Can we fix solo Q?

I thought MMR was supposed to match you with people of similar skill level. Seems like the survivors I get paired with are worse and worse. I'm talking chases last maybe 10 seconds(if that) and other unhook immediately then killers get two downs. Or I run the killer for nearly 5 minutes and 1 gen gets popped. Almost every game I play results in me getting caught ONCE in endgame then dying on hook. Most games I play I have more points than the people who escaped!!!! This seems insane to me. I've literally had killers apologize to me for killing me at the end of games because they felt bad and actively call out my team as being garbage. I don't blame the killers in this scenario at all. They're just playing the game. Having other survivors camp pallets when YOUR the one being chased not them, slamming pallets in your face in a loop causing you to take an m1 for injure or down. Crouch walking the entire map, hiding in lockers and on and on and on and on. I hate having to jump in the DBD discord to get an swf and waiting 20 minutes to join a game. It's unreal how terrible the solo survivor q is and it's unreal how long it takes to get a game when you play in a group. Not to mention killers can easily tell the other survivors are garbage and will refuse to chase me. Most I can do is take a hit occasionally, but they just commit to the bad survivors. If I DO manage to escape in solo q, it's always through the hatch because everyone else dies. What even is the point in being a good survivor if you get punished for it? Id rather just do gens and not get in chases to escape but that's way more boring than running from a killer. 1500 hours in this game, I'm finally really good at running as the survivor and it seems like I get punished. I'm happy I get mad BP for playing good, but I would still like to escape, ya know?
ive got matched with a Dwight who "didn't know how to run" with less that 5 hours. i a player with almost 1500 hours should not be matched with anybody under 100 hours. MMR is horrible.
before i would have good games, bad games, even stressful but balanced games. but now i have either extremely baby killers or killers who have way more skill then me that absolutely destroy me. no in-between
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This system is a joke, but behavior was too lazy to implement it right. If we’re talking Solo Q improvements the best I can say is Kindred survivor aura base kit
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The matchmaking either doesn't work or the logic is awful. The formula seems to try for one of two MMR conditions: 2 high/2 low+1 average killer, or equivalent MMR matches across the board (either high or low).
They need to take the 2 high/2 low condition, rip it up, run it through the garbage disposal, and never let it see the light of day. It's a miserable experience for the high MMR players in that game. What often happens is a killer can't catch two players and the other two players go down instantly or throw the game in other creative noob-ish ways. Two of the players are punished for being good at the game.
Solo queue is genuinely not that bad when the matchmaking actually puts me with 4 survivors and a killer at my skill level. It's usually a competitive back and forth game where everyone knows what they're doing. But I hate that I seem to be expected to carry new players. I didn't ask for this. I'd rather wait 10 minutes for a game.
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Seems fine to me.
Been making a list of my Solo Q and this is the result so far out of 10 games.
8 escapes, 2 deaths and eight 4 Man escapes, one 3 man escape and one 2 man escape.
Not a single match out there where the killer got a decisive victory.
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Exactly what I'm saying. It feels like I have to carry every single game and usually I don't escape because of this. Either I ran the killer the whole game and ran out of pallets, or the noobs wasted every pallet on the map and every place is a dead zone when I'm trying to run. I can't even remember the last game I got hooked twice. It's always I get hooked once and dead. Yeah that's my complaint about finding a group in the DBD discord, it takes like 20 mins to join a game. Way better experience but the wait time is phenomenal.
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I'm not sure if solo queue can be 'fixed'.
My own experiences are mixed. I'll sometimes get straight up carried. I'll sometimes get people of a similar skill level to me that do okay. I'll sometimes get potatoes, trolls or people that DC the second they smell the killer.
That's just the nature of a random matchmaker.
A pattern I've observed when I play killer - the last player joins a lobby, sees 3 other survivors with default skins, dodges and the next player thrown into the mix is a 2k hour monster. I think what's happening is that the matchmaker is trying to find someone ASAP, which can result in silly combinations of skill levels. The other situation is:
At certain MMRs, survivor queue times can get absolutely nutty. Forget 10 minutes, I've had a queue that went almost double that once, offpeak. So, yes, what the system does is it finds players with an average MMR together similar to the killers. This could be 2 very good players and two complete newcomers. There isn't really much that can be done to fix this without people complaining about ridiculous queue times and it's not much more fun for the killer.
The devs recently discussed this and they at least implied that the system prioritizes wait time over match quality. If I recall, they said something like 'some players may be willing to wait a long time for an even matchup, but a lot won't'. Also remember that back under ranks, complaints over queue times led to killer matchmaking protections being completely disabled, which got very silly (and was likely a big reason why SBMM was introduced in the first place).
Again, I'd be happy to wait longer for better quality matches - but that's not what the devs seem to want. Outside of this, I don't think there's a fix for this.
Kindred, as it is, would be brokenly overpowered baseline. Being able to see where the killer is headed post hook is such powerful information that the last 'tier list' video I saw gave it a full 5 stars. On some maps, combining it with Open Handed basically gives the whole team prenerf OoO.
Making Kindred baseline would be a small buff to solos, but would be a bigger buff to SWFs. And that wouldn't work well.
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If only this were the case. I've tried running kindred only to find everyone still runs for the hook or is crouch walking or hiding in lockers across the map when the killer's aura is revealed to them. Utterly insane.
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Welcome to mmr hell. You can't escape this place without a SWf group because people just don't do generators and forever send you into the spiral of doom.
It doesn't matter if you can run the killer for 10 seconds or 10 minutes if nobody touches generators. The hatch is worthless and 9 times out of 10 the doors spawn within sight of each other so good luck escaping.
This is the problem with having door escapes as the only metric of skill in a game that requires the team to do more than stand in a corner and pick their nose.
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Basekit Kindred should be only for survivors auras. And maybe Kindred could get reworked then.
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Even so it still doesn't matter. Even with kindred it's a race to see who can unhook the survivor the fastest without BT so they immediately go down again. I think you should be awarded NO points for not unhooking a survivor safely. Currently you get way more points for unhooking and that bit of "distraction" than you get for doing gens. It promotes horrible plays. Survivors should lose points if someone they unhook goes back down immediately. It helps nobody and screws over the person they unhooked. Take points away for doing that for christ's sake.
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I agree. Unless no one else is alive, then it's a last desperate resort.
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There's definitely something odd with mmr. Most of the times I feel like I'm being paired with a below average team while the killers are somewhat very effective. Even though I think I'm way below low mmr struggling to get 2/10 escapes nowadays, it feels like the game puts good killers against me and the randoms. Which makes me believe that the mmr for solo q only serves as a leverage for good killers to gain more MMR after they got stomped by a full SWF or something.
And don't even get me started on the quality of my teammates after MMR came... Literally people crouching the map scared, selfcare users all around in the corners, people doing nothing while I have kindred and so on...
I used to be one of the dreamers that thought that MMR would help solo q but at the end it only made worse for me, not gonna lie... At the old ranks at least I felt like I earned my place playing with people that were actually trying to sit at the objective and had somewhat of a game sense of what each one should do: Chase, take hits, do gens and so on...
And I think the times that I actually won some matches was just because of good survivors being put down in mmr because of losing streaks, and considering the tunneling/camped meta things gets as tough as it gets, especially taking into account that people at solo usually don't bring perks that help the performance of the team like I try to do, so this is why I roll my eyes when I see the classic:"killers are camping? Just do gens..." As if it always worked with solos right?!
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Good point
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When mmr is based on just escapes in a game that needs teamwork it wasn't ever going to workout.
You are stuck in low mmr hell. While you may do well unless you are so awesome you can make up for the awful choices of three others they'll drag you down with them.
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You just need the right build for Solo Queue.
Here's mine.
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That's not a terrible solution, but I'd rather see SWFs get the MMR inflation that others have been suggesting, meaning that solos would be more likely to find the correct killers for their MMR.
Eh. It's a problem with no real solution - because this would mean that you could lose BP because someone else misplayed.
The issue here is just how effective facecamping is versus solos - which BHVR have already said they are working on a mechanical solution to.
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I too have noticed that no matter how many escapes I get, I still get bad teammates who do unsafe saves, have zero meta perks, can't loop, and rage quit. The MMR system was meant to show what different levels of play actually look like so that we could start balancing around that (even though I think we should just be balancing for the top), but if everyone is getting thrown together randomly like the old ranking system, what was the point of it all? I've tried to defend MMR but I'm tired of seeing this garbage.
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I'm gonna say it: MMR should be based on the level of devotion, matching you with the players with the similiar devotion to you. Not higher, not lower.
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Me who is devotion 23: waits in queue for hours.
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Good, wait then
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That’s why I said survivor aura not killer aura
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I matched with a ttv today (really sweet guy) who had 22 hours in the game. I have 1.6k. I thought maybe it’s just a new account with low hours but high mmr until I watched his pov on his vod. In contrast we were against a ghostface on lerys who definitely knew what he was doing and mindgamed incredibly well. Just bizarre matchmaking.
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Ghostface probably lost 12 games in a row so MMR threw him a bone