Put a life span of 60 sec in all boons

Right now the CoH is the stronger boom perk survivors have and it needs a way to be balanced. By putting a life span of 60 sec on all boons you can balance this perk and make sure that the next broken boon will at least not be unchecked.
With this change, killers are now not forced to break it ( so they have the time to play the game ), survivors can't put in the start of the game or at the start of gen and have selfheal for the rest of the game and it will give more strategy gameplay for both sides.
Now depending on how much dev wants to help killers after the life span ends the totem will become either a hex ( if they bless it ) or it will always be a normal one.
I'm not against it. I think it would be a good change.
But would survivors be shown a timer of how long the boon totem is up for and if you move the totem will the timer reset or not?
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This would mean that nobody would use Boons anymore. Why would you spend at least 14 seconds to set up a Boon when it can be gone in 60 seconds? At this point, you can expect to only get one heal out of it, so you can run Self Care instead - takes a bit longer than setting up a Boon and Heal with it, but you can do it multiple times.
The issue are not the Boons, the issue are the healing Speeds. So either introduce a cap to healing Speeds (I dont know, 150% at max so that green Medkits still have a purpose, just throwing in a number here), or, what I like better - make CoH-Healing Speeds a fixed value. Healing someone else does always take 8 seconds in the Boon-area and healing yourself does always take 16 seconds. Yes, this would mean that Perks like Sloppy Butcher or Coulrophobia (lel) will not apply, but this also means that the Survivor cannot stack a Medkit, Healing Speed Add-Ons, Botany Knowledge, etc. to get heal times of 5 seconds.
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The problem is literally just CoH, that change would turn Exponential and Shadowstep into very unfortunate casualties.
All you have to do is remove the self-heal speed buff to make it Self Care speed.
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That would make boons worthless. CoH is absurdly strong and definitely overpowered, but boons are also a cool mechanic and keeping them usable would be preferable.
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All they need to do is add a global cooldown to all boons once one is snuffed. Maybe 60 seconds?
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I don't see why the other survivors should actually know where the boons are - make them find it on their own perhaps?
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Ok so when they will create more broken boons then what we wait months in order to "fix". This way we can make sure that CoH will not happen again.
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They’re already created two additional Boons besides CoH that aren’t broken, why are you assuming future Boons will be broken like CoH?
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Because of the pas they haeve. They have create MoM faster all rather strong perks that can break the game.
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That further increases the gap between swf and solo queue which is the last thing we need.
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because we don't want solos and swf to be even further apart in strength
with your change a survivor knows a boon is on the map. a swf would know "boon at shack"
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I say give COH diminishing returns just like reworked Built to last has. First blessing isnormal and full strength, but once snuffed out and reblessed it is weaker and has a smaller radius, and if snuffed again it gets even weaker. Makes it worth it for the killer to spend the time squashing them out.
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And what happened to MoM? It was gutted. The original iteration of it was completely ridiculous, I agree but you cannot use MoM to try and suggest the devs won't change boons when they made MoM practically useless.
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I use MoM because it's shows that devs will create strong perks ( mostly to sell a DLC) and then they will kill it cus they don't know how to balance the monster they create. Now let's say that the life span was 90 sec 0r 120 will that make this nerf better?