dbd problem in creating interactive chases

The reason I play Dead By Daylight to this day is solely because of the chases. I never played it because of the licensed killers or because there was other mechanics that I liked about the game, I've basically only played this game for over 4 years because of the chases.
And that implies for me the worst problem I've seen lingering since dbd's last year. Both on the latest killers and on the latest maps.
When i'm in a chase, i want to play against a mechanic that has counter play, and that i can get outplayed.
It just doesn't happen with new killers anymore. The last killers essentially have mechanics of taking down survivors quickly, with no abilities to help put pressure on the map. Basically they're fueling the goal of taking down a survivor as quickly as possible, putting it on the hook and going to the next one, which generates situations and places where you know you're going to die (survivor) regardless of what you do. Leading to boring chases, but you still escape the match because the killer din't put enough pressure on the game, which can fuse both sides. Not to mention new maps are starting to have fewer loops, and more safe pallets. Generating scripted chases where you drop a pallet and run to the nearest safe pallet, delaying the moment you're going to be down to get as much in-chase time as possible.
My point is that the chases are just starting to get tedious, and extremely predictable. Leading to boring chases where you know when; where; and how you're going to die, because you know you have nothing else to do in the match. This for me just kills the game, and I'm not even going to talk about perks and addons, which just add more to it. For me, this is something that is killing the best in-game mechanic.
There is nothing I would love more in this game than to see the ability to run a Killer for 5 gens die a horrible, horrible death.
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This is just the bi-product of the game having a low skill ceiling.
At a certain point, you need to ask yourself if you've done all you wish to do with DBD and move on, or if it has replay value despite its predictability.
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I think one of the biggest elements that designers should focus on is maps and their entirety. I am talking loops, overall size, totem spawns, ambiance, no more breakable doors (topic for another time), legitimizing each power where even if the killer cannot use their power, it shouldn’t boil down to running around to rely on bloodlust.
Because while the game does promote learning maps, the interactions within a chase have sooo much more potential IMO.
Dead by Daylight is the only game of it’s kind that is designed around being chased with some evasion thrown in there. I wish there was some way in which both survivors and killers could interact more with the environment aside from throwing a pallet down or breaking it.
Like imagine if killers could break the ‘electrical power’ inside a specific room to make it darker or something along those lines, and survivors were forced to fix the lights in order to work on the gens inside that building.
I am obviously thinking out loud but I can imagine something like that making a difference during a chase and also promoting efficiency during the survivors’ objective.
Post edited by Johnny_XMan on3 -
That only happens if the killer is either terrible or a really stacked map (which needs to be changed). But even then killers should know when to abandon chase
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They did make a Killer with a poor chase power but lots of map pressure.
When players focused on the map pressure, enough people hated it and couldn't deal with the secondary objective that it got nerfed.
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Artist is fine. You're not supposed to to 1 v 1 the killer until the game is done this is not a fighting game. With that said there's still Counterplay to her she's not as Old Legion bad character where there's zero counter play then just die.
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Im not saying they don't have counterplay, im just saying there somes situations you literaly CANNOT get away.
For example:
Artist: small loops next to dead zones, straight corridors and some safe pallets.
And i just used her as an example, because this happens to trickster, pyramid head, twins, pin head, artist and etc. And even with that they still lose because they simply don't have enough map pressure to pull off (except twins).
With huntress for example, there is some windows and closed corridors you can guarantee a hit. But you still cant guarantee a down only because the survivors is in a bad part of the map.
This should be basic for every killer. (Just to point out that almost every killer can down you in dead zones, they just should'nt be able to ensure a down for being in a weak loop).
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You can get away it's called taking a hit and running across the map because getting injured and the distance you can get from the sprint burst is stupid AF and even if you misjudge that distance and still gave the killer a free down there's a thing called press E to win for more distance. The only time you legitimately can't get away from a deadzone on the killer you listed is Trickster and Huntress because that's their whole shtick, They're ranged killers with god awful mobility where they can potentially take a whole minute just to start a chase mechanic. They're also screwed by certain maps with tall enough walls. That's just how it is, The game has map RNG deal with it killers have been dealing with it as well. Also if you got downed on a dead zone AT healthy state then that's a you a problem not a killer one and even if you're injured and got caught there maybe should have thought think twice before positioning yourself in a dead zone.
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Why is it everyone thinks looping is the only survivor chase mechanic?
You can’t be in chase with a Deathslinger the same way as you would a Trapper. You can’t be in a chase with The Artist the same waynas you would for Wraith. Learn the killer, then you’ll learn how to play against them. Why are so many people upset if they have to actually play well instead of mindless looping an unmindgameable pallet with an M1 killer?
The Devs get plenty of slack for poor choices, but the chase mechanics of the latest few killers isn’t one of them…
otherwise the game would be exactly the same as it was 2 years ago. Simple business, progress or die.