Killers need to be able to pick up survivors on the ground that are being healed.

Survivors abuse this mechanic by healing at exit gates when you down a survivor so killers can't pick them up and you have to attack the healthy survivors and then they escape. It has been in the game since release for some unknown reason and doesn't make sense why a survivor being healed can't be picked up.
You’ve earned my up vote. Heal tech is such a stupid mechanic imo.
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Agreed. The Killer is supposed to be a threat; Survivors being able to out-prioritize his actions is stupid and diminishes that threat.
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It would be a nice QoL update for Killers! :3
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To go a step further, why not allow the killer to grab the healer? They're in an action similar to gens as it is.
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that could be abused in a way by them tapping it and the grab gets denied making the survivor get hit and escaping
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Yes, and let Killer grab the one healing too.
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Why don't we have grab validation if survivors get pallet and DH validation? Seems only right
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Yeah makes totally no sense that another survivor can aid his teammate. Totally not possible at all. Sigh.
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But they aren't aiding his team mate are they tho? They are purposely abusing a mechanic that's been in the game forever
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This such a niche situation where this tech is useful that it's too see why it needs to be changed.
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Theyre saving their mate. Lets be honest: by logic it would be far more unreal to be not able to help in this situation at all.
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I'm pretty sure a supernatural killer could drag someone away while you patting them on the back. Plus, it prevents BS like downing someone at the exit gates, only for a Survivor to completely overrule a Killer's actions, thus denying them the kill.
In no way should a Survivor healing a Survivor trump a Killer picking a Survivor up. Ever.
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Agreed. Somebody should be able to picked up even if they're being healed.
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Definitely. I also think killers should have the authority to kick gens that survivors are working on, forcing them off.
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So you can help by body-blocking the killer. But somebody lying on the ground should not give the survivor healing them priority over a killer picking them up especially since unless you have specific perks you could have just started the healing process. You know what's unreal? A supernatural killer with it's strength increased by a supernatural near-god can't pick up a human that they dwarf in size, strength, and speed, off the ground when someone, who the killer also dwarfs in size, strength, and speed is rubbing their back. That's what's unreal.
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You need to position yourself in front of the downed survivor, or as much as possible to the front. Keep spamming your pick up key. If they stop healing, you'll grab the survivor. If they complete the heal, hit the survivor as you see the stand up animation. They will back flip farther back. Repeat as many times as necessary, or hit the healers if now the distance is sufficient to pick up after the hit cooldown animation.
For the rest, whether killer or survivor, whoever interacts first with an interactable will deny the other from being able to do so. The game is consistent in that mechanic.
The only exception I can think of is Any Means Necessary and that needed to be made to be changed on purpose because it was gamebreaking. The heal tech isn't.
The scenario in the op is only a fringe case. Nerfing that would mean nerfing heals also in situations outside of the exit gates that don't need nerfing. Just accept that the game doesn't have to cater to you having a guaranteed upper hand in all situations. The survivors can heal tech. You can counter as in the first paragraph. Sometimes you'll win and sometimes they'll do.
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I agree. The heal tech is such stupid mechanic that shouldn't even exist.
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Ok but then built in unbreakable for all survivors so killers can’t just slug and camp the slug.
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Rofl no. Not unless Killers get built in NoED.
Why in all the hells would Survivors get a built-in free get up just because they can't exploit healing overriding pickups anymore? Just because Survivors always need everything their way?
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So whats your point? In every case, logic-wise, the killer shoudlnt have priority on pickung up while a survivor could bodyblock.
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A killer pickung up should never be trumping another survivor whos able to bodyblock.
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yes they should. If you want to protect your teammate you body-block the killer from getting to the hook after they pick a survivor up. But a survivor on the ground should hot have healing as a priority over the killer picking them up. LOGICALLY it makes sense for the god-powered supernatural, undead, demons, ghosts, and killers to have priority over regular humans.
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Yes it should because the Killer is (supposedly) the power role.
Tell you what; get between a friend who is laying on the ground, and someone standing up. Now tell the person standing up to get around you to touch your friend on the ground.
$10 says they can literally slam you out of the way.
Now imagine a Killer that is usually 50% bigger and 100% heavier than the Survivors; if he wants to pick up your friend; he should be able too. Because he is the power role. And, as the power role, he should not have the WEAKER interaction priority.
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I don't really mind that heal tech exists but I wouldn't mind if it were changed.
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Heal tech at the exit gate is unfair and bs I'll admit that.
But no in general the killer shouldnt be able to pick up a survivor being healed, grabbing the healer I could understand more
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This is also how lag-switchers can basically hold the match hostage and make the killer move at carry speed for the rest of the game.
Upvoted. Astonished that this was never fixed.
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I've always seen heal tech as an over simplification for what could be better mechanics (i.e. guard/defend, or carry).
If we're going to get technical and make the claim that the killer is the "power role," then just make a case for them insta-downing or grabbing every survivor they see where they stand.
No reason I can't make the same argument that one survivor should be able pull another to safety, or carry them when they're on the ground.
At the end of the day, BHVR chose less contextual inputs to simplify the game and make it easier to pick up and play.
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When a killer does it, it's an exploit.
When survivors do it, it's a "tEcH."
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Cant do that. Would ruin survivors fun.
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This is so smart !
Never tought about it nice one !
They are indeed in an action ...
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I mean, yeah, seems obvious? You have two actions that can apply to a state. Just let them both start and whichever one finishes first wins.
There's no gameplay reason that "I started healing first" should mean "You can't pick up". It's just animation jank nobody cares about.