Alternate Ways to Escape

Considering how much advantage killers have over solo teams in particular, there needs to be more incentives to stay in the match because I hardly see much light in the eyes of casual teams trying to enjoy Dead by Daylight. I played a match against a Starstruck Nurse and everyone was dead at 5 gens. MMR is working fine BTW. Meta killers with meta loadouts, are overwhelmingly oppressive against everything except a very practiced and coordinated team. This is very, very unfair.
The only thing I can think of is revert the hatch changes but set it so the key escape is earned rather than brought into the match. If you do well in the match by completing a gen and maybe saving someone from a hook or you have fallen victim to camping and tunneling, the entity will bless with a key so you can have a chance to escape instead of being doomed to lose outside your control. Killers steamrolling matches should not be a thing.
This will add more excitement to the game and give incentives to stay in matches where it is impossible to complete the gens against a killer that is way above the league. The game should be fun, not designed so only a very practiced coordinated team is required to enjoy it or better yet, have a chance to win.
So what happens if Survivors steamroll? If a chase takes 3 minutes and Survivors had 4 purple toolkits & banged out 4 gens?
Or is it only Killers that are not allowed a steamroll?
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Yes. Also if survivors steamroll, its killer's fault cause they should play better, since they are OP
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Yes add pickaxes so that survivors can just mine holes into the outer walls and escape.
Clearly escaping a match in 4 minutes by slamming gens is too exhausting and unfair for survivors.
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This does seem to be the Survivor mentality.
Killers Steamroll: OMG! OP! Nerf! Give us free perks and tactics because Killers steamrolling are OP! Punish camping! Punish slugging! Punish tunneling! Punish Killers winning!
Survivors Steamroll: Git gud, Killer! Just stop whining and learn to play! Clicks flashlight faster while t-bagging.
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The problem is not killers being "oppressive ", the problem is SBMM not working in a right way where you find teams of your equal elo, because the system makes an average between all elos so if you're strong you can find bot mates to counter balance.
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That sounds more like a nurse problem than anything else.
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That was only 1 example. It could have been even easier for a Blight with Tinkerer.
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Supposedly. IMO tinkerer is a fairly unhealthy perk.
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Yes, SWF that genrushes should have a form of penalty too. The Entity can cast a spell that hinders a SWF team that has an advantage. There is no "in-between" any more. SWF are way too overpowered, Solo and average teams are underpowered.
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As dumb and trolling as all of the OP's posts always are, having alternate ways to escape is, actually, a good concept for the game. Sitting on Gens or running from the killer are the only two game modes survivors currently have, and it gets real old, real fast. If survivors had alternate paths they could take, it would add variety to the types of gameplay you can engage in.
Maybe there's a special hatch that always spawns in the killer's shack and to open it, you need X special keys that can only be gained by going into specific lockers.
Maybe there's an invocation you can enact to create an escape rift, and that requires hunting down various glyphs across the map and taking progressively more penalties onto yourself to break the trial's bonds.
Maybe there's a sacrificial idol that you can find in the chests and while holding it, your aura is revealed to the killer. If you're able to keep channeling into it for long enough, however, you die but the gates automatically power on for the others.
Literally, anything else other than holding M1 and doing 2-4 childishly easy skill checks over 40-80 seconds.
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Lol, a pickaxe escape would actually be fun, once in a while :D
But jokes aside, balance is a finicky thing. OP clearly is lost at how to do well against the killers and is definitely not one of the more problematic gen rushing and killer abusing swf deathsquads, so lets see how we can help him.
Most likely OP should learn how to loop and watch a few videos on that matter. Looping is the no 1 skill that will help you escape the killers clutches and help the team by giving them the time to do gens.
Once I learned how to loop halfway okay-ish I broke out of the low survivor MMR, were every killer seems to camp and tunnel, and got some decent games out of it. But most low MMR killers are just as lost and overwhelmed and see tunneling and camping as the only way to get a foot on the ground.
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As much as I'd like alternate ways to escape the devs would end up attaching them to tome challenges that would require 4swf or throwing game in order to complete them.
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If only I could get free items in LoL when I'm getting stomped
DBD is the only game I've played that rewards losing with things like the hatch
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Considering how many 2nd chances you have with perks this isn't required maybe in your brain it does but, this isn't gonna happen.
Here's an idea for you Sluzzy and it's 2 words Play Killer. Oh wait that's right you never do cause you always think it's a problem for survivors when you have perks that can help you in these scenarios Unbreakable, BT, DS, Boons, Dead Hard, or you could maybe stay away from the hook until Starstruck has ran out and maybe not quit once you get caught first hook cause the only reason the killers get a 4k every game is you.
You mess your team over because you can't handle being caught really quickly and don't want to take the time and learn the loops and counters for every killer. Play the killers to you don't learn everything from Survivor your missing 50% of the rest of the game has to teach you.
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How is it unhealthy? It forces interaction between survivors and the killer. It gives the killer a better chance to defend the gens and buy more time. Sure, it may make the match a little more difficult for survivors, but the game isn't supposed to be easy for either side. Besides, all survivors have to do is make sure to do the center gens first and the killer wouldn't have enough time to patrol between all the gens when they're down to two.
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It's only annoying on movement killers like Blight
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Big news everyone. Sluzzy finally complained about a killer that actually needs a nerf!
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swf can just play roulette to get together in soloQ. regarding SBMM, smaller the pool of players can be involved
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Alternate Escape - Ritual: Appease the Entity
To pull this off, when the killer has a strong 3 Gen the survs can go to the basement and partake in a dark and forbidden ritual in order to appease the Entity. This will have them all working together on the basement hook, and when they finish the ritual one survivor gets randomly sacrificed, while all others escape.
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As a solo Survivor I accept that I have no business escaping if our team failed their only objective so I don't really care if I get hatch or not.
It's just funny that it even exists and people feel entitled to it.
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Honestly with that logic, you’re not wrong but I think it’s only fair to admit that killers have the same ######### mentality at times too. Just because a bunch of people exclusively play survivor has that mindset doesn’t mean that all survivors and only survivors should be generalized that way. Comments like yours are part of the reason the community is so divided.
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You're not wrong, but I see it more from Survivors.
If play a Killer and get steamrolled? Survivor bile. 'ggez' 'git gud' 'baby killer' etc.
I play Killer and barely win? Survivor bile. More 'ggez', 'baby killer' 'barely won' etc.
I play Killer and steamroll? Survivor bile. 'Filthy camper/tunneler/slugger', 'scrub killer' etc.
I player Survivor and we lose? Survivor bile at their teammates.
I play Survivor and we barely win? Survivor bile at the Killer.
Play Survivor and we steamroll? More Survivor bile at the Killer.
I hate to say it, but I rarely, rarely see a Killer attacking Survivors after a match. Usually they just bail to the next match.
More than half the time; It's Survivors cutting the Killer down for winning, or kicking him for losing, or blaming their teammates for losing. There's a reason 'The Survivor's Handbook For Killers' became a meme, and it's not because of Killers.
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Sadly this mirrors my own experience. While finishing all the different Adept Killer achievements I sometimes even apologized to the survivors for playing so balls to the walls and no quarter given. I can't remember a single time were survivors showed any sympathy to me when they steamrolled.
Some people solve this problem for themselves by saying "you are enemies on opposing camps. You don't suppose to like each other" and that might be true to a certain extent, but this is still a game and the opposition is still just another playwr trying to enjoy a flawed, but pretty cool, game, so why does it hurt so many people pride to show some respect and decency to the other side?
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I had a few games recently: I got a 4K as Wraith. After I killed the last Survivor; he FLAMED me in endgame chat with how 'real Killers give the hatch' and I was 'sweating for the 4K'. Because Killers are toxic tryhards if they don't give an escape, apparently.
So, played a few more matches, got into a 4K again; gave last Survivor the exit gate. 'Baby Killer! Could not get a 4K!' #########, I GAVE you the escape! Or did you think I forgot how to move while carrying you, and forgot how to attack while I followed you to the gate!?
Killers can. Not. Win.
We get a 4K? We are tryhard, sweaty, and 'should be happy with a 2K' because the all-powerful Survivors demand it so. They also demand they be one of 2 allowed to escape, and this goes for all Survivors, so Killers should get be happy with 0K due to Survivor Loophole Skills.
We let people go? We get insulted by idiots who can't comprehend they did not escape due to anything less than their l33t awesome 360 noscope sponsored by Doritos skill.
So I just play to win now, because Survivors have sucked literally every ounce of fun out trying to be nice or enjoying the game in a friendly manner. if I'm going to be verbally thrashed by salty, Mtn Dew-powered 13 year old edgelords either way; why should I do anything but play my absolute hardest to win?
It should be noted, in endgame chat: I always say 'gg', nothing, or if someone is trying really hard to insult me; 'rofl'.
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This toxic circle jerk.... we must brake out of it, end it somehow. Maybe we have to train an AI to award bonus blood points if you were nice yo your opponents in the after game chat :D
Besides that, your example shows that there will always be aweful people online who will find something to complain about you or someway to demean you as a person, but most peeps just are here for the game.
We really shouldn't strengthen the "us vs them" mentality any more then necessary.
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Yeah, the OP.
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I have to disagree here.
If a killer is way "above your league" they deserve to win. The issue there is that no one should be way above anyone's league, because SBMM is supposed to place with people of similar skill. Which it isn't because "winning" conditions to get higher MMR are just really flawed.