Why MMR might've been the best addition to DBD.

...at least in my opinion.

At the end of the day DBD is a casual game and MMR rewards casual players by giving them arguably balanced matches.

While competitive players who try to get as many kills/escapes as possible get screwed over by the MMR.

I'm nor saying there's anything wrong with playing DBD in a competitive way, because I myself like to play this way on my piggy and sometimes on legion.

What I AM saying is that we need a separate game mode for this. With fixed map layouts and other features to make it more balanced.

Also an argument of "queue times would be too long" is not really a good excuse, because competitive are mass leaving the game making survivor queues very long as is.

Competitive mode would actually be extremely good for game health in the long run.

... But what do i know, right?
