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Nurse, Hillbilly and Huntress

Member Posts: 90
edited June 2018 in General Discussions
We all know all other killers are underpowered. But for you, this 3 killers are balanced and fair or underpowered like the others ? 

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  • Member Posts: 8,243
    OxyReap said:
    We all know all other killers are underpowered. But for you, this 3 killers are balanced and fair or underpowered like the others ? 
    @OxyReap I don't understand what your trying to say. I'll just say this, Huntress, Billy, and especially Nurse are powerful should be what the developers look at when they want to make a strong killer.
  • Member Posts: 1,146

    I consider them to be balanced and fair even the nurse. They have amazing killing potential but also a higher skill cap then the rest of the killers. This means that taking the time to master one will pay dividends once you understand how to wield their power. The rest of the killers are mindless and two dimensional. Some do require knowledge on timing such as the doc but they are largely just M1 killers and playing them for just a few hours is enough to be proficient with there power.

  • Member Posts: 90
    @Nickenzie Not trying to say anything, just taking average players opinions. 
  • Member Posts: 90
    @SadonicShadow So for you all killers are balanced and no one is underpowered? I don't think you said that but your answer let me think it
  • Member Posts: 1,146

    @OxyReap said:
    @SadonicShadow So for you all killers are balanced and no one is underpowered? I don't think you said that but your answer let me think it

    No, no. That was not what i intended. I meant the top 3 killers are the only balanced ones. The rest of the killers are too weak either because there power is just not lethal enough or they get destroyed by pallet looping.

  • Member Posts: 90
    @SadonicShadow thank you for your answer. 
  • Member Posts: 405
    edited June 2018

    Huntress to me is overrated in every sense of the word. She can stop loops but that's it, any competent stealth will stomp all of her power not to mention the movement speed makes patrolling a chore. Nurse is fine, she changes the way the game is played and I like that even if it gives her a lot of power, gives the game variety. Billy in my opinion (unpopular one that that) is the best killer in the game and needs to be looked at if the game is ever balanced, currently he is fine considering the state that killers are in though.

    Edit: honestly Hag and maybe Doc are superior to huntress. (only maybe on doc because of my bias)

  • Member Posts: 90
    @Techn0 thank you for your feedback
  • Member Posts: 8,243
    OxyReap said:
    @Nickenzie Not trying to say anything, just taking average players opinions. 
    @OxyReap Okay, now I understand where your coming from :) Billy and Huntress are kinda okay to the average player, they can destroy survivors but overall they are okay to the AVERAGE player. Nurse, oh Nurse... She'll feel weak to the average player not because she's weak, it's because the average player won't usually have enough practice with her.

    I used to be great with Huntress but I quit playing her due to my FPS drop when I try to throw a hatchet. I'm starting to pick up Nurse but I still have long ways to go before I become a good Nurse, I mean long ways.
  • Member Posts: 90
    @Nickenzie thank you for your opinion buddy
  • Member Posts: 2,095

    Nurse is too strong, so are survivors.
    Billy is the most balanced killer in the game atm, even tho survivors are still too strong.
    Huntress is pretty good, far from OP tho.

  • Member Posts: 90
    @Runiveris Nurse as strong as survivors?
  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @OxyReap said:
    Nurse as strong as survivors?

    Yes, I consider nurse to be the survivor of killers.
    For one simple reasons :
    When you play most killers (except for Nurse), the outcome depends on the survivor's skill for the most part.
    When you play Nurse, the outcome heavily depends on the nurse's skill.

  • Member Posts: 90
    @Runiver thank you very much 
  • Member Posts: 1,442

    Nurse and billy are the top ones, i woudn't say the huntress is equal to them unless you have Iri heads addon, the huntress is slow and in maps like Treatment Theatre you are doomed if you play her.

    Nurse and billy are balanced and are a real challenge for the survivors. And yes.. i think we need more killers like this two, or changes to the low tier killers. Playing only the top ones was always boring.

  • Member Posts: 90
    @Irisora thank you. Personnaly, if pallet loop wasn't a thing, all other killers (but 1 or 2) could be strong as strong as them. 
  • Member Posts: 39

    To answer the OP's question I think that Hillbilly, Huntress, and Nurse are very strong to the average survivor. There are several factors to consider though when playing all of them you cannot simply say they are overpowered or under powered out of the gate. Coincidentally the three killers you are focusing on are also the killers with indisputably the highest skill cap with Nurse having the highest.

    With the three strongest killers their ability to play is largely determined by the person playing them. In my opinion someone who has mastered nurse (someone who has dumped literal dozens of hours perfecting her blink) will never lose regardless of composition or map. Out of the three mentioned I think she is the only one that could stand to be tweaked slightly. Hillbilly is arguably the third hardest killer to play, but the second best in eliminating survivors. While the Huntress I would argue is the second hardest to master, but does not have the same level elimination power as the prior two killers.

    While it is true that all three killers require a decent amount of time to master it should also be noted that these three also have the highest level of map control which is critical! Being able to remove or ignore pallets is crucial in playing a killer. The other aspect that is even more crucial is ability to down a survivor as quickly as possible then move onto the next target.

    The Nurse with enough practice can take down someone with minimal effort. Jukes, pallet looping, or decisive strikes are irrelevant or very minor inconveniences to the experienced Nurse. Hillbilly can easily track someone down and chainsaw them, timing is required in certain cases. However his ability to sprint from one end of the map to the other makes him top tier. Finally The Huntress is the one disputed the most that her hatchets can be easy to dodge or she is easy to avoid because of her enhanced terror radius. I would argue she is the weakest of the three because the hardest struggle for her is finding survivors, couple her with Whispers, BBQ and chili, or any other survivor locating perk she can be very strong. Once you have enough practice with her even the most experienced survivors will struggle or think they have enough time to vault somewhere only for a well placed hatched to be lodged in their back.

    In conclusion I truly think Huntress and Hillbilly are balanced. Nurse I think needs something to make her more balanced to play against. However she is a product of the games faults. Everything that gives a survivor a chance to survive or delay the killer she is a direct counter to.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    I was a Freddy main up until a few days ago. Started playing Huntress and OMG it is such a huge difference in your ability to outplay survivors.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Did this man just say, that leather face, and doctor, were.... under-powered...

  • Member Posts: 63

    @thesuicidefox said:
    I was a Freddy main up until a few days ago. Started playing Huntress and OMG it is such a huge difference in your ability to outplay survivors.

    Well Freddy is literally the lowest tier killer in the game right now...

  • Member Posts: 5

    I consider the Nurse over powered, but that's only due to how survivors rely heavily on pallets, and that's the one thing that the Nurse counters. She suffers heavily from stealth and losing line-of-sight though (especially in mid-chase), but even so, if the players is experienced enough then they will dominate as Nurse. There's also the fact that survivors don't adapt well against the Nurse; they're so used to pallet looping that most are not actually able to mind game the Nurse or be stealthy. As for Hillbilly and Huntress, they both are balanced in the game, with the rest of the killers being under powered. This is most likely due to how those three killers have the highest skill ceiling, thus the player is rewarded for learning them. I would also include Hag to be another high skill killer as well, but she suffers from pallet loops unless she has traps set up in advance.

  • Member Posts: 201
    edited June 2018
    Nurse is the only killer that's truly, truly viable. She's the only one who can win purely because of player skill and not just survivor mistakes. Billy and Huntress are both great but rely on survivor mistakes like the rest of the killers, they're just better at the chase. Nurse is who the devs should look at, for killer balance. 
  • Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    @Runiver said:

    When you play Nurse, the outcome heavily depends on the nurse's skill.

    Isn't that a good thing?

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Runiver said:

    When you play Nurse, the outcome heavily depends on the nurse's skill.

    Isn't that a good thing?

    I consider that it should be reliant on both side's skill. At the moment, most killers rely on survivor's mistakes nearly exclusively. And it's pretty much the same while playing Nurse : if the blinks right, there's pretty much nothing you can do about it but take the hit.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    @Runiver said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Runiver said:

    When you play Nurse, the outcome heavily depends on the nurse's skill.

    Isn't that a good thing?

    I consider that it should be reliant on both side's skill. At the moment, most killers rely on survivor's mistakes nearly exclusively. And it's pretty much the same while playing Nurse : if the blinks right, there's pretty much nothing you can do about it but take the hit.

    That is a fair point but i would argue that against a 2 blink nurse it is a skillful interaction between both the killer and survivor with each having the potential to mind game each other since the nurse has only one correction blink before she has to commit to a lunge or take the fatigue which if a survivor is good at making reads they can avoid getting hit. However if it is a 5 blink nurse that means 4 corrections before the nurse has to commit to a lunge and in that case i agree with what your saying. Not much a survivor can do in that case no matter the skill. The nurse will almost always come out on top unless they are horrifically bad at playing her.

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Runiver said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Runiver said:

    When you play Nurse, the outcome heavily depends on the nurse's skill.

    Isn't that a good thing?

    I consider that it should be reliant on both side's skill. At the moment, most killers rely on survivor's mistakes nearly exclusively. And it's pretty much the same while playing Nurse : if the blinks right, there's pretty much nothing you can do about it but take the hit.

    That is a fair point but i would argue that against a 2 blink nurse it is a skillful interaction between both the killer and survivor with each having the potential to mind game each other since the nurse has only one correction blink before she has to commit to a lunge or take the fatigue which if a survivor is good at making reads they can avoid getting hit. However if it is a 5 blink nurse that means 4 corrections before the nurse has to commit to a lunge and in that case i agree with what your saying. Not much a survivor can do in that case no matter the skill. The nurse will almost always come out on top unless they are horrifically bad at playing her.

    Playing against Nurse in most maps (which have very low options when it comes to directions you can take) is basically like playing Poker against someone with multiple hands, when it comes to mindgames. And the fact she can actually get 3 blinks + M&A + extra range add-ons to actually teleport next to you from anywhere without TR, is actually really strong. Not to mention she doesn't have to equip pallet perks, and such.

    Tho, as I said, she's as strong as survivors atm. As long as survivors are as much in control as they can be, she needs that kind of strength, especially since, as Marth experiment proved : you can pretty much power through most nurses by just focusing on repairs and not being overly altruistic.

  • Member Posts: 149

    I think the Nurse is the only actually balanced killer, but billy and huntress are pretty close.

  • Member Posts: 137

    All three are balanced IMO. In fact, they are how even other killers should be i.e. terrifying. However I do think 3, 4 blink nurse is not balanced and extremely OP. Anything beyond the 2 blinks shouldn't be possible or at least have severe side effects to compensate that. Problem is you can't juke a 3, 4 blink nurse and even new nurses can play well with 2+ blinks since you have 2 blinks for correction. This is coming from a nurse main btw. The other nurse add-ons are fine but the 2+ blinks just need to go.

  • Member Posts: 90
    Thank you for all your very good answers and I agree with most of you.

    We just have to pray to have a heavy pallet change. 

    I posted something in balance feedback for nerf indirectly pallet looping, let me know what you think.
  • Member Posts: 1,273
    kimukipi said:

    All three are balanced IMO. In fact, they are how even other killers should be i.e. terrifying. However I do think 3, 4 blink nurse is not balanced and extremely OP. Anything beyond the 2 blinks shouldn't be possible or at least have severe side effects to compensate that. Problem is you can't juke a 3, 4 blink nurse and even new nurses can play well with 2+ blinks since you have 2 blinks for correction. This is coming from a nurse main btw. The other nurse add-ons are fine but the 2+ blinks just need to go.

    From one Nurse Main to another, well said.

    Only one point I’d argue is 3 Blinks *might* be alright since the introduction of Dead Hard. Dead Hard counters 2 Blink Nurse to the Extreme. You can’t really bait Dead Hard as a 2 Blink Nurse. 
  • Member Posts: 2,230
    edited June 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    kimukipi said:

    All three are balanced IMO. In fact, they are how even other killers should be i.e. terrifying. However I do think 3, 4 blink nurse is not balanced and extremely OP. Anything beyond the 2 blinks shouldn't be possible or at least have severe side effects to compensate that. Problem is you can't juke a 3, 4 blink nurse and even new nurses can play well with 2+ blinks since you have 2 blinks for correction. This is coming from a nurse main btw. The other nurse add-ons are fine but the 2+ blinks just need to go.

    From one Nurse Main to another, well said.

    Only one point I’d argue is 3 Blinks might be alright since the introduction of Dead Hard. Dead Hard counters 2 Blink Nurse to the Extreme. You can’t really bait Dead Hard as a 2 Blink Nurse. 

    The maximum amount of Blinks that should be allowed is 3, anything above gives bad Nurses too many second chances to correct her crappy initial blinks and makes it nigh impossible to counter good Nurses using them.

    All Add-ons that give additional blinks should not be stackable and be upped one Rarity class. In exchange, they could remove the penalty from the then Ultra Rare Campbell's Last Breath.

    Post edited by DocOctober on
  • Member Posts: 137

    @SovererignKing Yup, Dead Hard is brutal against 2 blink nurse but you can still bait to a good extent, atleast against non rank 1 survivors. Also, a mix of shadowborn and blink movement speed add-ons really helps to tackle that, at least for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    @Runiver said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Runiver said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Runiver said:

    When you play Nurse, the outcome heavily depends on the nurse's skill.

    Isn't that a good thing?

    I consider that it should be reliant on both side's skill. At the moment, most killers rely on survivor's mistakes nearly exclusively. And it's pretty much the same while playing Nurse : if the blinks right, there's pretty much nothing you can do about it but take the hit.

    That is a fair point but i would argue that against a 2 blink nurse it is a skillful interaction between both the killer and survivor with each having the potential to mind game each other since the nurse has only one correction blink before she has to commit to a lunge or take the fatigue which if a survivor is good at making reads they can avoid getting hit. However if it is a 5 blink nurse that means 4 corrections before the nurse has to commit to a lunge and in that case i agree with what your saying. Not much a survivor can do in that case no matter the skill. The nurse will almost always come out on top unless they are horrifically bad at playing her.

    Playing against Nurse in most maps (which have very low options when it comes to directions you can take) is basically like playing Poker against someone with multiple hands, when it comes to mindgames. And the fact she can actually get 3 blinks + M&A + extra range add-ons to actually teleport next to you from anywhere without TR, is actually really strong. Not to mention she doesn't have to equip pallet perks, and such.

    Tho, as I said, she's as strong as survivors atm. As long as survivors are as much in control as they can be, she needs that kind of strength, especially since, as Marth experiment proved : you can pretty much power through most nurses by just focusing on repairs and not being overly altruistic.

    If we get some heavy balance changes in favor of the killer then i can see the nurse needing some adjustments when it comes to her addons. I personally think the nurse should be locked to 2 blink and that is it. Remove her multiblink addons and change what they do. For the range extenders it could up her terror radius and the old multiblink addons could be readjusted to optimize her 2 blinks such as lower fatigue time, longer lunge range, etc.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    I think nurse needs a tiny nerf, and billy a slightly bigger nerf (he’s a tiny bit weaker than nurse, but with little skill investment, I learned him in 5 games). I believe all killers should be huntress tier.

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