Please just nerf Dead Hard, this perk is ridiculously powerful at no cost. It makes the game not fun

I have no idea why you would ever run Overcome when Dead Hard is just better in every way.
It's on demand, provides invincibility, and has the exact same requirements as Overcome to activate.
I genuinely want to see how drastically the game would change for Killer if this perk simply didn't even exist, just for 1 week.
No, Survivors need that perfectly fine Perk, Killer is already too powerful
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Even the devs did an exclusive validation for this perk.
Now seriously, Dead hard should only be limited to dodging an attack and not giving extra distance during the chase.
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At least fix the rollback, my friend was laughing her ass off at how "scuffed and badly coded this game looks" when she saw the DH rollbacks.
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That's not the issue nor what makes Dead Hard meta, Dead Hard is meta because it is free on demand distance that can extend chases 30+ seconds by simply Dead Harding to the nearest pallet/window.
It is the most used Survivor perk for a reason.
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DH is annoying as killer. I agree there should be a cost to basically gaining an extra life during chase.
suggestion: after being hit using DH, deep wound is applied. (Very small fix but the longer deep wound is on during chase the harder it is for the survivor to see so that’s a plus. Also it’ll slow them down in terms of having to mend before healing)
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Where is your proof that Dead Hard is outperforming other exhaustion perks. Do you have data showing that Dead Hard gives you more distance and time in a chase than perks like Sprint Burst, Overcome, Lithe or Balanced Landing?
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Ohhh sure mind games like when I win the mind game in a loop and the survivor simply press e and gets away tell me one perk killers have that is like that a perk where you the survivor did everything right won a mind game and the killer just presses one button and boom you get down no matter what
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So from what you are saying, you have absolutely no evidence that Dead Hard is outperforming other perks and you are just butt-hurt that someone outplayed you with Dead-Hard.
If you are going to complain about a perk, then show me some data proving your point. Otherwise you are shouting at the sky.
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No what im saying is that DH is a get out of jail free card and my comment was a reaction to you saying being killer is more about mind games the power but DH counters even that. I agree with you that in a chase you can just get near the surv and bait out the DH but I think my example is valid to
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I understand you are saying Dead Hard is a get out of jail free card and I am more than willing to listen. In fact there's a lot of people saying this but I really need some data showing that it is outperforming other exhaustion perks. If someone would take out a spreadsheet and record about 40 or so in-game examples of where Dead Hard is extending chases way beyond what other exhaustion perks are doing.
Maybe have 40 different random courses on random maps, that include a pallet, a window and maybe a drop (for balanced landing). Run the exact course, adjusted slightly to benefit each perk (Don't use the drop if you don't have balanced landing and don't use the window if you don't have lithe). Use Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Lithe, Balanced Landing and Overcome. (Ignore Smash Hit and Head-on since they're so niche).
See which one is extending the chases the most. Since wasting Killer's time is the purpose of exhaustion perks, lets see which one does it best. If Dead Hard is such a massive problem, it should immediately be extending chases way beyond any other exhaustion perks, in a very obvious fashion.
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But isn't the fact that you have both the chase extended with the dash and the invincibility a sign that it's outperforming the others it's a two for one deal
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I don't see how it could since both happen at the same time. I honestly think Dead Hard would underperform some exhaustion perks, just because the dash is so short (1 second compared to 3 seconds) and you have no left-right movement control over the dash which leads to mistakes. I also think the only way to get Dead Hard to compete with the other exhaustion perks is to use the Dead Hard so that it causes the Killer to miss, which is harder to do than just take a hit (Overcome) or hold shift-w (Sprint Burst). Plus you have 1-hit downs that only Sprint Burst and a well positioned Lithe can dodge.
I honestly bet Sprint Burst would end up being the best exhaustion perk. (Especially since it also can fill in as an anti-tunneling perk)