killer lobby zoomed out since the latest patch

is this intentional or a visual bug? it's too hard to see what items survivors are bringing in to the match, especially certain characters like Leon due to his stance/angle.
let the quentin live 😁
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SSSSHHHHHHH (if it's a bug they'll take it away and it looks better that way)
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Idk but I like it. It actually makes the killer look like they're stalking the survivors from afar.
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Might be intended to allow for Trickster's wink to be more visible. Honestly though I like it better that way.
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i don't like it for the same reason.
also trying to click on their name to check their steam profile is sometimes buggy.
when you hover your mouse over their name it doesn't allow you to click it, you have to be literally pixel perfect somewhere around their body.
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It’s a really strange way to fix it, though. Surely moving him slightly to the left is a more elegant solution than pulling the camera back a bit.
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It is too small - not everybody has a 65 TV
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I actually really like it. It makes it look more like the killer is silently watching them from afar.
But the survivors screen being smaller and making it hard to see what items they are bringing is kind of an issue, though.
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I'm sort of struggling with it too.
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I like it, only issue i have is with seeing keys but i don't care about keys anymore since the nerf
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This is annoying. Playing handheld on the Switch right now, I can't see a damn thing in the lobby, the survivors are like ants.
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I kinda like it
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Usually when they have keys, their hands are angled up a bit and you can see a bit of a white line
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This is intentional by design.
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The zoom is intentional, or the ability to conceal items on certain models is intentional?
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Its for PC only? My killer lobby is the same as always on PS5
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I like it, honestly. I'd rather see them move forward with a way of making items more obvious, instead of simply reverting it.
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Could you consider making an option if you want it small or big?
Some people don´t like things to be that small - it is the same with font size. Not everybody has a giant TV or is able to read HD mini text on screen.
Thank you.
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Its too small yes. Probably just a "quick fix" to get Trickster s wink back.
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Well survivors have always complained that killers dodge lobbies because of items sooooooo here we are.....just zoom out so far you can't tell what the survivors are bringing.
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I can see my new Plague skin in it's full glory!
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Time to wear the big boy pants for Killers and not dodge Lobbies because of Items. :>
(Personally I think it looks better this way)
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you must be legally blind if you can't see what items they got. even with zoomed out view it's obvious.
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I don't like it. Even on my monster OLED screen, it can be difficult to make out details.
I won't dodge a lobby because of items but I will definitely bring Franklins (and Hoarder on some killers) - now though, about a third of the models are literally impossible to determine what they are bringing - and that's on an enormous display.
I don't think the answer to dodging lobbies full of items is to make it harder to see those items. The answer is figuring out why people would dodge those lobbies, right?
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Oh I can see the items just fine.....but other people might not be able to.
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how is it difficult? medkits, toolboxes, maps, flashlights are friggin huge items that you can see from a mile away. keys? firecrackers? useless items and nothing to be afraid of.why tf are there people complaining on such a mundane thing?
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It looks cool that you can see the killer - but maybe you can just alter the angle that the survs are not that small.
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Nope still going to dodge lobbies and just you survivors wait longer for shilts and giggles
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Toolboxes, sure.
Medkits can be very hard to see, even on my display on certain character models, particularly if they have a reddish outfit. Flashlights are almost invisible.
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Xbox has it too
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Please do it'll make my killer queues shorter during the day for the next 2 weeks I'm off
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unless its keys or the fire crackers
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Oh hush you our Que times are almost instant right now anyway because of the lack of Killers lol.
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>reads all the posts about the dwindling killer playerbase
>killer queue 5 minutes or more during the day, but survivor instant
well that was a ######### lie
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What lie all across the board Survivor times are going up as Killer times are near instant. The Killer base has been dwindling ever since I want to say around Boons started. The Killers are getting fed up with the lack of balance to the game, so they either have gone to Survivor or just stopped playing altogether. You can see it on the forums everyone complaining about the long Survivor Que times.
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I have the opposite on NA west anytime I actually get on I normally get on to play survivor because I haven't been feeling killer and end up playing killer anyway because it's like 10 seconds and I'm in s lobby.
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I finally get to see more of my killer cosmetic in the lobby screen
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I like this change.
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I like this change. It's nice to actually see my killer. I don't want to be rude but the picture you provided is very low quality and if your game looks like that it's not the games fault you can't see items well.
I can see the items survivors are holding just fine and i dont want them to change this. As a killer i wanna see my killer and not the survivors.
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Just rotate the survivors by 90 degrees. Easy fix. They'll still be small but at least the smaller items will be viewable.
Not such a big deal now though as we don't have to lobby dodge keys any more.
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Not during the day they aren't but go off
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Really dam mine are always near instant....they only slowed down the first few days of the Epic users.....but it has normalized again.
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I feel this is a bad call. The zoom is just too much. The survivors need to be a bit closer.
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Did they ever give a reason? And are there plans to bring this back?