Just got destroyed by spooky loopz

Yeah not the best performance from anyone but he was just too good. Ggs to him. You can see me put up the least amount of points lol. Anyone else play against a YouTuber?
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That's cool!
I've never played against big YouTubers or streamers, but I've went against a couple of smaller streamers. They were all chill and nice, which was refreshing considering the amount of toxicity this game generates.
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Dunno who that is, but congrats
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Played against OhTofu's Clown once pre MMR on Badham. Two people d/ced on first down, so it was a lame match
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I wish I could play with Youtubers. I just play with people from Asia and I can't even understand what they're saying so I can't watch their POV on their thoughts about my Killer/Survivor.
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Yeah, I was like, “why am I playing against him haha. Just too good” had 2k people watching my embarrassing performance lol
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I've been up against a few smaller western streamers, most of which were SWF situations and two moderately sized streamers.
Won one narrowly on Hag (4k).
Lost one terribly on Artist (1k).
However, most of the smaller TTV and YT people I've played against have been foul to the extent that I now just dodge TTV groups if I'm not playing one of my best killers.
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I can manage playing against one ttv but I played against 2 that were a 4 man squad and got demolished badly. Two hooks. They were nice at the end tho
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Big dead by daylight YouTuber. Wish I had played better but his plague was too much
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I'm sorry to hear that.
I've only went against 1 toxic streamer so far and that was when I was playing in a SWF with my friend. He called me a few choice words in his stream, but I didn't take any of it personally (Granted, he was playing Hillbilly on the game so I could understand the frustration)
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Hope your doing well with your channel
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I’ve played against Paulie Esther one time and played with OhTofu as well. It’s a different feeling when big content creators enter your lobbies.
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I’ve gone against Spooky before (against his Huntress). He is a very good Huntress, can’t exactly remember the details but we barely got out.
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I had one absolutely brilliant game against a semi-well-known all female TTV squad (the Hag game). Absolute slugfest. Would have been 4k'd on any other killer, and it predates CoH (which would likely have changed things). Got incredibly lucky with the map too (Midwich is amazing for Hag).
I recently went up against a 3man TTV with 1 moderately sized chap (won't name names though) and ended up with 2 hooks (Artist game). Very rough, especially as I got sent to Cowshed.
However, I've also had miserable experiences.
One recently involved a squad that sent me to Haddonfield with a specific plan in mind involving 2 sabos, 3 further hook offerings, 2 exponential+CoH boons and refusing to finish the final gen to basically meme on me for around 30 minutes by making it impossible to hook anyone. Got into it with them in postgame, and apparently their goal is to force killers to AFK, then all report them for non-participation, or DC and eat a penalty. They spent the evening doing it.
Another involved a pair of TTVers playing hide and seek for over an hour because they gave me a 3gen.
I now just dodge TTVs. Those were awful games.
Mm. I'm less concerned with being cussed at by a 16 year old than coordinated griefing squads. Those honestly just make me not want to play anymore.
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I always like to play against streamers so I can watch the match again from their perspective. It's pretty fun.
As for popular twitch/youtubers, I've played against Scott, Zubat, Ralph twice, Monto, and two others who were in a SWF together but I don't remember their names but they were semi-popular though.
All the matches had pretty varying results.
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So? No big deal, you read the names of the players? Me didnt, just do not care.
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Not necessarily against, but I played with JRM once
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Wow that’s crazy did you make it out?
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Happy to hear that and hopefully it could keep growing. I’d subscribe
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Fog whisperer who still does Insidious Bubba streams in 2021 almost 2022.
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Um ok?
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I have only watched a few of his vids so idk. You could be right honestly
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No, I died lmao. I'm really bad at Survivor
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one for the books! Congratz!
I play with and against Ohtofu often, same time zones and we’re both night owls.
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I have played with and against many YouTube and Twitch channels for years. Even platforms outside of those. Pick your poison.
Side note: When you make it your job to play a specific game or genre, you will always be better than the majority of people who can't pour as many hours into it. That's why I'm never really impressed by 4ks or superior looping by these people.
It's too bad I didn't keep to my own streaming and YouTube gig because I would have blown up by now.
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I've played against some smaller streamers. One memorable one is Swifybaps - he was streaming on both of my matches against him; once as me playing pig on Gideon and the other as me playing Pinhead in the PTB.
Really nice and chill guy, I now follow him on Twicth.
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I actually find this surprisingly wholesome: someone showing how they got destroyed without any shame or feeling inadequate. Sure, it was against a very good killer, but it's actually refreshing to see a post like this, as opposed to the usual "Look at me crush everyone" or "How was this fair?".
Kudos for sharing and showing it is possible to lose graciously. And, maybe in another trial, if you met him again you may get the better of him! Every trial is different afterall.
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Hey, you are known!!!!
Hope all is well my friend!
And come check out Coty_Baker for some great killer gameplay!!!!
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Sadly most ttvs faced where a bunch of mean survs that always try to do some face flashlight saves and follow me around to Sabo all game wich in itself isn't mean but in endgame chat it doesn't matter if they win or lose they talk #########.
But one of the nicest interactions I had was with a nurse one of the rare time I played survivor and she was just learning this hard to learn killer and we all had fun and even talked for a while in her chat. And my most favorite interaction ever was just as the winter event startet my first round and all I wanted was to chill with the survs and give everyone a cosmetic and these guys where just vibing with me it was nearly half an hour long game but it was a blast I got into her chat while we where at it and it was just wonderfull
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well the only shame I had was getting exposed in this match in front of 2k people but hey it was someone that was really good. Oh and it was plague too. She gives me the most trouble along with spirit. He switched to demo after our match😭 would have love to play against that. And thanks btw. Mmr really said, “your on the same level as a YouTuber” lol
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Dropped a follow🔥
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My first match as twins was against Graenz, the only DBD Youtube i watch besides Otz.
I didnt noticed it was him until the match was halfway over since i barely look at names.
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I've played with Tithi twice, the first match he posted it on Youtube as well showcasing a recovery from the ground build, the end of the match was pretty hectic, but we all managed to escape. The second time he was off stream.
Other than that, small streamers...
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I like to stalk, murder, and embarrass youtubers and twitch streamers alike. Much harder to get fun reactions these days though. Everyone is so serious....
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Back before I disabled cross play because I was lagging hard I went up against True Talent. I don't remember much from the match besides I was Oni and on Badham.
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I've seen him play on his YT videos, and he's good. Seeing a match from someone else's perspective is always fun.
The biggest content creator I faced was Ohmwrecker, who isn't obviously a DBD-only player, but he's still good enough. I was playing Pig and ended up in Lery's -- he was a solo. I had two other people dead, found him for his death hook, but he Booped, and I let him live. I was nervous, guessing that he was streaming and had thousand of people potentially watching, so I didn't want to embarrass myself in the match. He wasn't on Twitch that night, but Caffeine (which didn't have VOD, so I couldn't watch back the match afterwards, unfortunately).
I've gone against a number of smaller TTV streamers, both as killer and survivor, and with the exception of one, they've actually all been nice. I'll usually drop in and leave a follow for the nice ones (and often get a follow back, which helps us both -- those interactions were very wholesome. The one exception was a 4-person squad, with a female TTV, who sent me to RPD right after it had released (they were all PC and presumably had played on the map during the PTB and knew the layout -- I was literally playing my first ever match on it, and I was lost constantly).
They destroyed me, but I when I went to give them a GG, the players from the team in their chat and the streamer weren't just mocking me, but they were using offensive slurs towards me as well. When I popped in, they all of a sudden backtracked and tried to play it off as them "just kidding around", but it was a completely negative experience -- the sad thing is, they had a few hundred people watching, so it wasn't a "one guy and his two buddies" type of situation. People like that streamer give all of the other nice ones out there a bad reputation, unfortunately.
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I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully that never happens again. People can just be so toxic and it’s sad.
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Yeah I wouldn’t want to play against tru talent💀 your lucky tho and at that point you just got to play your best and hope the match goes well. Ik I would be looped for 5 gens lol
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Some people can just be ungrateful. SMH
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I played against you yesterday. You camped me and repeatedly hit me me on hook, while moaning about gens going too fast against your meme build. Even though I don’t think I did one gen and I was just a solo slob trying my best not to go down.
as for bigger streamers, I’ve played against Hexy and Edgarallenbro and lost to both of them. Played with Coconuts and we got a 4 man escape.
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Anytime I play with a ttv, I tell myself, “don’t do anything stupid” lol
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Exactly! If the MMR said you were at that level, then that's a heck of an accomplishment!