Why MMR might've been the best addition to DBD.

...at least in my opinion.
At the end of the day DBD is a casual game and MMR rewards casual players by giving them arguably balanced matches.
While competitive players who try to get as many kills/escapes as possible get screwed over by the MMR.
I'm nor saying there's anything wrong with playing DBD in a competitive way, because I myself like to play this way on my piggy and sometimes on legion.
What I AM saying is that we need a separate game mode for this. With fixed map layouts and other features to make it more balanced.
Also an argument of "queue times would be too long" is not really a good excuse, because competitive are mass leaving the game making survivor queues very long as is.
Competitive mode would actually be extremely good for game health in the long run.
... But what do i know, right?
Got your point but two gamemodes will take time or maybe never be coming.
But this "rewards casual players" is nice in theory but look at the threads where a brand new account gets veteran survivors in the third game.
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Harddddd disagree.
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Nice point.
Don't specify to what specifically you're disagree with. Just type hard disagree and everyone should understand my point.
That's why I hate these forums, barely any constructive criticism.
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This is the problem as to why it's not the best addition, nor even a good one. It only benefits a small percentage of the playerbase, which even they get screwed over because if they do a bit too well, they get into higher MMR brackets
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Hah..believing in casual matches in DBD almost in 2022...
For real though... I think the "casual" part you're talking about is me and 3 uncoordinated randoms against a decent killer in an infinite loop in low mmr elo hell right...
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Never said anything about how it was implemented.
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Or a quiet minority/majority of players who are being overshadowed by competitive players. We may never know.
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My 2 replies didn't come through for some reason so I'll try to rephrase them.
Or maybe they're just a quiet small/big part of this community that just plays in their own pleasure without the need to 'win'.
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3 of my replies didn't come through... Fourth try at rephrasing.
Or maybe they're just a quiet small/big part of the community that plays in their own pleasure and comfort.
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Why should the less casual part of the community be punished so the small, casual part can be entertained
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Why would people get punished by MMR just because they are trying to win?
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That's why I said that there should be a competitive mode added?
Did you read my post fully or did you stop at one point because you think I'm dumb cuz I have a different to yours opinion?
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Are they punished iff they're playing with people like them who want to win using any means necessary?
They're punished by a game design that is was created with a casual game in mind. So obviously it would have balance issues on the competitive front.
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It's the same thing, mate.
They promised and delivered but ######### up in realization.
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Competitive mode won't work in a game like DbD, because it's boring. You'll only see tunnels, camps, Nurses and gens getting repaired in 5 minutes. If you add any precautions that will assure that none of these can happen, you just get a boring game of running around a Pallet, drop, hit and repeat twice per Survivor
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But this happens now. Devs won't do anything about that because game is supposed to be casual.
If competitive mode to be added they would have to put more work into balancing and precautions against all that you've mentioned.
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The devs don't like putting too much work into the game, it's why DbD is so unbalanced. If they just listened to the community and implemented the most needed changes, DbD would be way more balanced and fun
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Funny is that everyone saying there needs to be "ranked" mode, actually doesn't want to play it, just wants sweaty players to go there.
For this to work, you would need some massive rewards for rank and mainly: show your rank.
Otherwise, why would you do it? Everyone would keep playing normal with sweaty builds.
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The issue is that I dont think MMR is even working. I keep getting really random survivors both as killer and survivor.
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Its gatekeeping the new player experience just long enough to attract player investment.
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While listening to the community is a community is a good thing, devs shouldn't become their Puppet.
Also fun is subjective stop weaponizing this term to make your argument more compelling.
Fun and good game design is not the same.
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Huh... Forgot to add that ranked MMR would be shown to you.
Strange I forgot to mention something so important, thanks for reminding me!
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Can't argue with either of you.
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Never said that realization of MMR was good FYI.
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Or a quiet minority/majority of people who play in their own pleasure. We may never know.
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There was a question in a survey if you would wait longer for ranked and/or unranked matches.
Maybe they are thinking of some kind of split.
The problem is, i don´t think they want to split the playerbase.
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I think they should do it. MMR in its current state is almost perfect for casual matches, but extremely awful for competitive players.
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I never weaponized fun, I just stated that balanced usually means more fun. Fun =/= balanced, which I agree with. Look at NOED for example, it's not fun, but it's balanced. Dead Hard is the polar opposite, it's fun to use, but it's far from being called balanced
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That's actually examples of fun from survivor POV. From killer it's the opposite.
I use noed only on Twins as part of the endgame build, because I don't care about improving as them, so I get max of 6 hooks (if I get really lucky) and if survivors didn't do the bones it's not really my problem right?
And DH is really stupid and unfun as killer especially since validation was added.
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I don't know. We could have a kind of event each month, as a separate mode. But it won't be a ranked mode. More or less a mode with restriction, like: you can only use the perks on the list for this mode. Nintendo does it with Pokémon. (I'm speaking about online battles, of course.) We had events which were a lot of fun with restriction, like: you can only use baby Pokémon. It's refreshing as you usually don't play these Pokémon online as you'll get destroyed most of the time. It lasts only a week-end usually, and you get a reward for participating (and I believe a reward if you reached a good place).
I don't think a ranked mode would work. "Sweaty" players won't go for it if they prefer the "casual" mode. I mean... The players you consider sweaty won't magically disappear from your lobbies if you choose the casual mode. Some of them won't be interested into a ranked mode, others won't consider themselves "sweaty" for trying to win with meta perks...
The idea is nice, but I don't see the theory being as cool as we think it should be.
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There's no Killer Perk that is on the level of Dead Hard in both strength nor fun so there can't really be a comparison. An annoying Survivor Perk that is balanced would probably be something like Decisive Strike. It's not fun to be hit by DS, but it's balanced
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I don’t know if competitive mode is a good idea or not, I’m pretty sure it’s never going to be a thing either way though. 🤷♂️ I guarantee the devs already looked into it and decided against it.
As far as who gets the best matches under MMR, my guess is it’s everybody in the median range of ratings since they have the largest potential pool of close matches to draw on. Player with very high and very low outlier ratings are the ones that will most often get shunted into a “first available” match, which ironically means the most prolific players and streamers with the highest ratings are probably the ones who see the most mismatches. (Personally I get pretty reasonable matches since I’m assuming I’m pretty average or above average in the ratings.)
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I very strongly disagree with the title as in my opinion MMR is not good for this game in the slightest in it's current implementation. I gave my opinion you gave yours.
Though I'm all for a separate ranked mode as you suggested. It's one of the many reasons I hate MMR/SBMM in many games that I partake in. Because you almost never have the option for a unranked mode. Maybe give it some incentives to be a high rank or up there in the leaderboards and a ranked mode with MMR could be very sweet.
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Sweaty players would be at the top of the MMR rating as long as you're actually playing i. e. not chasing for kills or escapes but time well spent, sweaty players shouldn't be an issue.
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That's what I've actually been asking of you, a great counter argument.
And I honestly agree with the points you're making.
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I'm conflicted about having two game modes. On the one hand, IF -and only if- it worked as intended, it'd be great to help with the usual burnout. Feel like playing sweaty? Go to competitive mode. Want to chill for some games or try new builds? Go casual. In theory, it'd be great.
BUT knowing how things are, many competitive players that get frustrated when things don't go their way will end up joining the casual pool to ruin other people's fun.
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That's where MMR comes into play. If they want to play sweaty in a casual mode they will be playing with people like them.