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    How do you mean buffed all the survivor meta perks? The last time they buffed a survivor meta perk to my knowledge was when they made Borrowed Time more consistent, and that was a while ago now.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    Ehhh, they didn't buff Iron Will so much as nerf something else that had an impact on it, and even that only applied to one killer who was the main target.

    That's still only two, though. Hell, they nerfed a few survivor meta perks too- DS and OoO got hit with the nerf bat within a reasonably close proximity to that timeframe.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Well that's probably because that's how they balance the game.

    Wraith nerf and Cenobite 'overperforming' lmfao.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I obviously can’t read their minds, but I feel like this is simply a business decision. BHVR has plenty of data to see what kinds of players spend the most money on the game. My guess is that it’s people who typically play SWF. It would be bad for business if they make the game more difficult/less fun for this demographic. I think it’s as simple as that. Unfortunately in this game you can’t make changes that are going to make everyone happy (other than reducing the BP grind), so the lesser evil from the revenue generation perspective is to make the game more fun for SWF which means less fun for killers.